The Patriot Post® · You Call That a Concession?
Donald Trump gave his victory speech1 around 2:30 Wednesday morning, less than an hour after Fox News had called the election for him. The Leftmedia didn’t declare him the winner until about 5:30 a.m., but Kamala Harris didn’t call Trump until Wednesday afternoon. Her supporters waited around until 1:30 a.m. for her to speak before being dismissed to bed without her making so much as an appearance2. Instead, she waited for 4:00 p.m. Wednesday — 14 hours after losing — to address her weeping supporters at her alma mater, Howard University. And then she was 25 minutes late. What a swell “thank you” that was.
She gave what, on the surface, sounded like a magnanimous concession speech3.
It wasn’t.
Harris’s phony smiles, forced laughter, and exuberant hand gestures notwithstanding, she was clearly shellshocked and bitter as she delivered remarks after getting absolutely clobbered in Tuesday’s election. She is human, after all, and perhaps few among us would handle such defeat with exceeding grace.
Notably, Joe Biden didn’t show up at any election night events, and he wasn’t there for Harris’s speech. You can feel the love.
After watching the speech yesterday afternoon, I’ll make three connected observations: Harris and the Democrats are anything but unifying, they undermine truth with deceptive euphemisms, and they treat the Constitution with contempt.
The unity thing is easy. She peppered her conciliatory “unity” speech with the word “fight” an astounding 18 times4, as well as one instance of “fought.” This is standard political rhetoric, but this is the same woman who contributed to the “bloodbath” lie5 about Trump’s comments. Democrats and their Leftmedia allies stripped his remark of its context within a discussion about economics and acted as if he was promising political violence and bloodshed. It was an unhinged lie.
Since 2016, and especially since January 6, 2021, Democrats have pretended that Trump poses the “greatest threat to democracy since the Civil War,” or variations on that formulation. Joe Biden smeared his MAGA opponents as fascists in that infamous 2022 speech6 before the Nazi-esque backdrop. Harris’s election Hail Mary was colluding with the media7 to smear Trump as a Hitler-adoring fascist and Nazi.
Not a great look for two people who posed as unifiers8 on January 20, 2021.
A concession speech doesn’t change that because Harris had no choice but to concede, though what kind of person concedes to Hitler?
“We must accept the results of this election,” Harris told her supporters. “We will engage in a peaceful transfer of power. A fundamental principle of American democracy is that when we lose an election, we accept the results. That principle, as much as any other, distinguishes democracy from monarchy or tyranny, and anyone who seeks the public trust must honor it.”
Those are fine words when you read them, but Harris’s tone made crystal clear that it was a shot at Trump and Republicans who dared question the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Never mind that the same Democrats who rejected election results in 2000, 2004, and 2016 suddenly declared 2020 to be The Most Secure in American History™, smearing, censoring, arresting, and impeaching anyone who disagreed.
That brings me to the “truth” aspect of Harris’s speech. She concluded her remarks with a nod to Howard University’s motto, “truth and service.” Yet Harris and her party are rarely interested in truth. In fact, telling the truth will get you censored.
There are two genders. Men cannot become women and should not play women’s sports. Gender mutilation of minors is child abuse. Life begins at conception. Masks don’t work all that well. COVID vaccines weren’t bulletproof. Climate change doesn’t require massive taxes and regulation. Mail-in voting is inherently insecure, and voter fraud does happen.
Speak these or many other truths in the public square, and you’ll be shouted down or silenced by the party Harris says is just interested in “truth.” Say “Jesus is Lord,” and Harris will tell you you’re “at the wrong rally9.”
In fact, Democrats’ aversion to the truth is why they speak in deceptive euphemisms, which were prevalent in Harris’s speech. When they speak of “reproductive healthcare,” they mean not reproducing by way of killing a human baby. Harris talked about abortion yesterday with another euphemism: “The women of America [should] have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies and not have their government telling them what to do.” A human baby growing in the womb is another person’s body, often a future woman. Democrats don’t even know what a woman is. Outside of cases of rape, women have the choice to have intercourse or take other measures before conceiving a child. Choice doesn’t begin after the fact.
Left-wingers talk of “gun violence,” as Harris did Wednesday, but that is a meaningless phrase. Guns don’t commit violence; people do — usually Democrat people in Democrat-run cities. They lump in suicide to the death toll “caused by guns,” though it is a totally separate problem. And the only “solution” they ever seem to offer to “gun violence” is to take away guns from law-abiding citizens.
Have they ever considered making it a crime to murder someone? Oh, wait…
Finally, it’s a terrible joke whenever Democrats say what Harris said: “In our nation, we owe loyalty not to a president or a party but to the Constitution of the United States.” They subvert the Constitution and the Rule of Law it enshrines at every opportunity.
I’ve already alluded to two ways — speech suppression and infringement of gun rights. But there are plenty more, such as punitive taxation, the open border, “forgiving” student loans, prosecuting political opponents, undermining election integrity, subverting U.S. sovereignty abroad, and concocting an endless train of mandates involving all manner of life choices.
So, yeah, Harris delivered a fine speech yesterday. Most of the words themselves are even things a Republican could say in the same situation.
The problem is that Democrats like Kamala Harris mean only to divide and deceive people as a means of acquiring and wielding power. That isn’t unifying, and it isn’t constitutional, but it is the unvarnished truth.