The Patriot Post® · Where Is My Patriot Digest?

By Mark Alexander ·

Given that your Patriot team works tirelessly in defense of Liberty, I insist they take a week off in August for time with their families.

Because we operate on a very tight budget, both in terms of manpower and financial resources, our content and quality would suffer if we were a man-down for many weeks throughout the year in order to provide individual staff leave time. Thus, as they need a break from the rigors of relentless publishing deadlines, we pause our operations this week so everyone can recharge.

Fortunately, Congress has also departed the nation’s capital for their August recess, though the din of Beltway Demo/Leftmedia rancor will take no holiday.

A few of us will remain on watch during the break, and our Top Headlines and Right Opinion sections will be updated on our website throughout the week.

Our Patriot Humor edition will be delivered on schedule Monday, and you’ll hear from me again on Wednesday. (If you’re not subscribed to Patriot Humor or Alexander’s Column, log in to your account and select those options.)

Additionally, there have been many improvements in recent weeks to our website and email formats, and those will be rolled out in full next week.

While we are out, I want to thank you for your steadfast support. You are the best promoter of our advocacy for Liberty. There are some simple ways you can partner with us and help spread the Flame of Liberty. To find out more, please click here.

We’ll be back on the regular publication schedule on Monday, August 28.

On behalf of your Patriot Post team and National Advisory Committee, thank you for standing on so many fronts in defense of Liberty!

Mark Alexander, Publisher of The Patriot Post
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776