The Patriot Post® · Wasserman Schultz Calls Five Million Americans 'Terrorists'

By Nate Jackson ·

“The NRA is kind of just shy of a terrorist organization,” declared Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “They have done everything they can to perpetuate the culture of violence that we have in our country with the spread of assault weapons across the nation.” She was responding to Oliver North, the NRA’s new president, who said recently of gun-controllers, “They call them activists. That’s what they’re calling themselves. They’re not activists — this is civil terrorism.” He accused them of “intimidation and harassment and lawbreaking.”

North has a point, especially in light of the recent hate-filled boycott campaign1 against the NRA and the ignorant political pawns2 marching against our constitutional rights.

But we want to rebut Wasserman Schultz’s gross slander more specifically. The nearly 150-year-old NRA is made up of roughly five million Americans who love our Constitution and stand in particular for the Second Amendment — the right that secures all the others3. Those Americans commit crimes at a far lower rate than the general population. In fact, as a subset, concealed-carry permit holders are more law-abiding than the police4. No NRA member has ever perpetrated5 a mass murder, though an NRA instructor did stop the one in Texas6 last year. When the annual NRA convention comes to any city, that city’s crime rate drops7. The NRA spends millions instructing Americans of all ages how to responsibly handle firearms, both for recreational purpose and self-defense. That reduces crime.

By contrast, most crime in America — and particularly gun crime — is committed on urban poverty plantations8 that Democrats have run for decades. That crime is not committed with what Democrats have misnamed “assault weapons9,” either, but by illegally owned handguns often wielded by drug dealers and gangs. Democrats perpetuate the culture of death through their rabid support of abortion. When political violence is committed, it’s usually against Republicans10. And as for actual terrorists, well, Democrat Barack Obama funded it11 with billions of dollars.

“It’s kind of like a spoiled child stamping their feet on the ground, insisting that something right in front of their face isn’t true,” Wasserman Schultz said. Yes. Yes it is. But it’s worse than that. Her hateful slander of law-abiding Americans is utterly contemptible.
