The Patriot Post® · Kimmel and the Left Reap an Ugly Whirlwind

By Harold Hutchison ·

If you believe what you read on the TV listings, Jimmy Kimmel is a comedic talent who hosts a late-night comedy show. Based on recent years, though, he seems to be more interested in spewing left-wing polemics than in actually entertaining people.

Recently, there was his hit against Mike Pence. It wasn’t very funny, except for the irony of Twitter justifiably slapping him with a manipulated media warning. Kimmel then tried again Monday night, rehashing the usual left-wing lies. True, Kimmel rightly complained about wishes that he and his family die — that sort of thing is not acceptable. But given what Kimmel himself has dished out, he really shouldn’t be surprised.

The pattern of left-wing hate we have seen was, sooner or later, going to evoke a backlash. The fact is, when people are routinely slimed as racists for opposing Barack Obama, slandered as murderers for wanting to repeal ObamaCare, declared child-killing domestic terrorists for objecting to infringements on Second Amendment rights for crimes and acts of madness they didn’t commit, and even accused of wanting kids to eat crap over efforts to fix a busted school-lunch program, they eventually lose patience with those who spread such lies. And there’s a lengthy history of those lies, which have even targeted moderates like John McCain.

The fact is, to accept the advice of some establishment types to continue with what amounts to unilateral political disarmament requires that people ignore what our eyes see and our ears hear. Going back to the IRS scandal (at the very least), Democrats have been telling us who they are and what they intend to do to us. Such police-state tactics continue, and things are getting very touchy as many Americans grow restless over the lockdown.

It doesn’t help when the Left shows contempt for the very legitimate concerns many Americans have about being able to feed their families and keep roofs over their heads. The thing is, the many small businesses that have taken this shutdown on the chin — what is arguably the most sweeping regulatory taking in American history — represent more than that. In many cases, they are someone’s dream, a lifetime of sweat, tears, and, in some cases, blood.

Unlike these local entrepreneurs, Jimmy Kimmel isn’t worried about whether he’ll still have his multimillion-dollar gig next week. He’s not worrying about coming up with the money for groceries. He doesn’t have to hope his landlord will waive rent. But his dismissal of the concerns of his fellow Americans, as well as his past cheap shots on healthcare and gun control, became a classic case of “sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.”