The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we received hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few though-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Trump Acquitted a Second Time in Dems’ Sham Impeachment

“It’s disgusting and disappointing that so many senators bought into Nancy Pelosi’s paranoid conspiracy theory, totally lacking in evidence, that President Trump was trying to overthrow the government of the United States. If anybody was attempting to overthrow the constitutional order, it was Nancy Pelosi, who attempted to suborn mutiny against the commander-in-chief by demanding that the Pentagon promise to reject any orders by President Trump to use nuclear weapons (another manifestation of her paranoia), then unconstitutionally trying to force him out of office before his term expired with an obvious abuse of the 25th Amendment, and then of course impeaching him a second time on false charges. Nancy Pelosi deserves removal from office. —Paul (Minnesota)

Re: ”Government/Corporate Tyranny

"I have noticed for a while that our fears of communism, though valid, may be currently misplaced. The marriage of corporate and government interests into a tyranny is the very definition of fascism. It’s a distinction without a difference, as both are far-left ideologies, but it is important to know what we’re up against.” —Chris (California)

Re: “Biden and Harris Call for ‘Battle’

“Mark Alexander says, ‘However, there was little condemnation from Demos, while in many cases there was support for the violence.’ Little condemnation? There was NO condemnation. The Dems enabled, encouraged, and celebrated the violence all year until it started to show up in the polls. So tell me again how 80 million people voted for Biden?” —Pepper (Utah)

Re: “Second Amendment in the Crosshairs

“For anyone reading this, I have a challenge. Please define for me in a cogent and specific way the definition of the two words ‘assault’ and ‘weapon’ when used together and in that order. For whatever definition you arrive at, see if it doesn’t rely on the intended meaning of the speaker. I’ll bet it does because ‘assault weapon’ doesn’t define anything specifically at all. The Left wants the ability to make it whatever it wants. If I define it as a weapon with which one may commit assault, that includes baseball bats, knives, sharp wooden sticks, ball-point pens, coat hangers, belts, chains, rope, and on and on and on. We must rid the world of everything because these items assume human traits and commit assault. ‘Spoons made me fat!’” —Wirg (Tennessee)

Re: “Dolly Parton Triggers the Woke Crowd

“I grew up within 50 miles of Parton and I am familiar through observation of the plight of some of the people. What the ‘woke’ crowd has no understanding of is how a father and mother could work three jobs each just to provide the lessons for their children that hard work brings. They live and work to provide education and opportunity to their children, where there was none in their own lives. This requires such things as commitment, determination, pure hard work, love, and purpose, all traits that the ‘woke’ crowd either don’t know of or that they disdain. All of this way of thinking was instilled in them by the government socialist schools. They feel entitled and have never been told that the world owes them nothing. Sad, sad, sad.” —Wirg (Tennessee)

Re: “Et Tu, Ravi?

“I am truly grieved over these revelations. This is, I think, the greatest scandal to hit the evangelical world since the televangelist scandals of the 1980s and ‘90s. But whereas those men had an opportunity to show public contrition and repentance after being exposed, Ravi’s tragic legacy will be of one who hid his scandals all the way to the grave and never repented of them in this life. I truly fear that the 'gold, silver, and precious stones’ that he seemed to have built on the foundation of Christ will turn out to be ‘wood, hay, and straw’ that will be burned up (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Utterly tragic on all levels.” —Philip (California)

Re: “The Renewable Energy Pipe Dream

“The oil will now be sold to the Chinese, who are dependent on importing 90% of all their fossil fuel requirements. The real problem American ecologists face is they portray the USA as the primary cause of pollution, and it is just not true. And for the real
 polluters, they invent social justice rationalizations.” —Frank (Kansas)