The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “On Military Dereliction: A Marine Officer Steps Up and Steps Out

“Heroism is not always the performance of physical acts of courage at the risk of bodily harm. Sometimes it is acceptance of personal loss in order to speak truth to power. I hope some state governor is smart enough to recognize the character of Lt. Col. Scheller and extend to him an appointment as an officer in the state’s National Guard.” —Minnesota

Re: “Memo to Joe: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

“I served multiple tours of duty in RVN. In 1975, back at Ft. Bragg, I watched with abject anger as the ARVN was overrun by the NVA. The Democrats refused to authorize funding to the RVN, thus allowing the communists from the North to again invade the South with armor and infantry. Those of us who served in RVN understand the feelings of Afghan veterans. The visceral anger directed at the Democrats now must be at least the same as it was in 1975. History has, indeed, repeated.” —Texas

“Instead of talking about how the United States is going to hunt the perpetrators down, a real leader would go after them without making an announcement to give them a warning. That’s what Donald Trump would have done. That’s exactly what we did when we took out Qasem Soleimani.” —California

Re: “A Massacre We Saw Coming

“The bloodshed of the bungled American withdrawal from Afghanistan does not rest solely on Joe Biden. Democrat conspirators responsible for the Biden-Harris administration, knowing that neither was capable of effectively performing the executive functions of our government, must share in the blame for the bloodshed. The highest levels of the State and Defense Departments also contributed to the tragedy in Afghanistan. The mainstream media, which ignored the obvious limitations of the Biden-Harris administration, is also complicit in the bloodshed, as is the president’s wife, Jill, who had to be aware of his limitations. Finally, all who voted for Biden must be considered culpable in the suffering and bloodshed.” —Florida

Re: “Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter ‘Defends’ Himself

“A proper resolution of this case would be charges for murder in the second degree. There are established criteria for the use of deadly force, and none of those were present when Ms. Babbitt was killed. 

Indeed, firing into a crowd that contained several other Capitol Hill cops standing next to Ashli is a specific criteria for NOT using a firearm.” —Illinois

Re: “SCOTUS Rebukes Biden for Eviction Ban

“Have any landlords who have suffered the loss of rental income due to this ‘eviction moratorium’ sued the CDC under the Fifth Amendment? By prohibiting evictions, the government has effectively taken private property without compensating the owners. Even with the moratorium ended, those who have lost income from it still have standing to sue on these grounds.” —Arizona

Re: “Inflation Has Taken Hold

“Like Marxists throughout history, today’s neo-Marxists have little or no understanding of economics. Vladimir Lenin thought that inflating the money supply was a good way to stick it to the ‘bourgeoisie,’ not realizing that the bourgeoisie were the only ones with the ability to invest in hedges against inflation, while the working poor, i.e., the proletariat on whose behalf Lenin and other communists claimed to act, were the ones most hurt by inflation. No wonder most support for Marxism today comes from wealthy corporate types!” —Arizona

Re: “Hospital Capacity Crisis Isn’t Just COVID

“Fifteen years ago, I was a PI on a contract to develop surge capacity guidance for respiratory epidemics for Indiana. We warned that the healthcare workforce was a bottleneck to expanding capacity not only because unwillingness to pay enough to attract nurses meant problems without an epidemic but because healthcare workers are infected with such diseases at a higher rate than the population. The commissioner (now head of the CDC Foundation) was unhappy, as she was a firm advocate for planning to build temporary ‘hospitals’ in school gyms, etc. Our suggestion was triage and proper public messaging (as most patients don’t need hospitals, etc.) to manage the demand side rather than expand the supply side rapidly.” —Indiana

Re: “Part II: Identity in Sex — The LGB Activists

“When confronted by this ideology, I tend to take offense, because I would rather not have to care what they do, or who they do it with, provided the parties are adults and consenting. If you don’t want my opinion, then don’t make your proclivities my business by demanding I accept them. Usually, when I ask why they have to demand that acceptance, I ask them a form of this question: Would you rather be a good gay person, or a good person who happens to be gay? Their answer is usually very instructive.” —Virginia

“For way too long, God-fearing Americans have been subjected to this kind of indoctrination. Why should the minuscule percentage of outliers make the rules that the rest of us have to abide by? It is time to take a stand and say that boys compete against boys and girls compete against girls; that men do not have the right to walk into a woman’s bathroom; that a baker can make (or not make) any kind of cake he wants; that each and every life matters; and so on. Our country is going down the tube with us kowtowing to the minuscule minorities’ demands. Enough!” —Florida