The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Strange Facts in the Brooklyn Subway Attack

“It already has disappeared from the news. And if the government doesn’t call this a ‘hate crime,’ there are no hate crimes, period! If his Internet info is full of what I’m reading, then he’s a racist of the highest order. What he premeditated was a ‘hate crime’ and terrorism. It’s real simple: All violent crime is hateful, and nonviolent crime is hateful. We already knew that. There are racists in every race.” —Oregon

Re: “Is ‘Groomer’ Really the Right Word?

“Reading this was like a breath of fresh air after leaving a waist treatment facility. Our schools are toilets and the people running them are products of the same grooming they now perpetrate on our children. The only real way to stop this cancer is to cut off the infected parts. Shut it down! What’s going on in most public education isn’t educating, only grooming and propagandizing.” —Oregon

Re: “The Big Lie of the ‘Putin Price Hike’

“The fact is, I’ve been seeing shortages of food items and 10%-30% grocery price hikes for the last eight months. The 1 lb. package of frozen vegetables that went for $1.29 in 2020 has morphed into a 10 oz. package priced at $1.89. Two years ago, a dozen eggs could be had for $0.79. Today, they’re over $3 a dozen, if any can be found. Much of this inflation took place last year, before Putin’s so-called ‘military exercise’ began.” —Minnesota

Re: “Going Green Kills People

“Going green = starvation. Yield is important — it feeds us. Yield is the result of efficient agricultural practices, which provide the food we eventually eat. Without fertilizer, yield declines. Without land committed to agriculture, there can be no crop yields. Farmers today are more than just planters; they are scientists. Their work is generational. That is why their work is always ‘sustainable.’ They try not to wear out the land. Next time you’re at the market, visualize where the packaged or displayed food came from. Go green: destroy this abundance?” —Massachusetts

“Environmentalist Michael Schellenberger and Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore addressed these issues in their book. One country — Brazil, I believe — cut down an entire forest to install solar farms. DDT wiped out malaria, and along came Rachel Carson. Zero scientific evidence it harms humans. Now, Bill Gates is handing out mosquito netting. Dutch Elm disease was rampant across the U.S. in the ‘70s, and a chemical was available to kill it. It was called DDT. So millions of trees were lost to support a lie.” —Minnesota

Re: “A Smoke-and-Mirrors Concession on Drilling

“Increasing royalties from 12.5% to 18.75% basically ensures that very few leases will make the cut to garner bids from prospective lessors since drilling for oil and gas is done based on economic projections. Increased royalty payments cannot be passed on to consumers; they are eaten by the producers and hence affect the bottom line. This renewal of leasing is simply eye candy to those who don’t know how it works. It appears to be encouraging new drilling, but the terms are so onerous that no new drilling will take place — and they can blame the oil companies for 'not wanting to drill,’ thereby shifting the blame. More of the same from the Biden regime.” —South Carolina

“It’s a knee-jerk reaction for the Left to export anything that offends it to some third-world country. The raw materials used in the components that go into cell phones, for instance, could not be mined here due to all of the environmental restrictions. So instead, these operations are exported. They go to China, where there are plentiful rare earth materials necessary to make the components. The environmental destruction there is monumental. All so the same people who backed the restrictions can have an affordable cell phone to plan their next protest, probably about how CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels is causing global warming.” —Washington