The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden’s Perilous Putin Policy

“As always, a well-written and thought-out column: one that I ascribe to as well. However, there is a fly in the ointment should Putin resort to tactical nukes in Ukraine: China. Chinese President Xi Jinping and then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych signed an agreement on December 5, 2013, promising that China’s nuclear forces would protect Ukraine from nuclear threats. The bilateral treaty described the two states as ‘strategic partners.’ Now whether or not China would make good on this agreement remains to be seen. And maybe Putin is well aware of this agreement.” —Texas

“What kind of insanity does it take for a world leader to even hint about using nuclear weapons? People worldwide would have only two choices in a nuclear war — die quickly or experience a prolonged, suffering death. Even the doomsday hoarders’ supplies would eventually run out and it would be impossible to produce any more food from the despoiled, contaminated, ruined earth, water, and air.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “Mayorkas Defends Biden’s Open-Border Policy

“We have effectively managed an unprecedented number of noncitizens seeking to enter the United States.” —Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security

“The problem is that troublesome word ‘managed.’ Under the tenure of Biden and Mayorkas, our Border Patrol has been transformed from agents enforcing our duly enacted laws against illegal entry into travel agents who process those illegal aliens for further entry into the country’s interior. The imagined visual of uniformed law enforcement officers ordered to ‘hold the door open’ puts one in mind of the Capitol Police, who calmly ushered in the January 6 rioters. The only difference? The Democrats will never pursue illegal border crossers with such vigor.” —Georgia

Re: “Disinformation-Spreader to Lead Disinformation Board

“So far, the Biden administration’s troubling decision to form a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ (under the control of ‘Disinformation Fellow’ Nina Jankowicz) has elicited references to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984. But the more ominous question is this: What form will that ‘governance’ take in an administration that has so far shown little interest in traditional limits to government authority? Obviously, the board will be targeting anything that undercuts leftist narratives. But once having slapped a ‘disinformation’ warning label on some inconvenient story, what exactly will Jankowicz and Biden believe they are empowered to DO about it?” —Georgia

“This represents one of the most nauseating admissions by any government agency during my lifetime. This is the sort of muddy, socialist crap that should rile every American, regardless of their political stance — unless, of course, they actually believe the federal government should be policing our speech. If so, they might want to submit their application to China for citizenship.” —New York

Re: “Biden’s Economy Stumbles

“A dropping GDP is not surprising under Biden’s leftists. The government did nothing but spend money during the pandemic while imposing policies that extended it. The ‘stimulus’ payments amounted to consumption without production. It’s like a business ramping up overhead in anticipation of sales that never occur. Much of our workforce has been paid to be on vacation while Biden prints dollars — that’s money supply not backed up by the value of labor. Totally inflationary.” —Illinois

Re: “Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Unique Challenge

“Your subhead says it all: ‘A lame attempt to remove her from the ballot doesn’t exactly recommend her for keeping the job.' There never was an 'insurrection,’ and the Democrats’ hysterical use of the term was never anything more than a pathetic attempt to harness the 14th Amendment against Trump and conservative candidates. There are other, better reasons than fabricated charges of ‘treason’ to keep delusional pinheads of either party out of public office, and another, better, and more proper way to do so: by voting against them.” —Georgia

Re: “Harvard Blows $100M Fighting Slavery

“Harvard, Yale, and Princeton began as Christian colleges. Those who established their endowments thought they were serving God by enabling the education of future members of the Church. Sadly, these institutions succumbed to one of the temptations of material riches: They became proud and forgot God. This is the root of their errors. When an endowment was established for the college and seminary supported by my denomination, some cautioned us to set a limit on the endowment so the school would always be at least in part dependent on members contributing from their current blessings, and thus subject to a check on pride and straying from the Scriptures. Any surplus from that endowment should go directly to evangelism. That is sound counsel.” —Minnesota

Re: “Amazon’s Leftists Can’t Stomach Gender Dissent

“The leftists in 1950-60 America were all about the evils of censorship. I clearly remember how quick they were to condemn society’s censorship of their alternative ideas, philosophies, and behaviors, but they were also quick to ban books they did not like and then create norms more intolerant than those they hated. They and their descendants live and work today in government, journalism, business, education, and entertainment with the same hypocritical mindset and the same religious devotion to attaining their end game of communism. Now that they have the power, they have become what they despised 60 years ago and are much closer to their end goal.” —North Carolina