The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “What Should Trump Do Now?

“Trump had great policies that helped the country when we needed them, but his act is tired and toxic now, and it’s time for new leadership. If there is anything that will rally the enemies of freedom, i.e. the Democrat Party, it would be the return of Trump as a presidential candidate. Trump needs to endorse the next president, not run again. And considering Biden’s failing mental acuity, I note that Trump would be 78 years old in January 2025, a year older than Ronald Reagan when he left office.” —Illinois

Re: “Biden’s Big Carbon Footprint

“Being a Democrat in office means you never have to conserve anything. You also don’t have to apologize for anything. If you want to take advantage of your spouse being in office, you avail yourself of privileged information and then drop a ton of money on stock issued by a company your spouse has insider information about. Being a Democrat means all you have to do is say ‘Sorry, my bad!’ and everything is OK. However, everything is not OK! It’s way past time to make Dems pay when they break the law.” —Kansas

Re: “Gas vs. Green

“This is liberty vs. communism. If the U.S. fails to defend liberty, Communist China will slaughter the pigs. On the one hand, electric vehicles’ dependence on rare earth minerals (of which Communist China controls the world market) jeopardizes the U.S. economy. On the other hand, policies favoring the ecofacists’ EV push risk U.S. security. This is a fight for the prize of world liberty or for world subservience via capitulation to Communist China as it seizes control of the world economy. The irony: None can enjoy nature without liberty.” —Missouri

“After seeing recent developments in battery and motor technology, I realized that the presently available electric cars, and the government’s attempt to force us to buy them, are like the compact fluorescent lamps of the Obama era. We were forced to buy unreliable and toxic CFLs when Mr. Obama banned incandescent bulbs. Had he waited just two more years, we could have gone directly to LED lamps and skipped the mercury hazard. At least one company claims to have a way to eliminate the graphite anode that makes lithium batteries slow to charge, limits their lifetime, and makes them hard to recycle. Others are already selling synchronous reluctance motors that need no rare earth elements. Wait several more years, then EVs will be ready to go.” —Minnesota

Re: “Monday Short Cuts

“Mr. Biden is trying to take credit for the recent decline in gasoline prices. He’s not mentioning that the recent completion of oil refinery turnarounds has made more gasoline available. He’s also not mentioning that a 200,000 barrel per day refinery in Houston will be permanently closed next year because it’s too old to justify further repairs (it was built in 1918). Nobody plans to build a new refinery because the Biden administration makes such investments too risky.” —Minnesota

Re: “California Gums Up the Trucker Supply Chain

“Independent contractors and businesses are the lifeblood of this country. Unions served their purpose a long time ago and should join the dinosaurs. I’ve worked as an independent contractor in a government building and those union employees will let the work avalanche if it is their break time, lunch time, or talk-to-someone-else time. Doesn’t matter to them, as they still collect their full paycheck even when nothing is accomplished. I would starve before I would join a union.” —Montana

Re: “Depression Likely Not a Chemical Imbalance

“A neurologist spoke to our group of physical therapists one day and used the old adage, ‘If your main tool is a hammer, everything you see is a nail.’ When doctors don’t understand things, they throw drugs at it. When politicians don’t understand things, they throw money at it. The problem remains, but people ‘feel good’ that they did something. This study should have been done decades ago.” —Minnesota

“Perhaps it was not incompetence. Perhaps these ‘doctors’ knew exactly what they were doing. A new pill meant new patients, new patients meant a larger practice, and a larger practice meant more money. The tempting path has always been, ‘How can I give these people a little comfort and earn more money in the process?’ Hand in hand with Big Pharma, Big Med led the way.” —Kentucky

“I do find this unbelievable because I have exercised constantly, kept my weight under control, and still have not kept my serotonin levels up. However, when I had Prozak in my system, in my thirties, I was happy when I had previously been sad. Once I was smiling when I should have been serious, and I immediately spoke to my doctor about it, because my face didn’t portray what I was feeling and acting. He reduced my dosage immediately. To say that these don’t work for some may be true, but for others it flies in the face of truth of what has worked for years. I now take Savella for fibromyalgia. It is primarily for pain, but also helps depression. I once reduced it, on my own, not knowing it helped depression, and I began crying.” —Texas

“As I understand it, while the study did indicate that a serotonin imbalance was not the cause of depression, it did not necessarily indicate that anti-depression drug medication was useless. The drugs were based on an assumption that the serotonin imbalance caused depression, which was never proven. Not all anti-depressant are SSRIs. Even ‘masking’ the problem, as Tom Cruise stated, can be a help, as it allows the depressed person to function better by dulling the emotional pain.” —New York

Re: “Democrats Panic Amid a Crime Backlash

“When you have an administration that is interested in the rights of the criminals much more than the rights of the victims, then you have a corrupt system in place that will villainize those who are in place to protect the victims. The law enforcement entities throughout our cities, counties, and states know what is needed to serve the citizens, as they are the boots on the ground. The federal government has no place in this decision! Instead of transitioning offenders back into society after they were supposedly ‘rehabilitated,’ concentrate on the protection of the citizens so they don’t become victims again. This should be the only gun control: Prosecute the bad guys!” —Florida

Re: “Conservatives and Same-Sex Marriage

“It is no secret that the Left controls the images we watch on TV, from corporate commercial content to the news to kids’ cartoons to ‘Sex in the City’ to everything in between. And then there is Hollywood — influential leftist propaganda served up as evolved entertainment on the big screen or in the comforts of your home. ‘If it feels good, do it’ is the gospel of this church. So we ride our surfboard on the wave of progressive enlightened transformation, unaware that just behind our joy ride is a devastating tsunami.” —California

Re: “ObamaCare’s High Prices Still Plague Us

“Congress will admit one of its biggest efforts at controlling people is a failure the day the bridge to the moon opens. Congress won’t even admit the failure of the unconstitutional Medicaid and Medicare programs, or that government interference has never driven a single cost down.” —Michigan