The Patriot Post® · Biden's Terrible Title IX

By Emmy Griffin ·

Biden’s Department of Education (DOE) has proposed several amendments to Title IX. These proposed amendments are in direct opposition to many of the positive changes that were enacted under former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos1, and some are in direct opposition to biological facts.

The four2 most despicable proposed amendments are (1) kangaroo courts that exclude cross-examination in cases of sexual misconduct; (2) civil rights in sports to include gender identity3 and sexual orientation; (3) suppressing students’ First Amendment rights, specifically geared to punish them if they “misgender” someone; and (4) instilling enforcers4 at school campuses to ensure that teachers and students toe the line.

As of this article’s writing, the public’s ability to comment on these amendments has passed. According to Fox News5, “As of Friday, [Title IX] received a record-breaking number of comments for the Department of Education — over 184,000 as of Sunday — from individuals sounding off on the rule to redefine sex.”

The tenor of most of these parents is fatalistic. The responses range from pleading for the administration not to enact these amendments to threatening to sue. Defense of Freedom Institute for Policy Studies President Robert Eitel told Fox, “I think that it’s an absolute certainly that i[f] the administration proceeds with the proposed rule as written … particular as it regards to gender identity but also as it applies to many of the due process provision changes, there will absolutely be litigation.”

Parents across the political spectrum are opposed to these policy changes. We’ve seen their revolt against wokeness in conservative districts6 in Ohio to liberal districts7 like San Francisco. Parents just retook school boards8 in Florida. And yet those who are running the institutions continue to push this anti-religious, anti-family, anti-women, anti-children agenda.

One of the biggest complaints is that these eduactivists are sexualizing their children and usurping parental authority while their children are at school. They are absolutely right, and it is all snowballing into more and more dangerous territory for our precious ones. Namely, the normalization of pedophilia.

It always starts in the hallowed halls of universities. Old Dominion University ex-associate professor Allyn Walker9 infamously declared that calling pedophiles what they are has a negative stigma attached to it. Instead, we should call them “minor attracted persons.” Next, we are hearing of a disturbing sex education book10 that was available for sale on Amazon that promotes such practices as “Take your child into bed with you and allow him or her to watch as you share intimacy” and “A mother should feel relaxed breast-feeding her baby while her husband makes love to her.”

Parents are a powerful coalition. We have shown again and again that we are going to go to bat for our kids. The Biden administration — which pretends that it has the best interests of children at heart — labels us “domestic terrorists11” because we oppose the indoctrination of our children. These radical leftists earnestly believe they know better how to raise and nurture your children than you do.

The DOE continues to ignore us at its peril. Should these Title IX amendments pass in spite of all the backlash, this becomes yet another abomination to point to that the Democrats have inflicted on the American people. November is coming.
