The Patriot Post® · Why on Earth Are We Honoring Alfred Kinsey?

By Brian Mark Weber ·

Alfred Kinsey. His name is synonymous with sexual research. And now Indiana University, home to the Kinsey Institute, is honoring the father of the Sexual Revolution with a bronze statue.

Such is the state of the modern American university that its staff and students can’t tolerate a statue of Robert E. Lee or Abraham Lincoln or George Washington or even Frederick Douglass — and yet those same people don’t seem to have any reservations about a statue honoring a known pedophile.

“IU released a press statement on its website on Friday praising Kinsey’s pioneering research in human sexuality,” reports The Daily Wire, “but critics believe data he gathered involving the sexual abuse of children make him unworthy of celebration.”

In particular, two of Kinsey’s books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, contain data involving hundreds of sexual experiments performed on children.

“John Bancroft, the former director of the Kinsey Institute, contends that all of Kinsey’s data concerning children and adolescents came not from experimentation but from a single pedophile who kept a diary of his experiences with 317 pre-adolescent boys,” adds the Wire. But the data indicate serious, violent crimes against children as young as five months. It is believed that Kinsey hired child molesters to carry out these horrific crimes — and observed the sex acts in order to compile his data.

“The Father of the Sexual Revolution was a sado-masochistic bi-sexual sex criminal who facilitated the sexual torture of infants and children,” writes Jonathon van Maren at LifeSiteNews. “His goal was not just to engage in scientific research in order to see where the data took him, but rather, as one of his prominent biographers Michael Jones notes, to launch a crusade to undermine traditional sexual morality. He did so to wild success — Kinsey’s influence on sex education and law in the Western world is absolutely staggering.”

So staggering, in fact, that the perverted Left is trying to remove the stigma and make Americans more comfortable with pedophilia. A key step in this grotesque campaign is to remove the word “pedophile” from the lexicon. Instead, leftists want us to call adults who have sex with children “minor-attracted persons.” We kid you not.

This movement to normalize pedophilia isn’t isolated, either. Last month, USA Today published an article titled “What the Public Keeps Getting Wrong About Pedophilia.” The article rightly received strong backlash across the political spectrum, but the fact that a major news outlet would even publish such a thing should trouble all Americans.

Kinsey’s books “made the claim that all people are sexual from a very early age,” reports The Christian Post. “Therefore, sexual activity by youth should be viewed as normal and healthy. Moreover, Kinsey also claimed that all sex, no matter how violent, unhealthy, or abnormal, was normal and should be encouraged.”

The Post adds that the Kinsey Institute’s goal was to liberate America “from its traditional sexual mores, like, for example, fidelity and keeping children away from sexual activity. But the damage this institute has had on America’s culture was incalculable. Within a few years after the publication of his two books, Kinsey Institute disciples in all 50 states persuaded state legislators to change codes having to do with sex.”

Currently, the movements to normalize transgenderism, gender dysphoria, gender fluidity, and puberty blockers are directly traced back to Kinsey, who himself was influenced by transgender activists.

“It likely won’t be long before it’s argued that children who can allegedly consent to sexual surgeries should also be able to consent to sexual relationships,” Spencer Lindquist writes at The Federalist. “If such a hellish future seems unimaginable, consider that any number of the outgrowths of sexual progressivism would’ve been beyond the pale only a decade ago.”

And yet the Kinsey Institute is alive and well at Indiana University — and the institute’s administrators seem to be doing all they can to keep Kinsey’s research out of the hands of journalists and investigators, all the while working on a public relations campaign to celebrate his sickening work.

Historians of the future will likely conclude that America’s days were numbered when it lost its morality, and it says something deeply troubling about us when we gleefully tear down statues of our greatest men while building one for a child molester.