The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “John Fetterman Is Unfit to Serve

We all can sympathize with a person who has had a stroke or any other major physical calamity. That does NOT compel us to vote for that person. Like not hiring a one-legged firefighter, the demands of the job are the issue, not the impairment. Even more important is that we judge Fetterman on his past, and specifically his performance as mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, and as lieutenant governor. Americans tend to vote personalities. Even in this area, Fetterman falls short. —Nevada

Re: “Dems Ignore Voters, Brace for Shellacking

I truly hope this is a shellacking that will be worse than anyone expected. But for this to work and to restore confidence in America, the Republicans have to follow through. They have to go toe to toe with the Democrats and get this country back on the right track. —Illinois

Re: “Vote as if Border Security Matters

Vote as if border security matters. Vote as if national security matters. Vote as if stopping baby killing matters. Vote as if putting a lid on murder matters. Vote as if the fraud of climate change ideology matters. Vote as if heating your house this winter matters. Vote as if rejecting Democrat fascism matters. Vote as if the Constitution of the United States matters. There is a word limit here, but you get the point. —Virginia

Re: “Leftists Need Racism, Even in Sports

The increased participation of Americans in sports at all levels gives evidence that sports are a major influence on our nation’s life and culture. That the biased, progressive media have become obsessed with racism in sports demonstrates their support of the extreme Left’s anti-America agenda. Canceling or severely altering sports would have a profound impact on our nation’s economy, culture, and character. Could there be any question that interference with our sports culture would contribute significantly to the leftist agenda to fundamentally transform our nation? —Florida

The left-oriented media pressing systemic racism as permeating all American institutions is growing increasingly vexing and tiring, particularly in sports. Nowhere is there more mutual respect for individual and team performances by participants and fans alike, regardless of race, color, or nationality, than in sports at all levels. Yet the biased media choose to ignore the skill sets, sportsmanship, and goodwill typically demonstrated by all during and particularly at the end of hard-fought contests. Sports at all levels play an important part of our American culture. It is important to protect sports from the meddling by all who misinform and mislead for their own nefarious, anti-America agenda. —Florida

Re: “Public School Failure Didn’t Start With Shutdowns

Prior to the creation of the Department of Education, the best and the brightest, the ones who took us to the moon, were educated by locally controlled school boards. I graduated from a Detroit public school in 1972. It was better than any suburban high school now. I just attended my 50th reunion. There were doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, and many people who had their own business. We all did well. So what happened? What good does the Department of Education do? Get rid of it and go back to tried-and-true methods. —Michigan

Re: “Leftmedia Frets Over Christian Nationalism

I am a simple man and look at things simplistically and logically. The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law establishing a religion, and I fail to see how a person standing on a street corner or in a classroom establishes a religion. And the fact that this activity is denied to the person means the government has denied his free exercise thereof. Jefferson’s “separation of church and state” is moot since it isn’t in the Constitution. This is another example of how conservatives caved to the Democrats in 1962 by removing prayer in school. Democrats never give in, and Republicans wave the white flag before the battle begins. —Minnesota

Re: “The Ulta-mate Betrayal

I agree. Ladies, boycott all these companies that insist men are women. Vote out the perverts. Grandma fought so you could have rights; now it’s your turn to pick up the flag. —West Virginia

Re: “A Letter to Gavin Newsom

THANK YOU, Pastor MacArthur! Too many of our leaders have sold their soul to acquire approval, fame, and votes with all the related temporal powers and pleasures. They’ve denied God for so long that they really believe, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” We have only two exits; each are one-way, no return. Crowds will enter via the easy path to eternal condemnation. Seek to enter glory through the narrow gate. —Missouri