The Patriot Post® · The DOJ Enforcer Behind the Pro-Life Persecution

By Emmy Griffin ·

Kristen Clarke has been the instigator behind the spate of charges against pro-life activists this year. She is the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the Department of Justice and is directly in charge of enforcing the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

Clarke has been on our radar for a while. Our Douglas Andrews reported in January of 2021 that Clarke, who was only a nominee for Assistant AG at the time, seemed to be an anti-white racist. In a 1994 letter to the editors at The Harvard Crimson, she coauthored this sentiment: “Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”

Clarke seems to have anti-Jew inclinations as well. Also while at Harvard, she invited notorious anti-Semite Tony Martin to speak. According to Fox News: “Martin, then a professor at Wellesley College, was the author of a self-published manifesto called ‘The Jewish Onslaught.’ In it, Martin chronicled the ‘escalating Jewish onslaught’ against Black people.”

Clarke has also vocally supported anti-police sentiments and has been consistent in that stance since the 1990s. This position seems rather counterintuitive for someone who is now at the DOJ. Even at the time of her confirmation to Assistant AG, she was, as our Thomas Gallatin put it, “a racist with an axe to grind.” And thanks to a 51-48 Senate vote (Susan Collins was the lone Republican who voted “Yes”), Clarke eked her way into her current position. Now she is wielding the FACE Act like a cudgel against pro-lifers.

The FACE Act, which according to the DOJ’s own rhetoric “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services,” is supposed to equally protect all healthcare facilities — crisis pregnancy centers and abortion clinics alike. But under Clarke’s governance, it has been heavily one-sided. Twenty-six pro-lifers have been charged with violations of the law.

One of the most infamous arrests involved Mark Houck. Houck had been brought to court for violations of the FACE Act, but the case was thrown out. Enter Clarke and her overinflated sense of “justice” (a.k.a. leftist activism); the poor guy had his home invaded by FBI agents and was arrested in front of his wife and kids.

It’s more than just the two-tier punitive justice against pro-life activists. It’s also the refusal to enforce the law to protect the more than 100 crisis pregnancy centers that have been vandalized, attacked, and suffered damages since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. These crisis pregnancy centers, which only want to help women and children in need, have to worry now that their facilities may not be safe from day to day. Some have overextended their budgets to increase security. Abortion activist groups like Jane’s Revenge malign these organizations as well as seek to destroy them. And what is the DOJ doing? Nothing as far as the public can tell — and that’s kind of the point.

Pro-life pregnancy centers have also had to increase their budgets on advertising because Big Tech slaps false labels on them in an attempt to discredit them. Yelp slapped our own local pregnancy center with a warning label that said it most likely didn’t have licensed medical professionals working there. It’s an outright lie, but Yelp gets away with it because Big Tech is part of the death cult.

Here’s a quick plug to say: Please support your local crisis pregnancy center if you can. These centers are under attack and are in great need.

It’s helpful to put a name and face to the injustice that has been carried out against pro-lifers by the DOJ. John Daukas, who served as the AG for Civil rights in the previous administration, told The Daily Signal: “It appears [Kristen Clarke is] violating her oath of office and she’s violating her duty, which is to fairly administer the law regardless of political views. She appears only to be prosecuting groups that she doesn’t like, doesn’t agree with.”

Clarke is an identity politics hire whose radical views are undermining the American federal justice system. We foresaw her past patterns of radical leftism and racist inclinations, and yet she is now in a position of power and is abusing it.