The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Tough Times for the All-Volunteer Force

“Retired military wants to know: Who would want to share a foxhole, shower, or sleeping quarters with a mentally ill ‘trans’ man or woman? Why should our tax dollars pay for them to mutilate their sex organs and pay for the lifelong drugs they require? Will they be exempt from combat duty because they can’t access their drugs? Just like people with diabetes and other diseases or mentally deranged individuals, they have no business being in the military.” —Virginia

“DEI and forced pronouns are a part of the problem. The leadership in the military falling to the social failings of the rest of our society is driving out career-minded soldiers who have given up before their 20- to 30-year military career goals are reached. My son is one of those. You simply cannot force people to accept the abnormal as normal.” —South Dakota

“As I see it, we may never come back from this. We have to recognize that the military is not a two-year endeavor. If we want a strong, resourceful military, we have to look at it as a 20-year-plus career for those joining. We cannot retain strength if we lose intellectual and physical readiness.” —Nevada

“Since the end of WWII, our leftist media have moved further left every moment. I’d find it hard to enlist today, but not for any of the reasons given here. Returning to the United States in 1969 after my second tour in Vietnam, I learned the definition of ‘a grateful nation’ when I found it easer to get a job saying I’d spent the last four years in prison than that I’d been in the military. And THAT is a result of a military-hating leftist media. Nobody and nothing else has more power to direct public thinking, feelings, or voting than the constant bombardment of propaganda.” —California

“Our military officers need to remember that their first and only fealty is to the Constitution, and they swear to support and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. They are also taught that an unlawful order is not an order at all; they have no duty to obey an illegal directive, but in fact have a duty NOT to obey one. In this age of irresponsible shifting of military priorities from the protection of our nation to dubious social experimentation, conscientious officers may be confronted with difficult choices.” —Georgia

Re: Warning: Putin’s Military Meltdown Looms Large

“What will Putin do if his autocracy collapses around him? This is an excellent analysis on that threat, which is completely overlooked by the mainstream media. Putin is a dangerous tyrant, and if someone does not put a bullet in his head, as Alexander suggests, the Russo/Ukrainian war could rapidly escalate across NATO boundaries.” —California

Re: If You Like Your Plan, You Can… Oh Never Mind

“When ObamaCare was put in force, my husband’s premium increased $2,400 a year and his deductible was so high that we had to pay everything out of pocket. After two years of this robbery, we would have lost our house if it wasn’t for the fact that hubby turned old enough to get Medicare. I was already on Medicare, thank God.” —Pennsylvania

“It would make more sense to address the real drivers of healthcare costs. Over-reliance on third-party payers including insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare is a major culprit — that should be obvious from basic economics. Another is regulations that drive up costs out of line with their purported benefits. In particular, both state and federal regulations on health insurance make matters worse, not better. There is a reason why cash-only health services can undercut others by as much as 30%. There is no good reason why medical equipment needs to cost 10 times as much as non-medical equipment of similar capability. Both regulatory and liability reform are needed to fix this. This is not new. Mr. Biden is only expanding past mistakes.” —Minnesota

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“Having been made the primary administrator of student loans by Mr. Obama, the Department of Education has a fiduciary responsibility to the lenders, that is, America’s long-suffering taxpayers. The Biden administration’s repeated attempts to evade that fiduciary responsibility should be a fireable offense, if not regarded as outright criminal. Unfortunately, unless inflation is brought below 1%, the student loan portfolio is probably worthless on the commercial market; otherwise, the wisest course would be to auction it off to cover the current deficit. It would be sensible to get out of the student loan business altogether. Federal student loans have created perverse incentives to raise the price and decrease the quality of higher education.” —Minnesota

Re: ‘Axios Outs 'Old Yeller’

“The globalist Marxist Left, the New Age DNC, and all their postmodern abettors in media and education are a pack of immoral liars who are doing everything to amass and keep power. Joe Biden, a power-drunk phony Catholic, was their political choice whom they were relying on to pull down the constitutional republic by duping the gullible U.S. populace into submission and taking control before anyone realized their ideal stooge was a self-centered, foul-mouthed old dotard who was more corrupt than they. Elections have consequences, and I pray the slow-witted U.S. voters have come to realize that.” —North Carolina

Re: More Claptrap From the Climate Czar

“‘I personally have never owned a private jet.’ Lawyer speak that probably should include the phrase, ‘But, I/we have substantial ownership in a company that owns a private jet.’ I would bet that is how it really is, from having some involvement in similar situations (as a third party). Worked for a company whose owners also operated a leasing company that had ownership of an airplane. While it could be leased out (short term) to others, the company I worked for had priority to the plane for company/personal use.” —Washington

Re: About Those ‘Hottest Days Ever’

“Thank God these yahoos are not in control of the climate. I don’t care how much magic dust you sprinkle in front of the sun or how many vehicles you outlaw or how many farting cows you eliminate — God is in control of the climate. End times? Yes, they are coming. Read Revelation. It even says that in the end men will erupt into flames. I don’t think they will be able to stop that even with a firehose!” —Texas

Re: The 15-Minute City

“The FMC idea is appealing and quaint, as you say, but unfortunately, some human minds geared to power would marginalize FMCs into isolated domains run by the power hungry — as seen in early France and in some homeowners’ associations today. Government and control are a strangling amoeba.” —Virginia

Re: Profiles of Valor: Larry Taylor, Medal of Honor

“Thank you for this awesome and inspiring story of what Larry Taylor did when he placed the lives of others above his own. This Medal of Honor is long overdue and it is great to know he will receive it in person!” —Illinois