The Patriot Post® · 'You Can't Change Your Race!'

By Emmy Griffin ·

NBC, the leftist news outlet, has declared something revolutionary: you can’t change your race. The article — written by “an intern for NBC News Digital” — details an online trend of people engaging in “race change to another” (RCTA). Another more common term for this transition is “transracialism.” Astute readers are left asking: Why can some people “change their gender” and be accepted and celebrated by the leftist overlords, and not those who want to “change their race”?

The obvious answer is that there is no such thing as transgenderism, transracialism, or any other form of delusion contrary to biology and truth. No one is the opposite gender of the body they were born in, just as no one can suddenly become another race.

NBC’s intern concurs with the “no one can change their race” truth bomb, but gender is a different matter. So close, yet so far away.

The writer first brings up the point that this RCTA trend is a social contagion for people who have a love for a specific culture. That love grows to an unhealthy level, and its sufferers will cosplay as the race of their choice. Interestingly enough, one of the experts, Korean American poet and media professor Margaret Rhee, described transracialism as problematic because it is a “fetishization or objectification” of various cultures. Rhee goes on to explain that specific cultures are fetishized for their “exotic characteristics but not really fully seen.”

NBC’s young sage seems to clearly understand that this concept is a sort of mania based on fetishization and objectification but ignores the exact same points when it comes to transgenderism. Transgenderism is also a social contagion (as proved by science) that attracts people who have various reasons for wanting to not be their biological sex anymore. The reasons include confusion brought about by the Left’s rigid gender stereotypes; a desire to fit in with their peers; escaping trauma such as rape or other violence; or an advanced stage of porn sickness called autogynephilia. Regardless of the reasons, people have been convinced that the “solution” to their problems is becoming the opposite sex from the one they are biologically, and they become more deeply invested as they “journey” to “transition” (i.e., transgenderism is also both a fetish and objectification, just of “gender”).

NBC also claims that race isn’t genetic. This is because that intern wants to make the point that race is a description of a collection of physical characteristics used to categorize people, but really it has more to do with oppression and victimhood than DNA. This isn’t accurate.

The victimhood hierarchy that leftists are so desperate to put forward is nonsense based not on facts but on Marxist ideology. More importantly, race is loosely defined by categorizing people by physical appearance. What determines that? DNA or genetic material. DNA dictates hair texture, eye shape, body build, and skin color. DNA also tracks genetic markers denoting specific races (such as African, Asian, European, etc.). It is entirely genetic. The funniest aspect of NBC’s Marxist argument is that it’s not nearly as strong as the biological one.

This poor intern’s own political biases, however, prevent her from using biological facts, and the very immutability of biology undermines the argument for transgenderism.

Finally, NBC claims that transracialism is pursued like a New Age religion. The article describes people who are racially confused as practitioners in manifesting. These people believe that if they have YouTube videos called subliminals playing while they are asleep, they can change their appearance. They believe it so fervently that they have convinced themselves that their features have altered somewhat.

Transgenderism is, likewise, a cult-like ideology that has its own sacraments like altering pronouns; cutting off anyone who doesn’t affirm them, especially family; and ultimately getting sucked down the medical rabbit hole of puberty blockers, hormones, and genital mutilation surgeries. Loyalty to this ideology is paramount. Those who dissent or detransition are heretics, so any form of violence and vitriol thrust their way is justified.

NBC’s hypocrisy is astonishing. The intern who wrote the article and the editors who reviewed and approved it are able to see that one trans is emphatically wrong and harmful, but not the other. Transracialism and transgenderism are both wrong. You cannot change your race or your sex. Because this is a fact, there is no such thing as trans. Period.

People who believe otherwise have been deceived, coerced, and/or taken advantage of because of a mental illness. They should be pitied but also released from their delusion. Until the concept of “trans” is completely rejected, more and more people will continue to fall into its various traps.