The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: The ChiComs, Taiwan, and Your Toaster

“Xi does NOT want armed conflict with the U.S. But Xi DOES want Taiwan. As long as Biden remains POTUS, Xi knows the risk of armed conflict is low regardless of his actions. However, if Xi sees Biden’s term ending, especially if the next POTUS will not tolerate China’s provocations (e.g. Trump), Xi will act swiftly with devastating force and with concurrently timed attacks from Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Our POTUS is so clueless he doesn’t know his senior defense official is incapacitated.” —Missouri

“I was in a security briefing years ago after the 1993 bombing under the North Tower of the World Trade Center by Islamists Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil. Fortunately, their objective to have one building collapse into the other failed. I mention this because Alexander was also in that briefing. It was the first time we met, and I will never forget, as I reminded him on September 12, 2001, that he stated emphatically, ‘The next time they hit the towers, it will be from the air.’ He told me he did not recall saying that… Regarding his assessment of the imminent China/Taiwan risk, and knowing he is deeply read into this threat, I fear for our nation. Given the ineptitude of our current civilian leadership, thankfully we still have some military commanders and a million warriors who are well prepared.” —Rhode Island

“Eisenhower won the presidency in 1952 partly because the Republicans were able to pin the moniker on the Democrats that it was Truman and the Democrats that lost China. It appears that Biden may well get tagged with that label this year also.” —Kentucky

“‘I will put my record against anyone in public life in terms of foreign policy,’ claims Biden. If foreign policy means collecting cash from foreign governments, then yeah.” —Texas

“The most concise and well-formulated summary on the Chinese threat I have read, and I am a security analyst on the Asia desk for the world’s largest security company.” —New York

“This article should be required reading for all voters before casting their ballots in November. God save the USA from four more years of Biden.” —California

Re: Are 80% of Democrats Really Fascists?

“These fools still do not understand that the United States is a Constitutional Republic. Nor do they care, because they are Marxists. We are not a ‘democracy,’ nor should we ever want to be one. Two questions: Do you want to be a subject living under tyrannical, narcissistic rule, obedient to your masters as a serf? Or do you want to be a citizen of a Constitutional Republic where you have the freedom of self-determination and can elect those who have your best interests in mind as individuals?” —Massachusetts

“Many years ago I learned that fascism is a system of government with one central aim — CONTROL. Such creatures are not interested in owning the means of production in a country, but they truly lust after control. Witness the Biden administration’s recent efforts to control washers, ceiling fans, air conditioners, and toilets. So for an article to label a person or a group as fascists who wish to control elections is not playground mudslinging. It describes their most fundamental assumptions about relationships and governing. All of which are at odds with what a republic is and what a republic stands for.” —Texas

“We are no longer a republic. We have systematically destroyed our Constitution and our Republic over the past century, beginning with the passage of the 16th and 17th Amendments. We became a full-fledged democracy at the turn of the millennium and have now morphed, like all democracies throughout history, into an aristocracy — in this case, a fascist aristocracy supported by an ignorant majority. Politicians like Obama, Clinton, Biden, and their cohorts have always believed that the end justifies the means, and they have passed this legacy on to the current generation of progressives.” —Ohio

“FDR said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. So, naturally, Joe Biden and the Democrats are pushing fear, racism, and bigotry. It’s all they have.” —Minnesota

Re: The Obamas Throw Biden Under the Bus

“It seems only yesterday the common definition of liberty prohibited any honorable U.S. citizen from wanting or expecting more from our government than enforcement of our constitutional rights and national defense against our enemies. Independent and responsible citizens worked hard to avoid even a hint of the shame of ever wanting more from our government. Michelle Obama’s expressed assertions, expectations, and apparent approval of government doing ‘everything for us’ prohibit traditional liberty, independence, and personal accountability. How far the Democrat Party has devolved in 63 years should be clear when we consider that JFK famously challenged us to ‘Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.’” —Missouri

“The Democrat 2024 plan: (1) Keep running Biden, and don’t allow any other candidates to oppose him. (2) At the convention, Biden will withdraw his candidacy, citing his age and the ‘possibility’ that his health might falter in the future. (3) After one hour of chaos, the convention will turn to the only candidate who has instant name recognition, no record to run against, who is favorable to 99% of voting Democrats and a majority of independents, and whose election would be historic — Michelle Obama.” —Arizona

Re: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again on the Budget

“Unfortunately, congressional Republicans will capitulate to the Democrats again, and they will have their victory on spending. Republicans have had control of the House and the power of the purse since January 2023; they have done nothing with it but squander their time on infighting. So in the end, there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans in Congress. They both wildly spend our tax dollars, including those not printed yet.” —Florida

Re: NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Heads for the Exit

“Without the NRA, like them or not, our Second Amendment would be much changed from what it currently is. As much as the Second Amendment has been attacked over the years, we only continue to even have the right because of the NRA and scattered other organizations. Numbers count. We are a nation of laws. The NRA works within that system. That is what they do. It’s not a perfect system, but it beats the heck out of Red China and many others. No other country has the Constitution we have.” —Illinois

Re: Tuesday Short Cuts

“So is the White House press secretary finally admitting there is a crisis at the border? It sounds like it, even though, like a good politician, she wishes to deflect the blame. It is pure insanity to continue to build a backlog in immigration courts by admitting, even on a temporary basis, more individuals than can be vetted through the system in a timely manner. Setting hearing dates two or three (or more) years in the future is ridiculous at best and insanity at worst. Many of those people will return to their hearings with children born in the U.S. and argue that because their kids are citizens, they must stay in America — and who is cruel enough to split up families? Where has common sense fled to? I want a ticket there!” —Washington

“It is pretty common knowledge among Republican lawmakers that the Democrats are allowing this illegal invasion because they are desperate to rebuild their base after 50 years of millions of abortions. Since they have recently realized that they have ‘aborted themselves out of the voting booth,’ they now must frantically refill their voting lists with uneducated, welfare-dependent illegals who must vote Democrat in order to survive.” —Pennsylvania