The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Secret Service Whistleblowers on the Trump Security Detail

“In addition to resigning, Kimberly Cheatle and Alejandro Mayorkas should apologize, first and foremost, to Trump and the American people. But they should also apologize to the ‘too short to be a Secret Service agent’ woman with the trick holster. Her performance was horrifying and the crucifying memes, knowing Trump survived, wickedly funny. We now know she worked for DHS doing a job she was not trained to do, and they should apologize to her for ever putting her in that position.” —New Hampshire

“I already knew what Mayorkas would tell Congress. He repeated his canned speech saying he has great people and they’re doing a great job, and it’s an insult that anyone would dare to question that. The same lies about his job protecting our southern border. Senate Democrats were wrong to dismiss the impeachment against him without even looking at it, and voters should hold them to account.” —Minnesota

“The buck stops not with the field agents, counter-snipers, and local police; it stops with Cheatle and Mayorkas.” —California

Re: Biden Puts Bullseye on SCOTUS

“Remember as a kid when the boy who was having a bad game would just grab the ball and say, ‘I’m going home and I’m taking the ball with me’? How are Comrade Biden’s attacks on the sovereignty of the Supreme Court any different? He isn’t getting the rulings he and all the other Marxists want, so in typical Biden style, he throws a hissy fit.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Statism for Renters, Biden Style

“The 10 million or so illegal immigrants allowed to enter the U.S. under the Biden administration have to live somewhere. This sudden surge in demand for living quarters adds undue pressure to the already fragile housing sector, and there is no way it can keep up with this sudden surge in demand. So, yes, Americans will pay more in housing costs as a result of the immigration policies of the Biden administration.” —California

“Anyone who has studied even a minimal amount of economics in college knows that Biden knows nothing about the subject, including how ‘supply vs. demand’ works. It doesn’t take a genius to understand the concept. Then again, Biden is not exactly a genius.” —Arizona

Re: The Real ‘Threats to Democracy’ Are Biden and His Demo Cadres

“This was an exceptionally well-documented indictment of Biden — and notably, given all of Biden’s hateful rhetoric, 10 days ahead of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.” —New York

“If only the average voter was sufficiently informed to actually comprehend the difference between Biden’s ‘democracy’ rhetoric and the Liberty ensured by our actual form of government, our Republic! I support you so you can keep getting the right perspective in front of grassroots Americans!” —California

“Absolutely right, Alexander; Biden has NO record to campaign on, thus he has based his campaign on ‘protecting democracy’ from Trump — the kind of words that incite, not unify. But that is his strategy!” —Washington

Re: Hate, Division, and a Resolution to Rise Above

“Thanks for letting us know what it looks like when a state governor and legislature gets it right!” —Massachusetts

Re: Biden’s ‘Medical Condition’ Layup

“Whoever runs Biden’s X account evidently thought it would be clever to post as a standalone tweet, ‘I’m sick.’ And then follow that up with a reply, ‘of Elon Musk and his rich buddies trying to buy this election.’ You mean like Mark Zuckerberg passing out his Zuckerbucks during the 2020 election?” —Illinois

Re: Tireless Trump Closes Out the RNC

“Trump’s speech started off well, but by about 45 minutes, I was starting to get bored with it because it was dragging on and on with no sign of it coming to an end. After an hour, I stopped watching. Trump needs to learn how to give a focused, crisp speech rather than one where he ad libs so much and for so long that he loses the TV audience.” —California

Re: Why Is the Predator Teacher Problem Being Ignored?

“I suspect one reason that teacher abuse of students is so rampant is because the teachers were taught to disregard and ‘transgress’ boundaries. They have been trained to view parents as inherently harmful and dangerous to children, and that it’s the teacher’s job to liberate the children from harmful (i.e. traditional) ideas and practices. People who ignore boundaries in one area are more likely to violate boundaries in other areas. These teachers have been violating the boundaries that separate a ‘teacher for a year’ from a ‘family for life.’ They’ve been introducing adult concepts to children (violating the protective age boundary). Why wouldn’t they violate boundaries involving relationships and physical contact?” —North Dakota

Re: In Brief: Why Is It Always ‘Fascism’ and ‘Theocracy’?

“Not exactly a mystery here, as ‘projection’ is one of the primary covenants of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rues for Radicals’ — always accuse you opponent of doing what you are doing. It has become obvious that the Democrats’ vision is the globalist agenda, a one world government of fascism, and they clearly have Big Business on board, being they will be afforded a monopoly. It’s what the Democrats like to call a ‘public/private partnership,’ as it sounds much more benign than the ‘New World Order.’” —California

Re: ‘Unity,’ They Said. ‘Lower the Temperature,’ They Cried.

“I believe in God, family, and country. These beliefs, I think, are still the beliefs of a majority of this country. A small majority, maybe, but still a majority. The Democrats don’t believe in these three things. They push abortion, which destroys a family. They slam our country constantly as racist, homophonic, or any type of ‘phobia.’ They push God out of everything they can. Until they lower their level of hate, there can be no reconciliation.” —Illinois

Re: In Brief: Unity?

“I believe that the divisions are too deep to reunite the country. The Democrats have been calling Trump Hitler for eight years. Does anyone think they’ll suddenly stop? I know one thing for sure: I would rather have a leader who says ‘If you hurt or kill my people you will be dealt with accordingly’ than a man who just looks at them and says ‘Don’t.’” —Illinois

Re: Thursday: Below the Fold

“No, Mr. Biden did not expand NATO. Finland and Sweden did not join because of Mr. Biden’s invitation. Vladimir Putin persuaded the two nations that neutrality was no longer safe, so he deserves the direct credit. Mr. Biden’s role was projecting weakness, which emboldened Putin’s imperial ambitions. It’s worth recalling that had it not been for President Trump’s stern warnings that the U.S. would no longer put up with the failure of other NATO members to do their fair share of military contributions, they would have been less able to assist Ukraine when Russia attacked. But Mr. Biden has been a boat anchor, delaying the U.S. response, failing to address congressional concerns in a timely manner, and limiting Ukraine’s use of munitions.” —Minnesota

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“I tried searching for ‘Donald Trump,’ ‘Joe Biden,’ and ‘Robert Kennedy Jr.’ by name only on Duckduckgo. The first result on each was a Wikipedia biographical page, followed by a mix of news and other biographical articles. Next, I added ‘campaign’ to each search. The first result for all three was the candidate’s website. (RFK’s campaign site presentation had the same appearance as a paid advertisement, with multiple topical links.) Bottom line: Google isn’t burying Donald Trump so much as promoting his main rivals over him. It’s still dirty.” —Minnesota

Re: Profiles of Valor: PO1 Marcus Luttrell (USN)

“All warriors deserve much more than Biden’s botched Afghan withdrawal. My son, 3rd Ranger Battalion, carried Matt Axelson’s body up the Hindu kush, truly the epitome of ‘leave no man behind.’” —Michigan

“So the Navy also names ships after leftist politicos and LBGTQ+ celebrities. I can’t imagine the morale issues associated with serving on one of those ships.” —Oregon

“Speaking of former SEALs in the House, other than Texas, that includes Eli Crane of Arizona, Ryan Zinke of Montana, and Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin.” —Arizona