The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: ICYMI: Biden’s Withdrawal Was Scripted Long Ago

“So ‘presidential historian’ Jon Meacham actually compared Joe Biden to George Washington? Apparently, they both are afflicted with dementia. How embarrassing for Meacham to publish that absurd comparison in The New York Times. His own affliction is now apparent to all.” —California

“I am appalled at the comparisons between Biden and Washington. Biden couldn’t carry Washington’s saddle on his best day. He has done nothing but tear down everything Washington helped to create, which was a Republic, not a democratic autocracy.” —Maryland

“Washington would have hung Biden for treason!” —Minnesota

Re: We Are Living in Dangerous Times — Watch Out for China

“Why do it yourself when you can use others to create chaos? China is not our friend! It wants to weaken the United States any way it can. We should stop using Chinese goods and their money to fund our debt. We need to balance our budget, stop funding people who hate us, and look after our republic. Only then can we keep China at bay.” —Illinois

“Peru has literal mountains of copper ore. China would love to own those, or at least have premium access to them. For those who wonder about ownership of the port, 60% is owned by COSCO Ports Chancay of Hong Kong, and the remaining interest by a nominally Peruvian corporation. The lenders are several Chinese banks. So what happens to the Peruvian share if the port goes bankrupt? China has a long history of predatory lending for infrastructure and resource development in other nations, with complete ownership ending up in the hands of CCP-controlled entities and a loss of local equity.” —Minnesota

Re: The Great ‘Border Czar’ Whitewash

“For almost four years now, the majority of Americans thought Kamala Harris was the border czar. Now, all of a sudden, she never WAS the border czar. That is why she never did anything about the border. So then, who WAS the border czar? If Kamala was incapable of being the border czar, then how can she carry the entire load of the presidency? We should have moved her to transportation and allowed Pete Buttigieg to take a break from whatever it is that he does.” —Nevada

“When political machines raise millions of dollars to hire people to fabricate a storyline that supports their position, the public is often fooled. Shallow thinking and failure to engage is a big issue. If you are voting for someone who cannot produce their own speech, don’t choose that one. They have already been co-opted.” —Washington

Re: Republicans Say Biden Needs to Go

“While I agree that Biden is unfit for office, I believe Harris is too. My question is, why would we want to oust Biden now and make Kamala president for the remainder of his term? Wouldn’t that give her benefits and recognition that she doesn’t deserve? Besides making her the next president of the United States, she will merely be another puppet of those who are controlling the Biden-Harris administration now anyways. At the very least, let’s not add the title of President to her résumé.” —Minnesota

Re: Secret Service Director Resigns After Stonewalling Congress

“Kimberly Cheatle’s sidestepping or deflecting basic questions I found to be just as frustrating as members of Congress did. She had an adversarial attitude when she should have behaved more like a partner working with Congress to get to the bottom of this despicable assassination attempt. We have seen way too much stonewalling from congressional witnesses as of late to the point that anyone who pulls this childish nonsense needs to be fired.” —New York

Re: Netanyahu Reminds America We’re in This Fight Together

“With all my heart, I will forever honor and love Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the phenomenally heroic IDF, and the greatly suffering people of Israel. Americans who fight to love and to protect truth, freedom, justice, and the sanctify of life stand with you to the death against the barbarism that absolutely threatens everyone now.” —Florida

Re: In Brief: Breaking Wind

“The blades used are 100 meters long, according to GE Vernova (swept area does not include the hub and blade root, for those who come up with 55 meters using simple geometry). They blame the failure of this blade on a defective factory bonding process and plan inspections of the other blades from that lot. Designing such blades is more challenging than wings since there is substantial centrifugal force and the force of gravity changing from tension to bending to compression to bending the other way as the turbine blade rotates downward then upward. This cyclical force causes material fatigue in the blade. Given the hazards of blade failure, they should be designed, built, and maintained with the same level of care given to steam boilers.” —Minnesota

Re: Profiles of Valor: MAJ Richard Bong (USA), American Ace of Aces

“Great profile of a great American! When Dick Bong buzzed the house where his fellow pilot’s wife was hanging up her laundry, his punishment was to go to her house and help her with laundry. I don’t think that changed his flying habits…” —Georgia