The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments
Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.
“This is, by a magnitude of 10, the most sensible analysis on the media-driven drone hysteria in November and December. Cool, calm, and collected — just what we expect from The Patriot Post. Thanks for restoring reason to this nonsense.” —California
“I fell into the trap of excessive concern about these drones. I was skeptical when I read Alexander’s assessment in December that this was nothing more than media hype. However, in retrospect, and having just read this follow-up analysis, clearly Alexander was right about the hysterics.” —New Jersey
Re: What They Don’t Understand About Trump’s America
“In addition to Konstantin Kisin’s ‘10 Reasons You Didn’t See This Coming’ about why the Euro elite were shocked by Trump’s election, they didn’t see what we clearly saw — the Democrat Party chose Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, two of the most naive and malleable politicos in American presidential history, to ‘lead’ their pernicious agenda of ‘fundamentally transforming’ the U.S. Both demonstrated an ineptitude and growing unfitness to execute the duties and responsibilities of their respective offices with each passing day. Fortunately, a majority of patriotic Americans opted to return to our nation’s constitutional origin and greatness.” —Florida
Re: We Knew Some Unforced Errors Would Follow
“We didn’t elect a saint; we elected a leader. Some of us believe that God spared Trump’s life in Butler, PA, because He needed Trump to do His work. In the Bible, God often used imperfect persons to do His work. Look up King David.” —Pennsylvania
“I am more than willing for President Trump to shove that pendulum back from the far left to at least the center.” —Texas
“The answer to the question about Trump’s release of J6 offenders charged and/or convicted of violence against police that day is this: Because the process was so rigged at the time, it is not clear who was fairly convicted and who wasn’t. Clearly, there were hundreds of people convicted of nonviolent offenses who, short of the Biden DOJ double standards, should never have been convicted of anything. At the same time, remember that DC prosecutors dropped all charges against hundreds of protestors who had been arrested in the previous six months for fighting police and destroying property.” —Illinois
Re: It’s Not Just TikTok — The Social Media Data-Mining Solution
“TikTok, Meta, and others are specifically and directly in the business of influencing and destroying the minds of our children (and our elder population as well). It is a pure travesty that Zuckerberg, Bezos, and others are now ‘bowing down’ to Donald Trump when their real intention is to ‘spare the sword’ on their own interests.” —Florida
“Anyway you look at it, this ceasefire is putting lipstick on a pig. The timeline dribbling the returning hostages a few at a time is ridiculous. All should have been freed on the first day. Hamas’s posturing regarding the hostages is a harbinger of future trouble. Unfortunately, history shows that caving to the Palestinian/Hamas demands in exchange for terrorists validates their strategy. The vicious cycle will continue until Hamas is no more.” —California
Re: How to Cut the Federal Leviathan
“A quick scan of Senator Paul’s ‘Festivus Report’ provides ample reason for a hold on and review of federal spending. The president’s job includes fiduciary responsibilities, and it is obvious the taxpayers were being cheated during the last administration. One wonders how much deliberate corruption is waiting to be uncovered given the volume of the objections being made to waiting for a second look before the money is gone.” —Minnesota
“The government took my money out of my paychecks all those years for Social Security, so I want my Social Security. I didn’t have a choice! Now, if there was ever a money-stealing scam that wasn’t deserved, it is welfare and disability benefits. You would think that we are a nation of invalids. We a need a Department of Welfare and Disability Fraud (DWDF). This would snag the scammers and the attorneys who have their clients visit certain doctors to validate their disability or need for welfare and food stamps.” —Illinois
“One might hope that as Trump proceeds with the badly needed and long-overdue trimming of the government fat, some consideration will be given to taking care of the problem in increments to (hopefully) allow the private sector to absorb the ‘liberated’ personnel. Furthermore, now that the Republicans control both houses, maybe it would be useful to pass contemporary laws that would restrict Congress to budget items that are actually in keeping with the constraints of the Constitution.” —Florida
Re: The Consequence of Highjacking the Civil Rights Act
“Equating sexual behavior with race is a logical category error. It is a fallacy flaw to include LGBTQ+ as some sort of quasi-racial minority under civil rights laws. Race is an unalterable biological characteristic; sexual behaviors arise from mental and emotional states and are mutable. Most LGBTQ+ activists don’t seem to be able to recognize this fundamental difference, leading to their muddled illogical attempts to hijack civil rights principles and laws. Another person’s race does not and cannot affect me, my children, or civilization, but another person’s sexual behavior certainly can affect all three. That is the reason these separate categories must be treated differently.” —Utah
“No surprise the PRC is stealing American technology and making outlandish claims about it’s superiority. The real question is what the Trump administration is going to do about it. For too long the PRC has been stealing American intellectual property and using it to undermine our economy, often with the tacit approval of American universities, corporations, and government agencies. This blatant theft of American intellectual property has to stop!” —California
Re: Defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
“Defunding PBS and NPR is long overdue. It may not solve the national debt, but by taking $100 million here and $100 million there, soon you’re talking real money! More importantly, it proves to Americans the administration is serious by going after sacred cows.” —California