The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Joe Biden IS the ‘Red Flag’

“Excellent analysis, Mr. Alexander. Especially relevant is your ending sentence: ‘The blood of thousands of those being readied for slaughter is on the hands of every reckless Biden/Harris voter.’ I hope at least half of the Biden ‘voters’ understand and accept this charge and vote much more wisely in the future.” —Maryland

“Afghanistan has proven that the president wanted to make the deadline as quickly as possible with no thought or regard for how many it would hurt just so he could crow about his ‘success.’ God have mercy on him. A few Democrat voters may rue the day Biden took office, but we all must suffer until this Biden-Harris idiocy has been duly removed from office.” —North Carolina

Re: “Biden Caves to the Taliban

“The Taliban violated the agreement they made with President Trump to work peacefully with the legitimate government of Afghanistan. We owe them nothing. They nullified the agreement, so we can stay as long and in as much force as we want. Mr. Biden either doesn’t comprehend that, or he doesn’t care.” —Minnesota

“Maybe even worse, our people left blank ID forms and the machines that make them so that the Taliban can issue phony military IDs, which can be used all over the world to gain access to bases, computers, you name it. Forget Sleepy Joe; he is Sloppy Joe, among other things.” —Tennessee

Re: “Will FDA Vaccine Approval Change Minds?

“There’s a reason that blacks are reluctant to take the vaccine: Tuskegee. And there’s a law now, because of Tuskegee, that no one can be required to participate in an experimental drug-testing process. That’s why the Dems must cajole rather than coerce.” —California

Re: “Keep the Unemployment Gravy Train Rolling?

“Yellenomics is a recipe for national impoverishment. The prosperity of a nation is heavily dependent on the productivity of its workers. Paying people not to work is counterproductive. The notion that we can borrow and spend ourselves into prosperity is sheer folly, especially when we are deliberately rewarding idleness with borrowed money while there is work to be done. Nor is the prolonged dole doing the recipients any favors. It destroys good work habits and replaces the dignity of self-support with infantile dependence on a government teat.” —Minnesota

Re: “Don’t Go Woke When Your Corporate Name Is ‘American’…

“I don’t own a lot of stock, but I vote against all members of all boards that go woke. The companies will not survive if the nation turns into this blob of woke malcontents and America haters. The useful idiots aren’t smart enough to know the depth of their stupidity, but the corporate leaders should know and be stronger to face the challenge, not succumb to it.” —Nevada

Re: “Part 1: Identity as an American

“I’m concerned that our country is disintegrating faster than anyone could have predicted. Trump scared the statists into trying things they always wanted, but I didn’t think they could pull off. Individual states are the bulwark of our future. I predict our demise picks up speed rapidly. Hope I’m wrong.” —Pennsylvania

“We are accountable for application of our gifts to fulfill our responsibility to our God, family, community, cohorts, nation, progeny, and history. Ignorance is no excuse. Accountability demands we know, integrate, and witness truth. If the foundation of accountability is omitted, this ‘constellation’ of individualism, liberty, equality, hard work, and the rule of law collapses into a pursuit of vanity. Every major decision a man makes will be faulty until he gains a proper perspective of the whole world as God sees it.” —Missouri