The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Timeline: Exposing the ChiCom Virus Cover-Up

“When you state that President Donald Trump lost the election because of the ChiCom Virus, I only agree if you mean that many voters were frightened into using mail-in ballots — the easiest ballots to falsify. I voted in person, in one of the hardest hit zip codes in NYC.” —New York

Editor’s Note: That is exactly what we’ve always argued.

Re: “Emails Expose Fauci as a Fraud

“Regarding the Fox News report that ‘a $600,000 federal grant from NIAID did not directly fund the lab’s gain-of-function research, which is research that involves modifying a virus to make it more infectious among humans’… Why on earth are viruses dangerous to humans being created in labs? To be used in biological warfare? Why are we supporting any research into any man-made virus such as COVID? What do we have to gain for this? I have not read anyplace asking WHY work was being done on this terrible scourge and what the end result or purpose was to be. Again the old adage, ‘We are our own worse enemy’ comes to fruition. There are enough natural maladies in nature that affect humans that we don’t need to create news ones.” —Washington

Re: “Does Pandemic Economic Recovery Show Two Americas?

“Splitting hairs over details in a topic of conversation can be tedious, or defeating to the goal. Sometimes, however, precision in a discussion (even in a news format) can help us not go over a slippery slope, only to leave us at the bottom of a pile of incorrect thinking. Thus is the case in the article ‘Pandemic Economic Recovery.’ Our current economic problems were not ‘pandemic-induced.’ First, a pandemic has no creative power, in and of itself. Next, we need to be quite clear that it was the policies enacted in response to the pandemic that contributed to the economic mess we find ourselves in. That is a drum conservatives need to continue beating — even when some conservatives participated in those policy decisions.” —Texas

Re: “Democrats’ Plan B if HR 1 Fails

“Seems that Ben Franklin was prescient, yet again. When asked about the form of our new Constitutional government, he stated, ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’ These so-called ‘voter integrity’ bills are aimed at destroying our REPUBLIC and state sovereignty — the 10th Amendment be damned (along with various others)!” —Maryland

Re: “Manchin Sticks a Fork in Dems’ HR 1 Power Grab

“Article IV, § 4 ‘The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…’ A ‘Republican Form,’ not a democracy. Article VI, Cl. 3 ‘The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…’ When your representative calls this a democracy, what are they doing? They are subverting the Rule of Law and will eventually strip us of all our rights. The problems we experience today are the clear results of ignorance of the Rule of Law.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “A Disgusting Sexual Education

“So many educators have become Marxists pigs. They destroy the individual and the self-esteem that comes from self-determination. Where is God? Where is morality? Where is common sense? Where is the human spirit and soul? Where is Christ? How can we stand by and let this happen to our children, our future? Are we to become subjects of a tyrannical government? Or are we to be citizens of a Constitutional Republic where the people govern? Choose! Read the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.” —Massachusetts

Re: “Memorial Day — An Orphan’s Medal of Honor

“My dad served in the Coast Guard during WWII on a destroyer escort taking fast convoys carrying aviation fuel across the North Atlantic. He said he was a lucky man to survive dodging U-Boat Wolf Packs. His ship did get credit for sinking the U-550, which came close to sinking them and another destroyer. He and other sailors would tie ropes around their waists and jump into the freezing water, where he painfully remembers picking up survivors as well as dead bodies in the freezing waters. During his long life he loved Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veterans Day and paid homage to the dead as well as those who survived war.” —New Jersey

Re: “Memorial Day: Lest We Forget

The Patriot Post is blessed to have a Nammer like you on its staff, Roger. I relate very well with your columns and appreciate the way you speak out about the horrors going on in our country today. Welcome home, brother.” —Florida

“Hello Roger, I’m an avid follower of yours on The Patriot Post. First, I wanted to say ‘welcome home, brother’! Second, thanks for sharing your story. I’m glad you made it home and share your experiences with so many. I served in Army at the tail end of Vietnam. Although I never served in theater, I remember hearings the stories from so many in my aviation company that did serve over there. I knew a man from my hometown that was in the 1st Marine Division and KIA on December 18, 1967. I still wear his bracelet in remembering. His name is Dennis Senz. God Bless you Roger. Thank you for your service to our great country.” —Washington

Re: “Cruel and Unusual Punishment for the Capitol Rioters

“The unconstitutional ill treatment of the accused January 6th protesters is an absolute travesty of justice. If one-tenth of the time and resources dedicated to this singular event were spent in bringing to justice the most visible protesters engaged in last year’s widespread destructive and deadly riots, the benefits to our nation’s safety and peace would be far greater and appropriate. It is time for all Americans, but particularly congressional Republicans, to expose and confront the egregiously hypocritical Democrats in their cruel and unusual actions in pursuit of a false narrative and blatant injustice.” —Florida