The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Unmasking the Maskers

“Great article. I’d go a step further and say that anti-maskers actually do see maskers as putting people in hospitals. Worse, it seems they’re believing the lies without critical thought and research, or just going along with the narrative because they don’t want to stand up or stand out. This in turns strengthens the continuation of societal pressure to mask up and follow other restrictions, which creates more of the anxiety and depression mentioned — and a whole lot of other dysfunction — with dire consequences. If people would think it through and push back, we could end these pandemic issues that are indeed causing loss of life and livelihoods (not enough healthcare workers left in hospitals, delayed surgeries, etc).” —Washington

Re: “The Left’s Deadly Dismissal of Natural Immunity

“Making the COVID vaccine the ‘only’ solution keeps people dependent on the government as the solution to the pandemic. People not relying on government means politicians and bureaucrats have less power. Hence the narrative that only the vaccines will save us from COVID. Call me cynical, but considering the vast amounts of money being generated by Big Pharma, does anyone else wonder how much of those government-mandated profits wind up in politicians’ and bureaucrats’ hands?” —Maryland

“There’s one notable science disconnect between no-maskers and pro-maskers: We neglect that droplet spread is the primary spreading mode (as opposed to bare viruses). We shouldn’t. At this point, everyone in the world has likely breathed in at least some of the virus. Statistically, you likely won’t catch COVID from a single virus or multiple viruses. A cloth mask may help stop non-respirable droplets that contain hundreds or thousands of viruses. An N95 may help stop respirable particles. But either way, if you breath through a mask used to stop infected particles for eight hours, you will likely still accumulate enough viral exposure to develop a symptomatic infection. The way masks are worn 99% of the time makes them worse than useless.” —California

Re: “Don’t Get Too Excited About GDP

“I am sick and tired of the distortions and lies by the current administration. You may not be aware that government spending is a key component of the GDP calculation. Spending of trillions of dollars has caused the component to increase by nearly 25%, raising the GDP measure to reflect nearly a 6% growth. Let’s spend some more and really celebrate our economic progress. Yuck!” —Tennessee

Re: “Cali’s Great Train Robberies

“A ‘train robbery’ of a different kind has been going on in this country for decades, aided and abetted by Congress and the various occupants of the Oval Office. I refer to the unconstitutional tax dollars funding the railroad company known as AmTrack. This company has NEVER, in all its years of running, even been able to break even, let alone show a profit. Taxpayers who never ride the rail are forced to surrender their earnings through taxation so some pandering politician can buy a vote from someone else.” —Michigan

Re: “Tackling FBI Corruption

“This is damned depressing. After college, I went into the Army for a 26-year career and one of my fraternity brothers went into the FBI. He rose to become a deputy director. That man was solid and would never have allowed his values and ethics to be compromised by politics. But, we were educated during a time that engendered a strong, objective, and moral framework. As for today’s education system? It is sorely lacking in these values.” —Washington

Re: “China’s Stunning Buyout of the Bidens

“It would seem that any government body with jurisdiction has had more than enough time to reach a conclusion as to whether or not any or all of the Bindens have any criminal culpability arising from their China (or Ukraine) dealings. The longer it goes without cloture, the more likely it smells of purposeful cover-up. Should it all be forgotten when (if?) our president is forced to retire from office due to the apparent decline in his mental state?” —Washington

Re: “GOP Pushes a Parents’ Bill of Rights

“Watch the Democrats rediscover the 10th Amendment when this bill comes up for debate. I don’t see how the federal government has the constitutional authority to enforce this bill, other than to block stunts like intimidating dissenting parents by calling them domestic terrorists subject to FBI investigation. However, every state should formally recognize, observe, and uphold these rights.” —Minnesota

Re: “Wisconsin Was Rigged in 2020

“Donald Trump was so popular with the people because he spoke out. He did not measure each word he said against the polls, even when the media used his words, as they did in Charlottesville, against him by truncating text or modifying it. He also did something no Democrat has done. Once in office, he did what the people wanted him to do, not what The Swamp wanted. People who didn’t like him relied on the media for their opinions. They would never read the transcript of Charlottesville, let alone the (public) transcript of the phone conversation with the Ukraine president. Both were contrary to media reporting. These people also forgave Biden for doing exactly what they accused Trump of doing.” —Nevada

Re: “Preaching to the Choir

“Bush 41 lost to Clinton because the electorate wanted a ‘cool,’ younger, ‘baby boom’ POTUS (as you asserted); our nation was tired of stagflation and tired of Republican presidents; and, most memorable, George H.W. Bush failed to keep his promise of ‘no new taxes.’ Everyone has ‘character.’ Character is the sum total of the attributes displayed in conduct. Criminals have character, just not what we want for POTUS. Integrity is the attribute that integrates all other attributes. If a ship loses integrity, it will sink. Integrity includes honesty, courage, competence, sacrifice, discipline, honor, tenacity … attributes ensuring only the most noble achievements are pursued without compromise, hesitation, mitigation, pause, or failure.” —Missouri