The Patriot Post® · Biden Desecrates Peace Officers Memorial

By Mark Alexander ·

Shortly after Joe Biden took office, he began issuing frequent proclamation orders to lower flags to half-staff at all government installations — not for traditional and historical reasons like Memorial Day, but in an effort to use our flag as a rag to support the Demos’ political agenda.

I first noted this trend when President Post Turtle began issuing those orders on rare occasions when a deranged assailant murdered people, especially if Biden could assert some race-bait motive for the attack. Given that Biden and his Democrat hate hustlers are directly responsible for unleashing the biggest surge of violent crime in American history, the irony of their pretense of concern about violence is rich.

Richer still is that the unprecedented violence was, and remains, primarily black-on-black, an inconvenient truth Biden and company would like to avoid discussing at all cost.

Fact is, state and local government facilities and private installations like schools should stop lowering their flags to support Biden’s agenda. Biden’s flag orders only apply to federal installations, the same ones that fly the “rainbow flag.” Following politically motivated orders to lower our national flag demeans its memorial lowering for appropriate expressions of honor.

So, you may have noticed that flags are at half-mast today — or should be. In fact, at our publishing office, our flag is lowered on its 35-foot pole, and we do so annually on this date in observance of Peace Officers Memorial Day, honoring all law enforcement officers (LEOs) who have been killed in the line of duty. And we post End of Watch tributes to all LEOs who have been murdered in the line of duty.

Biden issued a proclamation to lower flags, ostensibly to honor LEOs killed, but then his handlers used the proclamation to lie about Biden’s support for police and the violence they fomented. Yes, we all know that Biden is a prolific liar, but as a former LEO, I take great offense at his use of this proclamation to issue a plethora of prevarications.

The first clue that this proclamation was going to be replete with lies is that most such orders are one or two paragraphs — this one was nine and almost 1,000 words long.

Right up top, Biden attempts to deflect responsibility for the surge in violence and murdered LEOs: “During the pandemic, States and cities saw violent crime rising as they faced deep cuts in law enforcement and public safety budgets.”

Really, “deep cuts in law enforcement and public safety budgets.” Let’s fact-check that and correct the record.

During the pandemic, Democrats led the urban “defund the police” chorus nationwide, which was responsible for those “deep cuts in law enforcement and public safety budgets.” And, they launched their “summer of rage” mobs as part of their strategy to defeat Donald Trump. That rage was predicated on their fallacious “systemic racism” lies, and the intentional consequence was the aforementioned surge in violence — which continues today.

One result of their defund-and-defame-police effort has been a dangerous police recruitment, retention, and morale crisis. But more to the point of Biden’s pretentious proclamation is that the Biden/Demo war on cops resulted in a surge of attacks on and murders of police, which also continues today.

Two weeks ago, after four officers were murdered by a black assailant in North Carolina, I asserted again and made the case that “Demos Are Enabling Cop Killers.”

Predictably, Biden deflects from the murderous problem he created and insists the crime Democrats unleashed is really a “gun problem,” not a thug problem, in order to promote the Demos’ gun control agenda. In fact, the only reason Demo-induced violence is not much higher is that 125 million Americans are legal and responsible gun owners.

Biden’s diversionary gun charade is because he and his fellow Demos don’t want you to connect the causality dots and realize that they are indisputably guilty of enabling the surge of violence against all Americans, including police officers. Of course, Biden’s proclamation then asserts our “communities [are] flooded with weapons of war,” and he devotes the remainder of his order to covering his bloody tracks from the murder scenes of police officers nationwide.

He closes with this line: “Let us recommit to supporting the people in uniform and their families, who ensure the safety of our communities all across the Nation.” It’s interesting that he would assert “recommit” because, unlike Biden and his ilk, we never wavered in our commitment to supporting our LEOs.

Finally, if you think the Demos’ contempt for LEOs has diminished, here is the full list of 148 House Demos who, this week, voted against deporting illegal aliens who attack police officers.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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