The Patriot Post® · The Real Extremists Biden Ignores

By Mark Alexander ·

On Saturday, a British Islamist terrorist, Malik Faisal Akram1, entered the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, and took four hostages. Akram demanded the release of convicted al-Qa'ida2-connected terrorist Aafia Siddiqui. Akram’s assault prompted UK authorities to arrest two young Islamists3 associated with Akram.

Hours after the siege began, an FBI team raided the building and shot Akram dead.

Prior to killing Akram, Special Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno absurdly claimed that Akram’s motivation was “not specifically related to the Jewish community.” There was no apparent basis for that assertion. After Akram was killed, the FBI issued this statement: “This is a terrorism-related matter, in which the Jewish community was targeted, and is being investigated by the Joint Terrorism Task Force.”

Why the disparity?

First, because the Demos are constantly covering for Islamists, especially for their most prominent Party Jew hater4, Rep. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-MN).

To that end, recall that Joe Biden’s5 immediately and libelously declared that Kyle Rittenhouse was a “white supremacist6” ahead of his being cleared of all charges for defending himself against Demo thugs. However, Biden refused to speculate about Akram’s motives.

Clearly, before Akram was identified, Biden’s cadre of deep-staters7 still in the FBI command pipeline were holding out hope that the assailant could be a poster boy for Biden’s fabricated claim that our nation is inundated with “right-wing extremists8” who pose the greatest domestic threat to “democracy.” That was Biden’s post-J6 Capitol protest9 narrative in support of Nancy Pelosi’s political Insurrection™ inquisition10.

Recall that last week after the Demos’ J6 anniversary celebrations, Biden announced the formation of a “new” DoJ “domestic terrorism unit11” that will be the tip of his fake “Trump extremists” spear, despite the fact that investigating domestic terrorism has been the FBI’s job since the 1960s. That is a job the FBI has done well, with the notable exception of the 9/11 Islamist attack12, which should have been detected if not for Bill Clinton’s13 domestic terrorism “priorities.”

For the record, among the hate-hustler14 strategies Democrats perfected under the Clinton regime, was using the blood of innocents as political fodder to foment racial and ethnic division15 and promote their political agenda. This is immediately apparent every time there is an assault motivated by race or religion — excluding, of course, Islamist attacks.

In a nation of 330 million people, there will be some number of assaults that fit the domestic terrorism profile every year.

While those assaults deserve national condemnation, the number of victims involved amount to a split fraction of the annual number of murder victims on Demo urban poverty plantations — notably, the grossly disproportionate number of both murders and interracial murders by black assailants which are not classified as “hate crimes.”

Highly regarded crime researcher Heather Mac Donald, who has documented both the frequency and circumstances of police involved shootings16 and the Left’s deadly blame-shifting game17, has also documented the interracial crime disparity18 between white and black people. According to FBI statistics19 regarding interracial crime17, black people committed 90% of interracial felonies despite representing just 13% of our population – and black adult males who committed most of those crimes represent less than 3% of the population. She also determined that in cases where the victim’s race was known20, in 88% of murdered black people21, the suspect is also black.

Ironically and arguably, it’s Democrat Party policies22 that are responsible for real systemic racism23 today, as opposed to the so-called “systemic racism24” lies leftists are endlessly peddling. These policies have devastated urban centers, but are backed and funded by suburban “White Privilege25” Democrats.

Moreover, the recent surge in violence26 is the direct result of urban Demo politicians and their political charade to “defund the police27.”

That notwithstanding, I would argue that ALL murders are “hate crimes28,” not just those the Democrats and their Leftmedia platforms29 elevate to national outrage.

(Update: Even Akram’s family is now demanding to know30 why, given his long criminal record, he was allowed to enter the U.S.)

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

Follow Mark Alexander on X/Twitter.31

NOTE: The First Civil Right is To Keep and Bear Arms32. It is, as James Madison’s Supreme Court Justice, Joseph Story, rightly defined it, “the palladium of the liberties of the republic,” the ultimate assurance of all other rights.

All defenders of American Liberty33 and its foundational guarantor, the Second Amendment34, should be prepared to articulate and refute the rhetorical gun control agenda35 disinformation propagated by Democrats36 and their Leftmedia publicists29. See these updated Footnotes for key points of rebuttal: Firearm Fiction v. Facts37.

Only law-abiding citizens abide by the law. Only outlaws perpetrate acts of violence. Making good people helpless won’t make bad people harmless.

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of American Liberty33, and for Veterans, First Responders, and their families. Please lift up your Patriot team38 and our mission39 to support and defend40 our Republic’s Founding Principle of Liberty33, in order to ignite the fires of freedom in the hearts and minds of our countrymen. Thank you for supporting41 our nation’s premier online journal42 of Liberty.
