The Patriot Post® · Prosecute Biden's 'Russian Disinformation' Cover-Up Cabal

By Mark Alexander ·

Joe “Big Guy” Biden and his White House puppeteers are doing the only thing corrupt public officials know to do when confronted with inconvenient truths about political cover-ups — keep repeating the cover-up talking points.

Biden’s spokesparrot Jen Psaki was asked this week: “The president has said that he never spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings. Is that still the case?” She flatly responded, “Yes.”

But those fabricated denials won’t hold up, according to investigative journalist Miranda Devine, who broke the Biden ChiCom connection in October 2020. Devine notes: “There is evidence of co-mingled finances, shared bank accounts, and Joe Biden met with numerous of Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners, met them in Beijing and in Washington, D.C.” In fact, there are now a dozen well-documented instances refuting Joe Biden’s claim that he was not involved in Hunter’s “pay to play” schemes.

Biden’s ChiCom connections are, at long last, beginning to unravel around the edges. However, the pace of investigations into Democrat corruption leads one to accurately conclude there is an enormous Beltway protection racket when it comes to Demo principals.

A full five years after Hillary Clinton’s now exposed deep state collaboration to fabricate the Trump/Russian collusion lie and the conspiracy to take down Donald Trump’s presidency that followed — a far more egregious insider assault on our Republic than the Nixon-era Watergate scandal — there are still no high-level indictments.

To date, Clinton has only been fined for fabricating that lie, though there are indications this week that Special Prosecutor John Durham’s investigation is inching closer to Clinton. Still, his investigation is proceeding at a pace that would not overtake a snail.

Which brings us to Biden’s cover-up of his Red China connections and big-buck collections through Hunter Biden.

Recall that a cabal of Biden’s political hacks, headed by former CIA Director John Brennan, assured us 18 months ago — a month before the 2020 election — that the evidence of those connections and collections should be completely discounted as “Russian disinformation.” (This would be the same John Brennan who once voted for the Stalinist Gus Hall for president. Hall was the General Secretary of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Soviet Union.)

Their “Russian disinformation” disinformation lie empowered an unprecedented Leftmedia and BigTech blackout of the Biden ChiCom connection. But all those “intel experts” were, as Biden would say, “lying dog-faced pony soldiers,” a cabal of bald-faced lying SOBs who are are refusing to retract their politically motivated lies — which makes them co-conspirators in the subterfuge.

Fast-forward, and now The Washington Post has begrudgingly followed up on the New York Times’s belated connection of the dots between both Bidens and millions of dollars from the Chinese. Both papers are pretending to be hot on the Biden-bucks trail, though it’s a trail they colluded with Biden and the Democratic National Committee to ensure was cold 18 months ago.

Having finally evaluated Hunter’s emails and confirmed the trail of corruption, absurdly, the Post’s editors ask, “What’s more compelling than the assorted accusations about the Bidens’ behavior is this question: Why is confirmation of a story that first surfaced in the fall of 2020 emerging only now?” Huh? As if WaPo was not among the original cabal of media colluders who buried the story?

Currently, this story is being framed to suggest Hunter Biden was the only guilty party, and that ruse will succeed unless a much-needed and long overdue special counsel is appointed to investigate Joe Biden’s lies and corruption. Of course, Joe Biden’s position is that his hacks at the Department of Justice can handle the investigation objectively, thus no need for the appointment of a special counsel.

Unless Republicans retake the House and Senate after the midterm elections, which I believe will be more of an uphill battle in the Senate given the Democrats’ Trump card strategy, they won’t be able to initiate their own investigations, and, indeed, the Biden/ChiCom trail will grow old and cold. But one thing House Judiciary Committee Republicans are doing now is getting on the record demanding that Biden’s “Russian Disinformation” cover-up cabal of “intel experts” come clean about their charade. All 19 Republicans on the committee have issued a formal letter to those “intel experts” demanding they “identify all people with whom you communicated about the inception, drafting, editing, signing, publishing, or promotion” of their now-debunked claim, and provide “all documents and communications referring or relating to” that ruse.

However, the fact is the Biden crime syndicate was, and remains, robust. It has been five years since Clinton and the DNC constructed their “Russian collusion” farce, and they remain, for the moment, untouchable. Getting one of Biden’s “Russian disinformation” hacks to fess up may prove to be a more direct line to his abundant political corruption.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776