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January 5, 2022

The Demos’ 2022 Dumpster Fires

Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer are the greatest threat to the future of Liberty and our Republic.

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.” —Thomas Jefferson (1781)

On occasion, our esteemed columnist Thomas Sowell posted analysis under the title “Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene” — short observations on four or five topics rather than a single column topic. In the spirit of Dr. Sowell’s “Random Thoughts,” here are some short analysis entries on a few significant “passing scenes” in the first week of 2022.

First up, it was no surprise that Democrat Party principals Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, who are now unabashedly advocating for socialist policies with the full collaboration of their Leftmedia propagandists, omitted any mention of the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

Thanks in large measure to Ronald Reagan, who put the final nails in the coffin of the Communist Centennial of Tyranny and Terror, it was on 25 December 1991, after Mikhail Gorbachev resigned, that the Soviet Union flag was lowered from the Kremlin and replaced with the flag of Russian Federation.

History is replete with the records of failed socialist policies, but the Demo swamp statists’ thirst for power is never satiated. For obvious reasons, the current cabal of leftists certainly did now want to highlight the fall of the USSR. Their omission notwithstanding, the indisputable fact remains that Democratic Party Socialism is Marxist Socialism behind a more palatable political façade. Joe Biden and his enemies of American Liberty need to be reminded, with prejudice, that American Patriots will not tolerate tyranny.

As for Russia, after years of containment, with the exception of its expansionist actions under the watch of Barack Obama and Biden, Russia was put back in its place by Donald Trump.

Now, however, after Biden’s disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, the most notable of Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy fails last year, Russia is back. Once again, in a 2014 do-over on the Ukraine border, it’s “Putin the Tyrant v. Biden the Appeaser.”

Tag-team tyrants Russia and China know that Biden is a pushover — brace yourself America.

Meanwhile, in case you missed it, on the subject of defending CONUS against Russia and China, Biden was on a call with NORAD families Christmas Eve, when one father humorously uttered the now-familiar chant, “Let’s Go Brandon.” Without missing a beat, his non compos mentis commander-in-chief responded for the world to see, “Let’s go Brandon. I agree.”

I’m guessing that Putin and Xi Jinping thought that was even funnier than I did!

Regarding the Demos’ domestic dumpster fires, a few interesting year-end notes:

On the economy and Biden’s failure to “shut down” the ChiCom Virus pandemic, it is notable that there have now been more deaths on Biden’s watch (according to data from Johns Hopkins University, 419,200 and counting) than on Trump’s watch. This is despite the fact that Biden has Trump’s vaccine and has mandated its use. For her part, Kamala Harris declared, “The first thing Joe Biden and I will do in the White House is get this virus under control.”

Apparently not.

Biden’s vaxxing mandates have combined to put more downward pressure on the economy, while unmitigated government spending has contributing to rising inflation and the potential for economic stagnation compounded by disrupted supply chains.

Biden inflation-bombed America’s family budgets with his so-called “American Rescue Plan” passed last March — a $1.9 trillion boondoggle to fill a $300 billion economic hole created by the ChiCom Virus pandemic. The other $1.6 trillion was fodder for inflation.

Now, even Biden’s troll Anthony Fauci is reluctantly expressing concern about the economy, insisting that quarantine time for those testing positive for the viral variant du jour should be cut in half because, “There is the danger that there will be so many people who are being isolated … you could have a major negative impact on our ability to keep society running.”

You’re a bit late with that insight, Tony, but as the highest paid bureaucrat in our nation’s history, we appreciate your concern for all the commoners outside the Beltway.

However, beyond cutting quarantine time, Fauci made a shocking admission regarding hospital counts for children, who we already know are at very low risk. Fauci declared: “If you look at the children who are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID. If a child goes in the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID. And they get counted as a COVID-hospitalized individual when, in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it’s overcounting the number of children who are, quote, ‘hospitalized with COVID,’ as opposed to because of COVID.”

This confession was shocking because, notably, all adults are also tested upon hospital admission, and likewise, as we have suggested repeatedly, the number of adult admissions because of COVID versus with COVID are also inaccurate. This also holds true of the number of deaths being reported by the CDC. The question then is, what are the actual numbers of hospitalizations and deaths of all ages with COVID versus because of COVID?

This does not change the fact that COVID-19 was much more lethal than typical flu viruses. And data regarding the efficacy of vaccines, particularly for those with significant comorbidity factors, indicates they are exponentially safer from serious infection and death when vaccinated, as affirmed by deaths by vaccination status data. But it does call into question the accuracy of the CDC’s COVID tracking data.

Notably, the record number of new case-positive tests for the latest variant among those who have been vaccinated has completely obliterated Biden’s repeated “pandemic of the unvaccinated” lie.

Fact is, the COVID variants should be viewed as “the flu” and not churned by Demo politicians into a pandemic of government power and control, with complicity by the media, which profit from viewership ad revenue generated by constantly promoting fear and angst.

In the end, Fauci and other public health officials must be held accountable for deliberately disseminating misinformation to support political agendas.

And what about those Demo-controlled urban centers across the nation? They’re collapsing. Indeed, there was a mass exodus from those cities last year. I wrote mid-year about “Pelosiville and the Great Demo-Dump Exodus,” but the numbers by year-end were staggering. Notably, all 10 states that have net losses in population have Democrat governors, while eight of the 10 with net gains have Republican governors. Could be a pattern here.

Even socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez left her oppressive New York district for Christmas. She was spotted toasting maskless freedom in the Free State of Florida.

Did I mention that while all these dumpster fires were burning, more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants have flooded into our nation in the last year, Biden having effectively declared an open southern border?

This conflagration of failures has resulted in Biden’s record-low approval ratings and record-high disapproval. Also alarming to Democrats across the nation in this midterm year is the fact that contributing to Biden’s numbers is his sinking support from both black and Hispanic voters.

Apparently, many low-income black and Hispanic voters, whom Democrats have long taken for granted as a locked voter bloc, are awakening to the fact that all those illegal immigrants will be competing for their jobs and putting downward pressure on all wages.

Consequently, there is another mass exodus underway.

A total of 25 Demo House members are jumping ship. As political analyst Byron York notes: “Historically, a new president’s party loses a lot of seats in that president’s first midterm elections. Indeed, in fall 2018, when House Republicans were heading for the exits, Gallup reported that the average loss for a party, when its president stood below 50% in job approval rating, was 37 seats. And in 2018, with an unpopular President Donald Trump in the White House, Republicans lost 40 seats in the House. Before that happened, though, a total of 34 Republicans decided not to run for reelection. They could see what was coming.”

Notably, in 2018, Republicans held a commanding majority in the House. In 2022, Demos hold only a razor-thin margin.

So what is Biden’s plan to win back America’s approval ahead of the midterm elections?

He doesn’t have one — but Chuck Schumer does.

Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of January 6th (J6), when rioting jackasses conducted their brief but ugly occupation of the Capitol building. As anticipated, those jackasses have been fabulous fodder for Pelosi’s “Insurrection™ inquisition,” her theater of the absurd. Of course, Democrats are using J6 as a dog-whistle distraction from the long list of Biden failures.

As a reminder amid all the Demo J6 anniversary fanfare, there was an actual and far more insidious insurrectionist coup attempt — the Democrat Party’s coordinated deep-state conspiracy intended to take down the Trump presidency.

For the record, given the civil and lawful tenor of ALL previous Trump rallies during his tenure, there was no reason to expect that some of those in attendance that day would resort to the riotous thuggery previously associated with “peaceful protests” by key Demo constituencies — their Black Lives Matter gangsters and antifa goons.

The J6 riot was far less deadly and destructive than any of the more than 550 riots by violent Democrat mobs that besieged our nation for six months prior to the “Capitol insurrection.” It is estimated that there were more than 50 murders directly associated with those violent riots, 19 in just the first two weeks of the “systemic racism” protests, including several police officers. There were billions of dollars in damages, all while Democrats remained mostly silent if not actively fomenting those riots.

If not for double standards, Democrats would have NO standards.

While Biden plans to commemorate J6 as the “darkest day in our democracy” (“democracy” now being Demo code for “socialism”), Schumer is attempting to make a convoluted connection between the Capitol riot and “voting rights” in order to pass the Democrats’ HR 1 bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy to ensure a perpetual Democrat majority regardless of Biden’s ineptitude.

According to Schumer, “Let me be clear: January 6th was a symptom of a broader illness — an effort to delegitimize our election process, and the Senate must advance systemic democracy reforms to repair our republic or else the events of that day will not be an aberration — they will be the new norm.” He also said that if HR 1, the so-called “Freedom to Vote Act,” is not passed, he will move to end the filibuster — and wreck the Senate as we know it.

Recall back when Republicans held the Senate, Schumer said of speculation about ending the filibuster: “We are on the precipice of a crisis. A constitutional crisis. The checks and balances which have been at the core of this republic are about to be evaporated by the nuclear option. … They will change the rules, break the rules, misread the Constitution so that they will get their way. … They want to make this country into a banana republic where if you don’t get your way, you change the rules. That … is what we call abuse of power.”

To be clear, HR 1, which prohibits state efforts to authenticate who is actually voting, significantly dilutes the “voting rights” of legal voters. (And you wonder why Biden just hustled in more than two million illegal immigrants…)

Predictably, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who rejected Biden’s so-called “Build Back Better” boondoggle, AKA “Build Back Bolshevik,” is balking, saying, “I don’t intend to do anything that divides our country anymore.”

But divide Schumer will.

Let me be clear: If HR 1 is passed and upheld by SCOTUS, effectively ending the federalist concept of each state controlling its own elections, the socialist Democrats will get a wakeup call from American Patriots nationwide, and it will look nothing like a bunch of disgruntled malcontents wandering though the Capitol building.

Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer are an infinitely greater threat to the future of Liberty and our Republic than the J6 protesters.

Happy New Year!

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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