The Patriot Post® · The Watergate Break-in Versus the Deep State Coup Conspiracy Against Trump

By Mark Alexander ·

“No compact among men … can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express myself, that no Wall of words, that no mound of parchment can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other.” —George Washington1 (1789)

I grew up around Southern folk who invoked many metaphors and allusions as colorful conversational descriptors. One day, I’ll compile a list of my favorites for those of you who are unfamiliar with such provincialisms.

One such metaphor is very appropriate when comparing something minuscule with something monumental: “That’s a gnat on a buffalo’s butt.”

I mention this because it’s a fitting comparison between the Watergate break-in and the more recent deep-state coup2 against our 45th president. The former was exposed after a bungled break-in to collect info on political opponents, while the latter involved a political conspiracy between a presidential candidate and her co-conspirators at the highest levels of the FBI and CIA3 in a fabricated scheme to take down the presidency of Donald Trump4.

I am not arguing that Watergate was an insignificant abuse of power. But by comparison to the “Russian collusion5” conspiracy, which besieged the Trump administration for three years — as designed — only to be thoroughly debunked in 20196 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation6, Watergate was a far less formidable threat to Rule of Law7, the foundation of American Liberty8.

Hillary Clinton9 and her cadre masterfully constructed a complex coup d'état10 strategy— for which none of the principals have been held accountable11. These operatives include former CIA Director John Brennan12, former FBI Director James Comey13, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe14, former FBI Chief of Counterespionage Peter Strzok15, former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith16, and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein17.

Of all those listed above, only the lowest-ranking member, Clinesmith, has received so much as a slap on the wrist.

The comparison is notable because we just marked the 50th anniversary of the Watergate office building break-in18 at Democrat National Committee headquarters by a group of amateur burglars under the direction of some of Richard Nixon’s key aids known as the “White House Plumbers.” For those who need a refresher, the burglars were operating under the direction of Presidential Counsel John Dean, and former CIA officers E. Howard Hunt and James McCord. The black-bag operation was approved by the acting chairman of Nixon’s Committee for the Re-Election of the President, Jeb Stuart Magruder, and by Nixon’s attorney general, John Mitchell.

When the five Watergate burglars were discovered late into the night of 17 June 1972, in what was their second entry into the building, it is believed they were replacing a defective listening device — defective only because, unbeknownst to their handlers, it had already been discovered by a DNC staff person and destroyed. Those arrested included three Cuban Freedom Fighters with ties to the CIA, along with McCord and Frank Sturgis.

Watergate prosecutor James Neal was certain that President Nixon had not known about the break-in before it happened, but once informed, Nixon was clearly implicated in the effort to cover it up — ordering his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, to have the CIA block the FBI’s investigation into the funding for the burglary.

At the time, The Washington Post was a legitimate media outlet with actual investigative journalists, rather than the Leftmedia propaganda organ19 of the now-socialist Democrat Party20 it has become. WaPo has now perfected the cover-up of leftist black-bag operations, politicos in collusion with their leftist social media counterparts21, as was the case with the Trump coup conspirators. For years, WaPo promoted the fake Trump/Putin collusion farce as Watergate on steroids22.

However, back in 1972, investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein did a masterful job of uncovering the Watergate conspiracy, and, with a lot of help from “Deep Throat” (then-FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt23), they connected the burglary to Nixon’s reelection fund and The Plumbers, and within months the key conspirators were indicted by a federal grand jury.

Woodward’s book, All the President’s Men, was the subject of a movie by the same name, both of which are compelling accounts of Watergate and Nixon’s cover-up. But Woodward’s work is not without its critics. Leftist literary journalist Joan Didion says of Woodward’s writing, “Measurable cerebral activity is virtually absent.” Furthermore, he “covers the story not as it is occurring but as it is presented, which is to say as it is manufactured.”

News of the break-in did not prevent Nixon from winning a historic electoral landslide24 in 1972, when he defeated hard-left anti-war Democrat George McGovern with almost 61% of the popular vote (the fourth-largest margin, 23.15%, in American history) and 520 electors — losing only Massachusetts and Washington, DC. That landslide was second only to that of Ronald Reagan25 in his reelection in 1984, when he won 525 electors and 58.8% of the popular vote.

In November of 1973, with the investigation picking up steam, Nixon infamously declared in a public forum: “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.” But the Watergate investigation continued, and Nixon lied about his effort to cover up the break-in once he had been told about it. The evidence of this lie was the 18 and a half minutes of conversation with Haldeman that Nixon had erased from the more than 3,700 hours of conversations that had been recorded by the Oval Office taping system.

In April of 1974, the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee opened impeachment hearings against the president, with the full cooperation of Republicans, who joined the investigation of Nixon. At that time, former Sen. Howard Baker (R-TN) was the ranking minority member of the Senate committee investigating the Watergate cover-up conspiracy. He and his then-young understudy, chief counsel and fellow Tennessean Fred Thompson26, aggressively pursued the truth regarding their party’s president. “I’ll dig for the facts,” said Baker, “and I’ll follow wherever they lead.” Indeed, he and Thompson did just that.

At a critical juncture in that investigation, Baker (who later served as Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff) asked a now-famous question: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

It’s no small irony that a young attorney named Hillary Rodham was hired by the House Judiciary Committee to work on the Nixon impeachment, where she apparently learned a lot about how to not be caught in a cover-up.

The House charged Nixon with obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress. Facing certain conviction in the Democrat-controlled Senate with Republicans affirming, Nixon had the decency to spare the nation that proceeding and resigned on 9 August 1974.

Recall that prior to the two partisan impeachments of Trump27, one for what then-VP Biden actually did do28, the only other 20th century president to have been impeached, Bill Clinton29, chose to drag the nation through his disgraceful perjury and obstruction of justice charges, estimating that the Republican-controlled Senate would fall short of the necessary two-thirds majority of 67 votes needed to convict and remove him from office.

To be clear, Nixon wasn’t facing impeachment for having orchestrated the Watergate break-in, but for having tried to cover it up after the fact.

However, it’s now clear that Clinton and Barack Obama30 were the architects of the Russia collusion conspiracy against Trump ahead of the 2016 election, and when that failed and Clinton lost, they and their deep-state actors conspired to take down the president with the investigation of the allegations they seeded.

Note: Our grassroots rallying cry to defend Liberty is more critical than ever. Please support our 2022 Independence Day Campaign today to ensure our clarion call to hold the line against the Left is fully funded.

Instead of employing an inept band of low-level burglars, Clinton and Obama, as noted previously, coordinated a brazen cabal of deep-state operatives at the highest levels of the most powerful government agencies. Their fingerprints31 are all over this crime scene.

Now, a full six years after the launch of the Trump/Russian collusion lie, there are still no high-level indictments32, and the prospect of any justice for Clinton and her cohorts is growing more unlikely by the day33.

As political analyst Hans von Spakovsky concludes18: “In 1972, Nixon’s dirty trick failed, and Liddy and his coconspirators all went to prison. The Clinton campaign’s dirty trick failed to win the election. Still, it succeeded in hobbling the Trump presidency and corrupting the Justice Department. Yet no one has gone to prison as a result of what happened in 2016. The sophistication of [Clinton’s] conspiracy makes Gordon Liddy look like an amateur.”

Regarding Clinton’s criminal actions34, it should be noted that Nixon’s erasure of those 18 and a half minutes of incriminating audiotape pales in comparison to Clinton’s deliberate BleachBit destruction of 33,000 subpoenaed emails35 in order to conceal her role in the collusion conspiracy and, among other things, her role in Obama’s cover-up of the 2012 Benghazi attack36.

A close second to Clinton’s Russian collusion conspiracy cover-up would be Joe Biden’s37 campaign orchestration of a mass-media blackout38, in concert with his own deep-state collaborators39, to cover up his corrupt ChiCom connections40 just ahead of the 2020 election.

It worked for Biden, and with the help of the massive bulk-mail ballot fraud41 Demos orchestrated ostensibly in response to the ChiCom Virus pandemic42, Biden was swept into office.

Consequently, Biden’s Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes are doing everything in their power ahead of the midterm elections to divert attention from his administration’s catastrophic failures.

Biden and his Democrat Party are thoroughly mired down43 in a deep pile of Demo dung44, including, most notably, surging inflation45 (now over 9%46). And that is combined with the less visible proliferation of “shrinkflation 47 – prices being upsized on common consumer products while packaging quantities are being downsized.

Rising inflation is the direct result of Biden’s so-called American Rescue Plan48, which dumped $1.9 trillion in taxpayer-funded graft into a $300 billion economic hole created by the COVID pandemic42 – on top of all the 2020 "Covid relief” spending already being dispensed. The excess $1.6 trillion is indisputably a major factor in the inflation now crushing family budgets49. Then they dumped another $1 trillion so-called “infrastructure bill50” on the inflation pile and Biden wants to spend another $2.5 trillion.

Some Demos are waking up to the fact that Biden’s policies have resulted in surging violent crime51, rising energy prices52, and millions of illegal immigrants flooding the country as a result of Biden’s intentional53 and reckless open border policy54. And with each new day there is another chapter of Biden’s corrupt family business55 with the ChiComs, bolstered by his reinvigoration of the Red China threat56.

And now, after Biden’s deadly surrender and retreat57 from Afghanistan, there is a deadly war in Ukraine58 on NATO’s doorstep — with an emboldened Vladimir Putin knowing he has nothing to fear from Biden.

There is a growing “unity” against Biden, and by extension his Democrat Party, evident in his abysmal polling59. His approval rating has been hovering around 38%, a reflection of his pathetic performance on every issue that matters most to Americans. Despite the full weight of his influential mainstream media talkingheads and scribes19, including the White House press corps whose Democrat-to-Republican ratio is 12 to 160, Biden and company have been unable to move the public opinion needle back in their direction.

Notably, Harris is at record low approval for any VP candidate in history. Yes, Harris checked off the race, gender and generation boxes for the Biden ticket in 2020, and there was a lot of Democrat support for the feckless non compos mentis Biden ticket because she was on it. But, Harris has become increasingly toxic to that ticket.

However, there are still more than four months before those much-talked-about midterms, and a LOT can happen in the interim to dampen that wave. Any hope of holding Clinton and her corrupt cadre accountable depends on Republican majorities in the House and Senate next January.

Note: Our grassroots rallying cry to defend Liberty is more critical than ever. Please support our 2022 Independence Day Campaign today to ensure our clarion call to hold the line against the Left is fully funded.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

Join us in prayer for our nation’s Military Patriots standing in harm’s way, for our First Responders, and for their families. Please lift up your Patriot team61 and our mission62 to support and defend63 our Republic’s Founding Principle of Liberty8, in order to ignite the fires of freedom in the hearts and minds of our countrymen. Thank you for supporting64 our nation’s premier online journal65 of Liberty.
