Biden’s ChiCom Deception Is Rapidly Unravelling
“Now the corruption story is about Joe, not Hunter.”
(Read our previous article on Joe Biden’s corruption. Read our next article on Joe Biden’s corruption.)
In one fast-paced week, Joe Biden’s efforts to conceal his family Quid Pro Quo Crime Syndicate pay-to-play schemes with Red China are falling apart. In fact, it is now estimated that the ChiComs have paid almost $31 million to the Biden family syndicate.
Biden arrogantly chuckles and scoffs at mention of this corrupt scheme, as would a lying career politician who believes he is entitled to a pass. He has avoided any substantive response concerning his knowledge and role in a lucrative “political influence for profit” arrangement with a ChiCom company, and there has been a massive Demo Leftmedia and social media blackout to assist his obfuscation and evasion.
That effort has been aided and abetted by high-profile political assists from former Obama-Biden deep-state hacks, with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) leading the “dezinformatsiya” charge. Schiff has summarily and repeatedly declared the Biden/ChiCom story “comes from the Kremlin” and is a Russian disinformation campaign, and the “disinformation” mantra has been repeated everywhere.‘
Recall that Joe Biden has repeatedly declared, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” in the Ukraine and China. (Watch Biden’s denial.) When asked why his son received an $80,000-per-month check for sitting on the board of corrupt Ukrainian oil company, Burisma – at the same time the then-VP was in charge of our policy in Ukraine, he responded, “'Cause he’s a very bright guy.”
However there is now direct evidence that Joe lied about his knowledge of his son’s Ukraine and China pay-to-play schemes to collect millions of dollar for himself and Joe Biden.
We now know that the party who validated the China pay-to-play email from Hunter Biden, who identified the 10% cut for “the big guy” as Joe Biden, is Hunter’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski. He is a former naval officer from a distinguished military family, a totally credible witness, who was approached by Hunter Biden to head up the ChiCom deal, and had briefed Joe Biden directly about the political-access-for-profit setup.
It is apparent that there was a template for these corporate fronts, as details of others in Russia, Romania, and Kazakhstan are emerging.
Yesterday, an hour before the final presidential debate, Bobulinski, a registered Democrat, met with members of the press to “set the record straight.” What follows are the highlights of his statement:
“My name is Tony Bobulinski. I served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy with high security clearance. My father and grandfather both served for decades in our country’s armed forces. Since leaving the Navy, I’ve been involved in various successful businesses both in this country and abroad. I’m making this statement to set the record straight about the involvement of the Biden family, Vice President Biden, his brother Jim Biden, and his son Hunter Biden in dealings with the Chinese.
"I have heard Joe Biden say that he’s never discussed business with Hunter. That is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden. I have also heard that Vice President Biden said on Tuesday that Senator Ron Johnson, the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, should be ashamed for suggesting that Biden family sought to profit from their name.
"Well, here are the facts I know, and everything I’m saying is corroborated by emails, WhatsApp chats, agreements, documents, and other evidence, and the American people can judge for themselves. … I was told this past Sunday by somebody who was also involved in this matter that if I went public this information it would bury all of us. … I have no wish to bury anyone. I’ve never been political; the few contributions I’ve made have been to Democrats. But what I am is a patriot and a veteran. To protect my family name and my business reputation, I need to ensure that the true facts are out there.”
Bobulinski detailed how he was contacted and how the Bidens proposed to structure the company.
He then noted his conversation with Joe Biden:
“On May 2, 2017, the night before Joe Biden was to appear at the Milken conference, I was introduced to Joe Biden by Jim Biden and Hunter Biden. At my approximately hour-long meeting with Joe that night, we discussed the Bidens’ history, the Bidens’ family business plans with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar at least at a high level. After that meeting, I had numerous communications with Hunter, Walker, Gilliar, and Jim Biden regarding the allocation of the equity ownership of Sinohawk. On May 13, 2017, I received an email concerning allocation of equity, which says, ‘10 percent held by H for the big guy.’ In that email there’s no question that H stands for Hunter, ‘big guy’ for his father, Joe Biden, and ‘Jim’ for Jim Biden. In fact, Hunter often referred to his father as the ‘big guy’ or ‘my chairman.’”
“On numerous occasions, it was made clear to me that Joe Biden’s involvement was not to be mentioned in writing, but only face to face. In fact, I was advised by Gilliar and Walker that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid about keeping Joe Biden’s involvement secret. I also had a disagreement with Hunter about the funds CFC was contributing to Sinohawk. Hunter wanted $5 million of those funds to go to himself and his family, so he wanted the funds wired directly to an entity affiliated with him. I objected because that was contrary to our written agreements concerning Sinohawk. He said referring to ‘the chairman,’ his father, that CFC was really investing in the Biden family, that he held the trump card, and that he was the one putting his family legacy on the line. He also said to me on May 17, 2017, that CFC wanted to be my partner, to be partner[ed] with the Bidens.”
“During these negotiations, I repeated to Hunter and others that Sinohawk could not be Hunter’s personal piggy bank and I demanded that proper corporate governance procedures be implemented for capital distributions. Hunter became very upset with me. CFC through July 2017 was assuring me the funds would be transferred to Sinohawk, but they were never sent to our company. Instead, I found out from Senator Johnson’s September report (‘Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption’) that the $5 million was sent in August 2017 to entities affiliated with Hunter.” (He says all Americans should read pages 65-87 to better understand the web of Biden corruption.)
“Tomorrow I will be meeting with the Senate committee members concerning this matter, and I will be providing to the FBI the devices which contain the evidence corroborating what I have said.”
Bobulinski concluded: “I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised.”
The Biden response: Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter allegations.
All Joe Biden had to do, when the original story broke, was say, “Look, I was not in office at the time, the deal didn’t work out, we moved on.” But the coordinated lies with Schiff and all the former intel deep staters, and then the massive media collusion and coverup, is astounding.
All Joe Biden had to do, when the original story broke, was say, “Look, I was not in office at the time, the deal didn’t work out, we moved on.” But the coordinated lies with Rep. Adam Schiff and all the former intel deep staters, and then the massive media collusion and coverup, is astounding. Obviously there is more incriminating information on that laptop which has stopped any acknowledgment of its existence.
Beyond the Biden/ChiCom profiteering and Joe Biden’s lies about never talking with Hunter and Jim about their foreign entanglements, the sheer coordination and scope of the Democrat media collusion and coverup – the coordinated assault on the truth, exposes an enormous threat to the future of American Liberty.
Despite three years of fake Russian-collusion allegations that Trump was in the Kremlin’s pocket, the emerging ChiCom links to Joe Biden are much more direct in affirming he was picking Beijing’s pockets.
Political analyst Kimberley Strassel observes: “The former vice president is running on trust and good judgment. The Hunter tale is … at worst, an example of the entire Biden clan cashing in on its name with a U.S. rival.”
As Wall Street Journal editor James Freeman concludes, “Now the corruption story is about Joe, not Hunter.”
At this point, we can say for sure that EVERYONE who has declared Joe Biden’s corrupt involvement with this scheme to be “Russian disinformation,” most notably Adam Schiff, is LYING. Biden’s ChiCom deception is rapidly unravelling. Whether any of his equally corrupt constituents cares is another matter.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
Join us in prayer for our nation’s Military Patriots standing in harm’s way, and their families, and for our nation’s First Responders. We also ask prayer for your Patriot team, and our mission to, first and foremost, support and defend our Republic’s Founding Principles of Liberty, and to ignite the fires of freedom in the hearts and minds of our countrymen.