June 20, 2024

Thursday: Below the Fold

Tyson’s anti-Americanism, pro-women company banned on TikTok, FCC fast-tracking Soros’s radio network takeover, and more.


  • Juneteenth isn’t for white people: We thought commemorating Juneteenth, the day in 1865 when federal troops freed the last of the slaves in Texas — a full two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation — would teach Americans about the day’s origin and its significance rather than offering race hucksters and haters a chance to beat up on whitey anew. Were we ever wrong. “Attention white people,” posted one of those haters, a woman named Melina Abdullah, who not surprisingly says she’s a professor and former chair of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles. “Please don’t ask if you can come to the cookout … Juneteenth is freedom day for Black folks. It should be Reparations day for white folks.” Got that, cracker? According to Abdullah, Juneteenth is a day for you who have never held slaves to pay handsomely others who have never been slaves. Meanwhile, another hard-left elitist, a self-described actor, writer, and filmmaker named Kar, offers this helpful suggestion: “White people should be doing double shifts on Juneteenth.” Once again, the wisdom of Dennis Prager holds: The Left ruins everything it touches, including Juneteenth.

  • Tyson’s anti-Americanism: We don’t know whose bright idea it was at Tyson Foods to defile our nation’s birthday on its commemorative Juneteenth T-shirts, but perhaps that person travels in the same circles as the marketing wizards at Bud Light. As The Daily Wire reports, the chicken-peddling colossus was selling Juneteenth shirts saying that the holiday “is the nation’s true independence day.” Not only that, but some of the shirts also maligned the July 4th holiday with a red strikethrough, while others incorporated the “black power” fist. “Juneteenth is my Independence Day,” reads one. “Juneteenth 1865 because my ancestors weren’t free in 1776,” reads another. Perhaps militant leftists can’t entertain two thoughts at once, but it can be true that our Founders fought and died to achieve their independence from Great Britain despite not yet having wiped out the scourge of slavery. In any case, it’s worth remembering that only one-fortieth of African slaves came to America’s shores and that the U.S. was among the first nations on earth to abolish slavery. In addition, it might be worth remembering what Tyson stands for the next time you’re at the grocery store.

  • Humor: Eight ways for white people to show they’re down with the cause this Juneteenth (Babylon Bee)

  • Pro-women company banned on TikTok: The truth is under assault on social media platforms, especially when it comes to the issue of transgenderism. Case in point, Chinese-owned TikTok recently banned sports apparel company XX-XY Athletics from its platform because it ran a “controversial” ad that highlighted the inherent unfairness of allowing biological males to compete in women’s and girls’ sports. XX-XY Athletics was founded by former USA Gymnastics Olympian Jennifer Sey, who has become a vocal advocate for protecting women’s sports from the incursion of gender-bending male athletes. In the ad, Sey notes all the hard work female athletes put into training to compete in their sports and the importance of Title IX protections. It also features two former NCAA swimmers, Riley Gaines and Paula Scanlan, who share their stories about how devastating was the entrance of “transgender”-identifying male athletes into their sport. Sey says her athletic apparel company is explicitly focused on countering the narrative that males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. TikTok permanently suspended Sey’s company account because the ad “doesn’t comply with our advertising policies.” This is why we have dubbed the LGBTQ lobby the Rainbow Mafia, as they bully anyone who would dare to criticize their immoral cultural narrative.

  • Gender-confused suspect admits to murdering parents: “I would do it again. I hate them.” (Daily Wire)

  • Minneapolis vandalizes its own street signs: Minneapolis, the deep-clue city that gave us the George Floyd riots, has lately been beset by crime, potholes, and homelessness. And now we can add vandalism to that trio. It seems that someone has been painting the city’s street signs and crosswalks in garish rainbow colors. Or perhaps it’s even worse. Perhaps city administrators are using taxpayer funds to ace out the vandals and do it themselves. Indeed, as the city itself admits, “Public Works rolled out some new street signs near Loring Park ahead of twin cities pride weekend! The rainbow crosswalks got a fresh coat of paint, too!” We can’t think of a greater waste of money, time, and energy, especially in a city that could use a greater police presence, but perhaps the distraction kept the city’s leftist do-gooders and Rainbow Mafiosi from doing something even more destructive. For example, it might be that breaking out the life-size Pride Month coloring books has prevented these people from committing real and lasting legislative mischief. Hey, work with us here.

  • Jack Phillips is back in court (National Review)

Crime & National Security

  • Now NY wants to ban masks: In New York, the wearing of masks was mandated as a public health issue during the pandemic. Despite a lack of supporting scientific evidence, the assertion was that mask-wearing prevented the spread of COVID. Indeed, New York Governor Kathy Hochul justified her mask mandate by pointing to a jump in the number of cases and “insufficient vaccination rates.” Critics of masking mandates pointed out that not only was there no evidence that masking had any discernible impact on the spread of the virus, but masking actually presented a significant crime control issue. Well, in a classic example of “we told you so,” Hochul is now pushing for a masking ban for public safety due to criminals being able to “hide their faces.” With crime spiking in New York City, Hochul recently said, “My team is working on a solution, but on a subway, people should not be able to hide behind a mask to commit crimes.”

  • U.S. military airstrike kills senior ISIS official (Daily Caller)

  • Hundreds of migrants from ISIS hotbed country have crossed U.S. border under Biden (NY Post)

  • In first five years, 79,000 of DACA recipients admitted to U.S. had arrest records (Just the News)

  • Yale illegally concealed $15 million in donations from Qatar (RedState)

  • Russia now supplies more natural gas to Europe than U.S. does (Daily Wire)

Government & Politics

  • Dem-controlled FCC fast-tracking Soros’s radio network takeover: George Soros is in the process of taking over America’s second-largest radio network, Audacy, whose stations reach 165 million listeners monthly. The leftist billionaire has spent some $400 million to buy up the network, which airs shows from several conservatives such as Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, and Erick Erickson. In an apparent effort to silence conservative content before the coming election, Soros wants the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission to green-light and fast-track his takeover. As one insider privy to the deal contends, “The idea that George Soros is buying hundreds of local radio stations right before a national election and will keep broadcasting Sean Hannity and other conservative talk radio hosts on Audacy is not credible.” The hurdle for Soros in his takeover bid is the fact that under current FCC rules, foreign companies’ ownership of U.S. radio stations may not exceed 25% of all stations. Soros wants the FCC to make an exception to that rule in his case. As evidence of Soros’s intentions, look at the Miami-based Spanish-language radio station Mambi, which was purchased by the Soros-backed Latino Media Network in 2022. Former Mambi host Lourdes Ubieta observed, “Everything was hard-core anti-Communism politics on Radio Mambi before [the sale]. That’s all gone now.”

  • Americans still waiting on Biden broadband plan; not a single home connected three years after enactment (Washington Times)

  • Federal budget deficit to reach nearly $2 trillion this year, CBO projects (Fox Business) | Biden’s $145 billion in student debt relief is the largest factor contributing to 27% jump in federal budget deficit (Not the Bee)

Hot Air

  • Vandalism to “save” the planet: One of the oldest historic sites in the world, Stonehenge, was attacked by climate change cultists on Wednesday, as the group Just Stop Oil took orange spray paint to the ancient stone structure. The ecofascist group justified its vandalism by erroneously and ridiculously claiming that “continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions” and that “we have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything.” It then demanded that the next British “government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030.” Two members of the group were involved in the vandalism — a 21-year-old Oxford University student and a 73-year-old activist who was arrested in 2022 during another Just Stop Oil incident. British lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle blasted the vandalism as “outrageous” and “disgraceful.”

Faith in Humanity

  • Ten Commandments in Louisiana: In a move that’s sure to set off the increasingly godless Left and the misguided separation of church and state crowd, Louisiana has become the first state in the union to require the display of the Ten Commandments in its public school classrooms. No good deed goes unpunished, though; right on cue, the American Civil Liberties Union is filing suit. The organization that used to understand that our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom from religion announced yesterday that it’s suing Louisiana over the new statute, which was signed into law by Republican Governor Jeff Landry. As one detractor said, “If your version of Christianity wants to put the Ten Commandments in schools but take free lunch out of them, you are worshipping something other than Jesus.” Who knew Jesus was all about free lunches? No one ever accused the ACLU of historical literacy, though, so it’ll no doubt find the following words of James Madison, which are written into the bill, unpersuasive: “We have staked the whole future of our new nation … upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”

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