Friday Top Headlines
Slowest job growth in four years, record not in work force. Thanks Obama.
Obama’s legacy update: 2016 ended with the slowest job creation since 2012. (Washington Examiner)
Record 95,102,000 Americans not in labor force; Number grew 18% since Obama took office in 2009. But he saved the economy! (CNS News)
Republican Study Committee introduces plan to replace ObamaCare. (The Washington Free Beacon)
Hillary Clinton might run for mayor of New York. (Red State)
Sheriff proposes to build Trump’s wall with inmates community service hours. (The Washington Times)
Obama seized and federalized land three times the size of Texas over last 8 years. (Media Research Center)
“Non-partisan” IRS prioritized ObamaCare over taxpayer customer service, IG report says. (The Washington Times)
Obama freed 75% of Gitmo terrorists — most are out killing again. (The Washington Free Beacon)
Six alarming findings in House panel’s Planned Parenthood probe. (The Daily Signal)
Transgender woman sues Catholic hospital for refusing to make her a “man.” (Associated Press)
South Korea plans “decapitation unit” to take out Kim Jong Un. (New York Post)
“Why I married myself.” Now so-called “self-marriage” is trending. (Good Housekeeping)
Policy: Why the GOP must repeal and replace ObamaCare, not repeal and delay. (Washington Examiner)
Policy: The anti-pipeline anti-environmentalists. (Investor’s Business Daily)