MSM Exposes Its Pro-Dem Bias Yet Again
Comparing the vast disparity in positive media coverage of Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump, it is clear that the MSM is Democrat.
An American media tradition that “temporarily” died as soon as Donald Trump won the 2016 election is the 100-day “honeymoon” period, during which the mainstream media generally grants a new president time to set up shop, as it were, before engaging in more critical and negative coverage. As we observed at the time, Trump enjoyed no such deferent treatment from the MSM.
From the get-go, the MSM treated Trump as a usurper, parroting without any evidence the “Russian collusion” hoax as being the “real” reason for his “illegitimate” victory. Using this unfounded and later throughly debunked conspiracy as justification to drop any pretense of objectivity, the MSM became the “resistance.”
This media resistance to Trump was documented in its overwhelmingly negative coverage of his administration. Over Trump’s first 100 days, coverage by ABC, CBS, and NBC was 89% negative, and they dedicated a whopping 1,900 minutes of broadcast time to this relentless drumbeat.
Compare this to coverage Joe Biden has received over this same time period in his presidency. Biden has enjoyed the traditional media honeymoon, with 59% of the networks’ news coverage being positive, even as they have allotted 726 minutes of broadcast time — less than half of what Trump received.
Yet, objectively speaking, it is Biden who has earned negative press with his ill-conceived and radical open-borders agenda that has directly led to the largest illegal immigration crisis the nation as seen in decades. The Deep State, MSM, and Democrats manufactured the Russian collusion “scandal” to justify the highly negative coverage of Trump. Beyond his sometimes caustic rhetoric, there was nothing in Trump’s policy decisions that warranted the over-the-top negative and biased coverage.
NewsBusters reports, “Roughly 90% of network news coverage of the Biden administration (650 minutes out of 726) was spent on policy issues; that compares to just 45% of Trump administration coverage during those early weeks. Long before Robert Mueller’s appointment as special counsel, Trump’s media profile was already being smothered by the Russia collusion story (222 minutes), and the networks delighted in finding controversy in the non-politician President’s colorful comments.”
Furthermore, the MSM has essentially ignored Biden’s controversial and inflammatory statements, like when he accused Republicans of “Neanderthal thinking” with masks or his demonstrably false claims that Georgia’s election law was “Jim Crow on steroids.”
Clearly, MSM journalists/activists root for Team Biden, as they have proven themselves yet again to be nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party.
- Tags:
- Donald Trump
- Joe Biden
- Leftmedia
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