December 15, 2021

Dare to Be a Daniel!

Daniel rebuked Belshazzar for his ignorance of history. He reminded him of Nebuchadnezzar’s arrogance and pride.

If you went to Sunday school, you probably heard the story of Daniel in the lions’ den. You may have seen pictures of Daniel, a handsome young man looking up towards Heaven, lions lounging around him. Sometimes you saw a beam of light shining down on him. Sorry to mess up your Sunday school lesson, but Daniel was about 87 years old by then.

I want to back up to Daniel Chapter 5: Belshazzar is sitting on the throne of Babylon, his father held captive by the Persian King Cyrus after defeating the Babylonian army on the battlefield.

The chapter starts out with a big party of thousands of people when suddenly a man’s hand appeared and began writing on the wall. Belshazzar saw the hand, messed his pants, and, freaking out, he called for all of his government advisers to come and interpret the writing. None of them could interpret the handwriting on the wall. Funny how some things never change; thousands of years later government still can’t solve problems! But I digress.

The Queen Mum, his father’s wife, comes in, smacks some sense into him (Get a grip, son), and tells him to call for Daniel to interpret the writing on the wall. At this point Daniel is about 85 years old, a retired government employee on a pension and drawing social security. The last thing you want to do is tick off the king. Just chill and enjoy your retirement.

But that’s not the stuff Daniel was made of. Read the story and see how Daniel rebuked Belshazzar for his ignorance of history. He reminded him how his grandfather King Nebuchadnezzar was rebuked by God for his arrogance and pride. For seven years Nebuchadnezzar lived like an animal eating grass until he recognized God ruled and reigned in the Heavens and bestowed the kingdom to whomever He chooses. Daniel pointed a finger at the king and said, “You knew all this, yet you never humbled your heart!” Babylon fell to the Medes and Persian armies that very night.

As I said earlier, nothing seems to have changed with governments for thousands of years. We currently have an administration that refuses to learn from history. It is abusing its own citizens while telling them, Don’t believe your lying eyes — everything is great! The government hasn’t learned that appeasing your enemies or looking weak only encourages them to be bolder and take actions they wouldn’t take if they thought there would be consequences.

Here’s my question: Where are the Daniels today? They certainly are not found in our top military leaders. When the Afghanistan disaster was taking place, those leaders pointed to anyone and anything but themselves. When one bold Marine officer spoke out, they silenced him by court-martial. Courage seems to be missing in Congress as well.

Just as Belshazzar didn’t want to hear anything negative, neither does Mr. Biden. The Persian army surrounding the city wasn’t a problem until it was standing outside his doorway!

I am encouraged today in spite of all that is taking place. I believe we, as a nation, are at a tipping point. The Left has overplayed its hand and it’s backfiring. The next generation of Daniels, Joshuas, and Josephs are rising to stand up against this insanity. They’re coming, Joe!

Something to think about?

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