Presidential and Governmental Excesses
Who in Washington has the authority to provide an armored bus for Obama to campaign for the Presidency? We pay him $400,000 per year to perform presidential tasks, not to build his empire. Somewhere along the line, the president was also provided a $50,000 expense allowance and he has at his disposal the White House Military Office with staff to prepare meals and to see to the every need of the demanding and most ungracious “First Family.”
Caliph Obama has absolutely no qualms about spending exorbitant sums to get him where he wants to be but not where he needs to be. Our government is stalemated because Obama, Reid and their sycophantic followers simply refuse to introduce legislation for consideration by the United States Senate.
I contend that this failure to act is in direct violation of their freely taken Oath of Office and subject to legal action. The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach. The Democrats in Congress and the despotic Democratic President and his lackluster Vice President have accomplished virtually nothing but create a logjam, failed to govern, and persisted in engaging in political power politics to the detriment of America. We the people elected individuals, not a political machine to handle our affairs.
During the years between the crowning of King Andrew Jackson and King Barack Obama, every Democrat excepting Harry Truman has taken this great nation farther down the path of Socialism and the ruin lying ahead. Only two Democratic Presidents have ever been impeached, neither was convicted by a do-nothing Senate, although Andrew Johnson’s impeachment was politically, not factually initiated.
Mr. Obama is an habitual liar and his lies constitute perjury any time they are uttered. Yet, with some 200 lawyers in Congress, not one has had the courage or has seen a duty to deposit Articles of impeachment in the House Hopper. Thus, not only the lawyer members but also every member of the House and of the Senate is guilty of Dereliction of Duty.
Every State of this great Union should have on the November ballot a referendum question asking if the American electorate is desirous of removing The President and Vice-President, all 535 members of Congress and the Supreme Court. Request the Governors or an appointed and temporary Congress of the several states be convened as a constitutional Congress to rewrite certain portions of the constitution in order to set a new and more republican course. Among the items to be considered must be:
Term limits for all elected officials.
A method for setting all federal salaries by a committee of citizens renewed every four years and meeting by teleconferencing as needed and broadcast over C-Span or the like.
Create an Office of the Ombudsman to serve as the last resort when Congress or the Executive fails to respond in a timely fashion to legitimate citizen concerns.
Repeal the XVIIth Amendment in order to return allegiance of elected Senators to the State constituency rather than to party politics or to the Good old boy system rampant in Washington, DC.
Establish an ongoing internet system to take the pulse of the American electorate more often and more accurately than every four years. Such a system would provide useful information to our representatives and would be more accurate than national polls.
Elimination of any dysfunctional Federal Department. For example, the EPA, The Department of Energy, Department of Education, etc.
Reevaluate and rewrite the Nation’s Immigration Policy.
Evaluate the Federal system of Regulations with the goal of reducing and simplifying the paper mountain in the Government.
Develop a system whereby federal employees are not allowed to become entrenched and have too much authority in one area. Consider mandatory retirement after 25-30 years of federal employment.
Eliminate the pernicious practice of lobbying on federal land and NEVER in the White House or in the Pentagon.
Since the Congress and the Executive are employed by We the People, a super committee of senior educated citizens should be impaneled to hear complaints against bad actors in a Congress that simply cannot be trusted to police itself.
We are writing the checks; we must frequently reconcile the balances by careful ongoing oversight.
Bite the bullet; diminish the deficit, mete out swift justice to our servants who disobey our common-sense rules.
Federal recall elections should be put in place to eliminate ineffective leaders quickly.