Obama’s Real Objective
Some argue, “President Barack Hussein Obama’s primary political objective is not to destroy or dismantel the economic and political system that he found in operation when he was elected.”
Really? I don’t think so.
Going back to the main topic of this writing as identified in the title, my disagreement with many conservative writers and talk show hosts who exhibiting an extraordinary naiveté insist that President Obama does not want to destroy our political institutions, but only wants to replace them with what he thinks are better and more just instruments of power. He may be wrong, they say, in thinking that his version of Democratic Socialism will function better than what we have now but Noooo! – he does not want to destroy our Representative Republic type of government, that only codifies and guaranties the fundamental freedoms and unalienable rights every citizen is born with.
Those of us that had past experiences with this type of “change”, a change aimed at replacing a working system with an utopia that has never worked anywhere it has been tried before, recognize that the first thing the new Leader has to do is to dismantle completely the old system – like they did in Dallas with the Texas Stadium – because there are not many elements in its institutions that can be used effectively, the way they are, in the new System. You can not transform a free enterprise economy into one controlled by a central planning committee, where a strong tyrannical government has all the answers and controls all citizens lives from cradle to grave, by just barely modifying traditional institutions of the old government and fine tuning them to operate effectively in the new System. The President never asked for the opinion of the American People or their consent and he wrongly assumed that his victory in the November 2008 election carried the blessing of the people to his radical agenda. The birth and extraordinary growth of the Tea Party movement that culminated with his political setback in the November 2010 election proved that his assumption was dead wrong.
We have to recognize that many essential elements required to make the change a success have already been gradually introduced and accepted by many of our unsuspecting citizens already, not by this President but by Republicans and Democrats alike during the past 30 to 50 years. The most significant been identified in the fact that more than 50% of our American citizens depend, totally or partially, upon government handouts or “services” like Social Security (signed in 1935), Medicare, Medicaid, Public Education, Unemployment “Insurance”, Welfare handouts, Food Stamps, Corporate welfare, Prescription Drugs for Seniors, etc. But nevertheless, the new Federal Government institutions, even though heavily bureaucratized, will have to be remolded to comply with and function as effective arms of the new Progressive Regime.
Anyone who thinks of President Obama as another inept, arrogant, narcissistic and ambitious politician focusing primarily on getting reelected is utterly mistaken, or ignorant of the clues he continually gives us. Many in our elite, unfortunately, had been unable to decipher those clues. When he was elected many talk show hosts and political pundits from all political persuasions, wished him success despite his having clearly defined beforehand what he wanted to do once in power and that the changes he intended would shake up all the traditional government institutions in our Country. I remember when he said in October 2008, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” To my knowledge, only Rush Limbaugh saw clearly what was coming and wished him to fail receiving the critics of many naïve “conservatives” in the media and elsewhere.
Rush’s vision proved once again his uncommonly astute political perception, one that coincided with my own. A perception informed by the personal experience of having lived in Cuba until my thirtieth birthday, with the last three under the strong regime of another Messiah that lied to the Cuban people about his plans for a better and more just society. Of course our equivalent in USA did not really lie to the American people. He merely dressed up his true programs, but left some of them sufficiently exposed for smart observers to recognize what he really was up to. Unfortunately not many in the media qualify as smart observers. And many did qualify instead as convinced and interested supporters of his totalitarian ideas. President Obama is not as foolish as he looks; he is a smart ideologue with a much defined goal to change our society. He is a very dangerous man.
Every time I hear a “smart” commentator or pundit affirm that the President does not want to destroy our Political and Economical System, I get so irritated that end up talking back at the radio or TV where, to my opinion, a stupid statement has been made. Every now and then a really smart listener calls a talk-show and tries to refute the host’s preconceived notion that the President may have the wrong ideas but that he does not want to completely change our system of government, and destroy our economy as we know it. It is then that the arrogance of the talk-show host can not hide how those comments offend his intellect, and with “smart” but baseless arguments tries to persuade the caller that he is wrong: “The President is not an evil doer but a misguided politician.” It does not matter that the President’s own words and deeds tend to justify the caller’s opinion instead of his.
The future is bleak and if this Regime’s policies are not stopped and reversed really soon, the America we know and love with freedom and opportunities for all will turn into only a dream of our glorious past, after the new Socialist Democracy a la European is fully implemented. If that catastrophic prediction is enacted, it is my opinion; that the only remedy left to the free people of our United States of America will be a second revolution that I fear will not be a peaceful and bloodless one.
Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding fathers, drafter of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd President of our Country wrote in a letter on November 13, 1787 the following: “The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants. It is its natural manure.” Let’s hope we are not beyond the point of no return and able minded patriotic citizens can peacefully turn around the dangerous path to political and economical disaster this arrogant ideologue is pushing our nation into.
Fidel Castro, the Cuban Communist dictator recently “congratulated Obama after his massive Health Care Bill was approved by Congress but chided him for taking so long to enact what his Communist Cuba achieved decades ago.” Congratulations coming from Fidel Castro should make us all worry even more about the future.
An old proverb acknowledged long ago that “experience is the best teacher.” A second best is a good knowledge and understanding of History, which as the old saying goes, tends to repeat itself and only those familiar with past events can recognize the present dangers and thus be prepared to overcome them.