Common Denominator: Crises, Solution, Net
Consider the common denominator that runs through ACA, the medical industry and the following examples. In each case there is a problem, either manufactured or manipulated to appear serious. Then the federal government steps in to “protect the citizens.” The common solution is: greater federal control through powerful, unfettered regulatory bodies leading to ever greater centralized control in Washington, DC. Look for a trend in the following.
The same thing happened with commercial banking through Dodd-Frank, which consolidates favor and protection upon giant banks and places crushing, unnecessary burden on smaller, private banks.
The same is happening with private Colleges and Universities; look at Corinthian Colleges and other Private Universities; the winners are chosen by regulators and are invariably not-for-profit. Private investment is destroyed through regulatory action.
Energy is another example: remember “global warming” (now called Global Climate Change since the earth is not “warming”)? The “solution” is Executive Orders enforcing cap and trade, without benefit of legislation. The net result is stifling over-regulation of private ownership in energy companies.
There exist parallels to Law Enforcement, Eric Holder’s Dept. of Justice uses the threat of racial profiling to bring police departments in line. The administration takes every opportunity to turn blacks and progressives against law enforcement. Why else would the president opine on a police shooting in Florida before the facts are known? His words inflame the riots and breed hatred. This debilitates the police officer sworn to protect the citizens. The vast, vast majority of cops get into law enforcement out of a clear sense of duty and burning desire to bring justice to criminals. Hate-mongers are destroying the sacred trust with law enforcement.
Obama promised to fundamentally change America. He is succeeding, temporarily, I hope. In light of these trends, how important is it that reasonable people of both parties band together, instruct and elect only those politicians who focus on righting the wrongs of this disastrous administration and returning power to the citizens through strict adherence to the Constitution.