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July 3, 2024

In a War of Morality, Americans Have One Choice: Donald Trump

We have the ability to focus on what actually matters: the moral outcome of their policies as president of the United States.

In the immediate aftermath of President Joe Biden’s horrendous performance during his first debate with former President Donald Trump, the entire country appeared to wake up to a fact that’s been clear to so many of us for years: Joe Biden is mentally unfit.

Yes, the undeniable reality that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia — complete with the shuffling walk, confused speech and vacant thousand-yard-stare familiar to anyone with any family history of Alzheimer’s disease — appears to have motivated even the most die-hard Democrats to ask whether the 81-year-old is up to the task.

But Biden’s performance as a barely-walking, barely talking governmental cadaver is masking something even more fundamental: He was a terrible leader long before he lost his marbles.

During the debate, Biden tried to shift away from the economy, foreign policy, and immigration, and went after Trump for having “the morals of an alley cat.” The Biden team thought this was such a memorable zinger that they even followed up on X, writing, “I don’t know what you did last night, but I spent 90 minutes debating a guy with the morals of an alley cat.”

Let’s ignore the low-hanging fruit — so low it’s rolling on the floor — that is Biden’s ongoing support of the “smartest man he knows,” Hunter Biden, who has the morals of a catnip-snorting alley cat that runs a kitten sex ring in Thailand.

Let’s also note that our sporadic need for our commander in chief to be a shining beacon of morality is laughable, given that Democrats seemed far less concerned about the sexual deviancy of John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton or Gavin Newsom.

And finally, let’s also acknowledge that the occasional public outcry against immorality in politics is an invention of a modern society devoid of actual moral leadership. When we have made deception, despotism and shameless narcissism prerequisites for office, only the naive or stupid can continue to expect our elected officials to be moral leaders in a system that rewards immorality.

But if we are to care that Donald Trump does indeed have the morals of an alley cat — a label that has sparked outrage among communities of urban homeless cats of color across the country — then it’s only fair to judge Joe Biden, too.

And beneath the complete facade of smiling, ice-cream-licking, bike-riding Uncle Joe, his decisions in government have caused moral damage worldwide.

His economic policies have driven countless Americans into, at the very least, financial struggle and, at the very worst, financial ruin.

His immigration policies have voluntarily placed citizens in harm’s way, with illegal immigrants — many with violent criminal backgrounds or links with organized crime or terrorist groups — murdering, raping and brutalizing innocent Americans. Meanwhile, fentanyl continues to flow into the country, fueling an ongoing and deadly opioid epidemic.

And his foreign policies have sparked war in Ukraine — with tens of thousands of deaths and many more casualties — chaos in Afghanistan — culminating in the forgotten deaths of 13 U.S. service members — and terrorism in Israel — with Biden’s administration working to deliver aid to the very terrorists who murdered and kidnapped American citizens on Oct. 7.

When it comes to issues of morality, it’s tempting to engage solely in tabloid bickering on social media. Yes, there are equally petty accusations of immorality we can throw at Biden, such as his obsession with lying about the death of his eldest son, Beau Biden, for political gain, or destroying a family’s reputation by spreading false accusations of deadly drunk-driving. But if we accept the obvious fact that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are cut from a similar immoral cloth, we will have the ability to focus on what actually matters: the moral outcome of their policies as president of the United States.

And through that lens, Americans who care about morality only have one option this November: Donald Trump.


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