July 30, 2024

Olympic Outrage

“The Last Supper” was recreated for the whole world featuring a cast of drag queens and LGBTQ activists.

If you missed the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympics, and I hope you did, you were spared a disgusting display of anti-Christian bigotry. Evidently, the folks at the Olympic Committee and NBC thought it would be a really good idea to mock one of the most iconic images in Christendom — Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”
The scene was recreated for the whole world featuring a cast of drag queens and LGBTQ activists. A child was also included at the table just because.
The irony of this outrageous performance offending the world’s 2.5 billion Christians at an event dedicated to fostering international cooperation and world peace was astounding.
Initially, defenders of the obscene performance tried to brush off the controversy by saying it wasn’t about The Last Supper but “an interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus.” That disingenuous explanation didn’t pass the straight face test, but it might have quelled the controversy. Then the producers said:
“For the ‘Festivities’ segment, [artistic director] Thomas Jolly took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting to create the setting… [Jolly] is not the first artist to make a reference to what is a world-famous work of art. From Andy Warhol to ‘The Simpsons,’ many have done it before him.”
A spokeswoman for the Olympics unbelievably insisted that they were not trying to offend anyone. They were merely trying to celebrate “community” and “tolerance.” This “celebration of tolerance” is coming from the crowd that is always telling Christians how intolerant we are.
Of course, NBC and the Olympic Committee would never approve a performance mocking Mohammad or Islam. But from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to Andres Serrano, Christianity has been attacked over and over and over by the LGBTQ “tyrants of tolerance.”
As Christians, we believe that God made human beings in His image. He molded Adam out of the dirt. He became man in order to suffer and die on the cross. In doing so, He defeated death.
We also believe that there is an unseen spiritual war going on between the forces of good and evil, between God and rebellious Satan. That shocking display wasn’t just an insult to Christians. It was a demonic attack on the God of the universe, who created all living things and all matter with a word.
A Deafening Silence

When many Christians, including me, expressed the view that God’s hand protected Donald Trump from being assassinated, American elites went nuts. Many progressive Christian leaders condemned the very thought of it.
The people who were most vociferous in condemning the idea of God intervening to save Trump’s life must have been very busy this weekend because they couldn’t find time to speak out against Christianity being attacked and mocked at the Olympics.
Maybe they issued statements. But if they did, I couldn’t find anything from “progressive” Christians like David French, Russell Moore, or Jim Wallis denouncing the debauchery depicted in the Olympic opening ceremony.
Last month, many pastors felt compelled to fly LGBTQ flags outside of their churches to show how “inclusive” they are. I wonder if even one of them might be reevaluating their decision today.
If they thought they could buy the kindness of that movement by “celebrating” their lives, they are sadly mistaken. The Church will have to become an LGBTQ cult before it is accepted by these radical ideologues.
Crushing The Court
When Joe Biden was fighting for his political survival earlier this month, many commentators noticed that the “progs” (progressives) in Congress were standing with him. They had certain demands, and they wanted assurances of what a second Biden term would be like, and they got them.
As we have reported, the “progs” are furious that the Supreme Court’s conservative majority is standing in the way of their radical agenda. So, Joe Biden agreed to push through a series of changes in order to crush the Supreme Court’s independence as a co-equal branch of government.
Even though he’s now a lame duck on his way out of office, Biden is keeping his word to fire up his left-wing base. In an editorial in the Washington Post, the president demanded so-called “reforms” that would “fundamentally transform” the Supreme Court.
Among other things, Biden wants to force one justice off the bench every two years. The left knows it can’t impeach Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito, so they’re coming up with creative schemes to get them off the bench.
Kamala Harris has endorsed Biden’s proposal to force the Supreme Court to kneel. And like other left-wing politicians, Harris also said she was “open” to the idea of packing the Supreme Court with additional radical lawyers, wiping out the conservative majority, and turning the high court into a rubber stamp for the left’s extreme agenda.
What’s Weird
The left has a new pejorative term for conservatives. If they’re not calling us “extremists,” “Christian nationalists,” or “fascists,” they are calling us “weird.”
Over the weekend, J.D. Vance was repeatedly described as “weird” by pundits and politicians. I guarantee you that every leftist talk show will be repeating it. It’s just another attempt at demonizing or “othering” normal conservatives.
But what’s really weird is that this coming from the movement that tells us men can get pregnant.
It’s coming from the movement that insists we “follow the science” unless it involves basic biology.
It’s coming from the movement that demands we all go along with their lie that “he” is a woman or we are haters. 
It’s coming from the movement that insists there are 52 genders.
It’s coming from the movement that demands the right to expose your six year-old to flamboyant men garishly dressed like exaggerated women.
It’s coming from the movement that believes convicted felons in prison “deserve” taxpayer-funded sex-change surgeries.
It’s coming from the movement that claims an unborn child is no different than your appendix.
These are the people who think J.D. Vance, a U.S. Marine, a self-made man, and an advocate for working-class Americans, is the “weird” one. Why? Just because he believes that a nation that does not promote the family and does not value children is committing national suicide.
But Kamala Harris can suggest that young people should think twice about having kids because of “climate change.” And that’s not weird? Telling the people of your nation not to reproduce because of “climate change” is a nihilistic position. Sadly, it’s one many leftists are embracing.


“Genocide Josh”
As Kamala Harris considers her selection of a running mate, the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party has launched a campaign to torpedo one of the top four contenders — Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.
Social media messages from “Say No To Genocide Josh” are warning Harris that “Selecting a vice presidential nominee with anti-Palestinian and pro-war views will depress turnout among Muslim, Arab-American, and young voters.”
What’s the “problem” with Shapiro? He is a Jew. And that makes him unacceptable to the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel left.   
Veteran CNN reporter John King was recently discussing potential running mates for Harris. Referring to Gov. Shapiro, King said, “He’s a first-term governor. He’s Jewish. There could be some risks in putting him on the ticket…”
So, being a Jew is now a political risk in the Democrat Party. That’s how pervasive anti-Semitism has become among today’s political left.
Israeli Children Massacred
How can you tell when Israeli children have been slaughtered? The dead giveaway is the silence from foreign policy experts, human rights activists, U.N. bureaucrats, and “world leaders.”
On Saturday, the terrorist group Hezbollah blasted a soccer field with an Iranian-made rocket, killing a dozen children and wounding 40 more. The slaughter was intentional — there are no military targets nearby.
The dead children were Druze, an Arab ethno-religious group that is an offshoot of Islam. They number around 140,000 in Israel, and many Druze proudly serve in the Israeli Defense Forces.
The Druze families had not finished burying their dead children before the cowards in the Biden administration were warning Israel not to escalate the situation.
There are no words to adequately express the disgust I feel for the Biden/Harris/Blinken regime. Our allies have more to fear from them than our enemies do.
Pray for the people of Israel.

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