August 5, 2024

Dark Blood Money

Dark blood money is poisoning America.

By Laurence F. Sanford

Dark money refers to money spent to influence political outcomes where the source of money is not disclosed. The most common dark money organizations are tax-exempt nonprofits under the IRS 501(c) tax code. The names of donors are secret and not disclosed to the public.

  • 501(c)(3)s are not allowed to engage in political activities, but donations are tax-exempt.
  • 501(c)(4)s are allowed to engage in political activities, but donations are not tax-deductible.

“Blood Money” is the title of a book by Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute. The book describes how the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) covert actions are corrupting elite leadership in politics, industry, Hollywood, professional sports, and Wall Street. The CCP’s involvement in the Mexican cartel drug trade (fentanyl), social justice movements, media (TikTok), and the medical establishment (Anthony Fauci) are creating chaos and decadence in the United States.

The Heritage Foundation describes a “Revolutionary Ecosystem” of dark blood money that sustains and supports Marxist and Islamic terror groups with the purpose of ending American democracy, capitalism, and Western Civilization. Not only are U.S.-based organizations part of this revolutionary ecosystem, but so are foreign entities such as China, Cuba, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela.

The four components of the revolutionary ecosystem are:

  1. Activist organizations
  2. Fiscal sponsors
  3. Donors
  4. Radical media groups

Among the most prominent activist organizations are:

  • American Muslims for Palestine
  • Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Samidoun
  • Jewish Voice for Peace

Fiscal sponsors are nonprofit organizations that offer legal, administrative, and tax-exempt status to activist organizations.

  • The Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) receives funding from the George Soros Open Society and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. AFGJ supports Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The German government recently banned Samidoun, along with Hamas, for terror activities.
  • Tides Foundation funds BLM, Progress Unity Fund, and Jewish Voice for Peace. It also sponsors the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action, which trains anti-Israel protesters on U.S. campuses. Tides is a “pass-through” service, which makes it nearly impossible to trace original donors to the recipient. Anonymity is very important to people who work with Tides. Billions of dollars have been collected for pass-through by Tides.
  • Westchester Peace Action Committee fiscally sponsors Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP), one of the most active groups against Jews.
  • Thousand Currents fiscally sponsors BLM. Thus, when you donate to BLM, you are directed to its fundraising partner, ActBlue, which in turn distributes the money to Thousand Currents, which then grants it to BLM. (Thomas Matthew Crooks, who attempted to assassinate Trump, donated through ActBlue.)


  • Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros funds Open Society Foundations. In addition to funding the revolutionary ecosystem, Soros funds political campaigns for progressive district attorneys such as Alvin Bragg in New York City, who recently dropped charges against hundreds who participated in the Columbia University riots.
  • Solidaire funds various BLM and pro-Palestinian groups and is closely linked to the Pritzker family. (The present governor of Illinois and former secretary of commerce under Obama are Pritzkers.)
  • Neville Roy Singham and his wife, Jodie Evans, co-founder of CODEPINK, live in Shanghai and have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. A New York Times feature says that Singham “works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide” with hundreds of millions of dollars. Singham mixes progressive advocacy with CCP talking points. Singham sold his Chicago-based software company for $780 million.

Radical media groups:

  • BT Media, a left-wing news outlet group receiving funds from Singham.
  • Common Dreams, a pro-BLM, pro-Hamas news outlet.
  • The Gray Zone, founded by Max Blumenthal, son of Clinton confidant Sydney Blumenthal.


Recent anti-Israel, anti-American marches on college campuses and cities throughout America are fueled by a consortium of Marxist and Islamic organizations protesting Israel’s response to the Hamas genocide of October 7, 2023. The protests are manifestations of Marxist and Islamic ideologies that have permeated American society for years. The ultimate goal is ending America and Western civilization.


  1. Light one candle rather than curse the darkness. Join groups to expose “useful idiots” mouthing Marxist/Islamic propaganda.
  2. Elect leaders who recognize the threat and who will fight for American values.
  3. Demand that the IRS remove tax exemptions for 501(c)s that advocate against America.
  4. Enforce laws for all. Corrupt district attorneys, many funded by Soros, and politicians allow rioters to escape punishment for illegal violence and property seizure. BLM rioters in 2020 and anti-Israel rioters in 2024 received no jail time, yet a 76-year-old grandmother was sentenced to two years in jail for involvement in blockading access to an abortion clinic.
  5. Eliminate DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs. DEI fosters racial grievances, social unrest, low morale, and lowers performance standards in the military, government, business, and education.

Laurence F. Sanford is a senior analyst at the American Security Council Foundation.

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