August 19, 2024

So Many Choices/ So Little Time

Harris campaign applicants are asked to select their preferred pronouns. Here are the choices.

The Kamala Harris campaign is on a hiring binge, bringing on as many campaign workers as possible and of course “diversity” is a big factor in the process.
Applicants are asked to select their preferred pronouns. Here are the choices in the new America the left is building and, “no” I am not kidding. She/her, He/him, They/them, Xe/xem, Ze/hir, Ey/em, Hir/hir, Fae/faer and last, but not least, “Hu/hu.” This is for those folks who want to emphasize that they are human and that is more important to them than their gender.
I was amazed that they left out one option that came to my mind immediately, You’re/Nuts! 
Evangelicals For Marx?
The Harris-Walz ticket is rolling out identity-group endorsements like clockwork — White Dudes for Kamala, Hound Lovers for Harris, Catholics for Kamala and Evangelicals for Kamala.
As to the last two, the theme is simple: Democrats proclaim that in this political pairing we have a Godly man and woman motivated by Scripture and moral teaching.  They want you to believe that if you are a Catholic or Evangelical, you can feel totally comfortable voting for these people.
You have to hand it to these socialists.  They are writing the playbook for all future campaigns for the far left.
Whatever we do, don’t underestimate the danger here — it’s severe, and not just to our political life but to Christianity.  Harris & Co. can count, and they know they don’t have to win a majority vote of people of faith.  Just as the GOP knows it can win elections if it increases its share of the minority vote — not win it, just push it north of 15 or 20 percent.  Democrats know a higher percentage of the Christian vote can make them unbeatable.
They also know that with a compliant media and false “shepherds” ready to lap up their rhetoric and regurgitate it to their flocks, they just might carry off this ruse.
The strategy is straightforward. They are trying to turn Jesus Christ into Karl Marx.  Their definition of the Gospel is not about the injunction to care for the widow or the poor.  It calls instead for taking away the income of hard-working Americans and successful people by force.  Under penalty of law, government takes that money and gives it to people and causes it deems more deserving.
Nothing in the Gospel supports this. Every dictum in the Bible regarding the poor is a mandate first on the church and its members to help the poor.
History’s constant lesson is that societies that choose the “government is all” route have consistently ended up punishing, imprisoning, and eventually killing a lot of people — working-class people and farmers especially.
Ask yourself some basic questions.  
If the platform of the modern Democratic Party is the one that is most consistent with the gospel of Jesus, why do 90 percent of American atheists and the growing unchurched population enthusiastically vote Democrat?
Contemporary events confirm history’s lessons.  As I’ve served on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, I’ve seen firsthand the global truth that the more left-wing and socialist a nation is, the more hostile it is to religious believers and followers of Jesus Christ. This is just a fact.
What about the children?
If the Gospel yokes the believer to act personally rather than merely be a hostage to Caesar’s latest social aims, it is even clearer about those who visit harms on or corrupt children. 
Jesus’s words are soul-shaking: “If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6)
Now, we are talking here about voting decisions, not millstones, but ask yourself what today’s Democrats want for kids:

  • They celebrate unlimited abortion, where the haven of the womb has been transformed into a minefield where a million of our children, defenseless boys and girls, die every year;


  • They ramp up prosecution of Christians who peacefully witness at abortion sites, imposing longer prison terms on them than they are willing to apply to rapists; 


  • They will isolate and primary you if you are a fellow member of their party, like the pro-life Dan Lipinski of Illinois; if you say you are against abortion, you’ll lose  committee assignments and no party candidate will ask for your endorsement;


  • If you’re fortunate enough to get out of the womb unscathed, they assert your sex was “assigned” at birth (not given by God); they want to introduce you to gender confusion at the earliest age and use social media and the schools to promote the use of powerful drugs that will alter your child’s physiology and likely sterilize them. They want to cut off healthy body parts of little boys and girls. They want parents to agree to these interventions (if they tell the parents at all) or report you to child services if you won’t agree to what they falsely call “gender-affirming care.”

Finally, today’s Democrats — this is definitely not the party of FDR or JFK — work hand in glove with the LGBTQIA+ movement so that they, not parents, decide when they can start indoctrinating your children about these issues.  Make no mistake, this is not about learning.  It is about recruiting your children.
They want your seven-year-old child reading books that no school board meeting will allow a parent to read aloud in session.  Their candidates and cabinet members lie about this reality, calling this a debate about book banning, and labeling parents censors, Nazis, and fascists.
The goal is to drive, as early as possible, a wedge between parents and their children. Research consistently shows that the best outcome for families and communities is the presence of a loving mom and dad in the home. To mention this fact today guarantees their scorn.
The greatest irony is that millions of children today live in communities that vote 90 percent Democrat and spend huge amounts per capita on public schools.  By their own actions, parents have trapped their sons and daughters in schools that fail to teach basic skills that will allow them to lead productive lives.
Offer those kids vouchers or tax credits, and Democrats will do everything in their power to keep those kids trapped even as they send their own children to private academies on the money they take home from the public purse.  
Whatever else we can conclude from these debates, it is clear this is no ordinary election.  We are beset by the most basic differences over who is human, what is a man or woman, do we mutilate and sterilize our young, do we expose our kids to gay porn, and so much more. 
No amount of glib identity politics can mask such eternal stakes.
Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom
In the latest Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I interview frequent guest Tom Rose, who is live from Israel. We discuss the historical importance of the National Jewish Day of Mourning.

In Hebrew, the Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar and is the culmination of the Three Weeks, a period during which the Jewish people mark the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 486 BC and the Roman Empire in 70 AD.
Listen to the podcast here.

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