August 23, 2024

Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor… Empty Words to the Democrat Party

Tim Walz punked out and took an action that should be deemed embarrassing and certainly conduct unbecoming for anyone to serve in political office.

There are some things we who have honorably served in our military despise. Liars and cowards are at the top of that list. And it is even worse when the two are combined. We hate it even more so when there are those who dismiss those abhorrent character traits when it politically gives advantage. The hypocrisy is maddening. Such is the case with the progressive socialist left, the Democrat party, and it is being revealed before our eyes in the selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the Democratic party nominee for Vice President.

It cannot be refuted, because military records do not lie, that Walz did, in fact, abandon his Minnesota National Guard Field Artillery Battalion when they came down on orders to deploy to Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom. Also, since Walz did not fulfill his obligation by accepting a slot to the US Army Sergeant Major Academy, he was administratively reduced in rank from Command Sergeant Major (E9) to Master Sergeant (E8). However, Walz has consistently promoted himself in campaign biographies as being a retired Sergeant Major, not true. He has also been found on record in an interview stating that he participated in Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, which is untrue. As well, it was reported that he served in Iraq, not true. Yet, for reasons we all can dubiously comprehend, the leftist media, including the very person who offered the nomination, Kamala Harris, simply brush this all aside.

This is a case of “Stolen Valor” and is abjectly disgusting, despicable, and demeaning to true Veterans who have embraced the ideals of Duty, Honor, Integrity, and Valor.

The individual military service record form called the DD 214 does not lie. And a simple review of that document by Harris and her campaign staff would have revealed these flaws, lies, and deceptions. But, let’s be honest, it does not matter to the left. And here is supporting evidence to prove that assertion.

It was not too long ago that there was a gentleman, who was the Attorney General, running for US Senate in the State of Connecticut. His name is Richard Blumenthal. AG Blumenthal was the subject of a NY Times investigation, all valid, that evidenced that he had lied about serving in Vietnam. Blumenthal received some five deferments from 1965 to 1970, and his military service record shows that he did enlist into the Marine Reserves, which, as the NY Times reported, “virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam.”

My older Brother, Herman West Jr., voluntarily enlisted into the US Marines and was an infantryman, deployed to Vietnam Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marines, and was wounded at a place called Khe Sahn. All that is in his military records. In March of 2008, in Norwalk, Connecticut, Blumenthal said to a pro-military group, “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” a lie and utterly disrespectful to those who did serve, and especially those 58,000 who made the last full measure of devotion. Blumenthal, a Democrat, won his US Senate race against Linda McMahon and still serves in the US Senate.

Then there is Bowe Bergdahl, the epitome of a traitor and coward, yet he was praised by Barack Obama and Susan Rice, who appeared on Sunday news talk programs and referred to him as having served with honor and distinction. Bergdahl abandoned his unit in Afghanistan, and the offense he committed was punishable by the Uniform Code of Military Justice by the death penalty—desertion in the face of the enemy and conduct unbecoming. Bergdahl never saw a day in Ft. Leavenworth prison, and his charges were dropped. Yet, there were several Soldiers who lost their lives in the search and rescue mission for a deserter.

And let us not forget one US Army PVT Bradley Manning, who, in the combat theater of operations in Iraq, divulged classified information that put the lives of many at risk. Manning was arrested, charged, tried, and sentenced. Then, all of a sudden, he said he was a girl and became a case celebre of the left. He decided to go on a hunger strike while imprisoned in Ft. Leavenworth, and eventually, Manning was pardoned, set free, and celebrated on magazine covers.

We should not be surprised that the left is thumbing their noses and hardly reporting this flaw in the character of Tim Walz. Their ideological agenda and their political advancement are far more important than the silliness of Duty, Honor, Integrity, and Valor. That is why they can release the Taliban leadership from GITMO and even offer a plea deal to the masterminds of 911. They can sacrifice our young men and women in Afghanistan and hold no one accountable. Never forget the words of John Kerry, once a Democrat presidential candidate, “Individuals who don’t study hard and do their homework would likely get stuck in Iraq.” Of course, Kerry himself was awarded three Purple Hearts for basically injuring himself. Perhaps that was what Tim Walz was thinking when he decided to abandon his unit, like a coward, as the Senior Enlisted member when their orders came down to being “stuck in Iraq.”

To any detractors out there, feel free to examine my DD 214 and review my record of service. It will reflect someone who understands the principles of Duty, Honor, Integrity, and Valor. Yep, I took an action to protect my troops in combat in Iraq.

Tim Walz punked out and took an action that should be deemed embarrassing and certainly conduct unbecoming for anyone to serve in political office…unless you are seeking an office as a Democrat and a leftist.

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