August 24, 2024

The Jolt Cola Effect of Kamala Harris

Since the carefully orchestrated Democrat coup d’etat, there has been a Jolt Cola, euphoric response from the leftist faithful.

Howdy, y'all. Perhaps I am really dating myself, but before we had all these energy drinks, there was Jolt Cola. I remember it bursting onto the scene circa 1985, marketed to students and young people as a highly, and I mean doggone highly, caffeinated drink. It was popular with those of us in the military who had to pull all night staff duty officer responsibilities. Jolt Cola gave you exactly that, an immediate rush, jolt, but boy howdy, coming down off that caffeine, just like a sugar high, was like crashing bad. And so it is with the Kamala Harris effect with the progressive socialist left.

Since the carefully orchestrated Democrat coup d'etat, so much for the “democratic” process, that resulted in the selection of VP Kamala Harris, there has been a Jolt Cola, euphoric response from the leftist faithful. It is a false sugar high that has been aided and abetted by the high levels of caffeine induction by a complicit leftist media apparatus. And now we are about to have the commencement of the coronation ceremony that is the nomination of Madame Jolt Cola, Kamala Harris. This week’s Democratic National Committee convention in Chicago will be quite entertaining and revealing.

The goal and objective of Kamala Harris will be to try and distance herself from three and a half years of failing policies…but the rhetoric will be soaring. It will all be about a feel good image, just like Jolt Cola made you feel so alert, but for a period of time. VP nominee Tim Walz will try to pass himself off as some “Dad Bod” everyday guy, not the cowardly and destructive leftist that he is. One who has decimated the economy of Minnesota and played his DEI/cultural Marxism fiddle as he and his wife watched Minneapolis burn. The fawning leftist media will fawn all over themselves as they drink massive amounts of Kamala Jolt Cola in between commentaries. The people on the floor will rant and rave in a high-energy mania, celebrating such absurdities as dismembering unborn babies right up until the time of birth and, as Walz supports, allowing babies who survive that procedure to die.  It will be a sight to see, and there will be another contingent hyped up as well, the pro-Hamas leftists who forced Harris to reject the reasonable VP choice of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. It remains to be seen what will happen when they descend upon Chicago this week…my instincts tell me they will not be controlled, and we could see a repeat of the 1968 DNC convention. And Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is not a Mayor Daly type.

Thursday, the final day of the DNC, will be the beginning of the end of the euphoria. Within a week the Democrat party will go into withdrawal. But by the time we have the first debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the energy will have faded, and as with Jolt Cola, there will be a hard crash.


Just as with an energy drink, the effect is not forever lasting. You can say, yeah, but Colonel, they will keep drinking the Jolt Cola. There comes a time when it tastes bad, and you develop a resistance to the effect. Just as with some people who can drink coffee all day long, and it does not have the lingering effect of sleep prevention…plus the aftertaste is yucky.

Kamala Harris will be exposed as one of the emptiest of empty suits we have ever seen running for president. There will be this “what did she say?” atmosphere that will overtake the Country. The media will not be able to hide and protect her anymore, and she will not be able to just laugh us into a drone like state of existence. Harris will not be able to say, hey, I have been absent for the past three and a half years; she will have to answer for these failing policies. And worse, Tim Walz will have to try to dispel his exposure as the most despicable and disgusting thing we in the military despise: a leader who abandons his unit.

I remember tasting Jolt Cola, and it did give me that effect, but it tasted horrible. I remember the first time I drank a Red Bull. It was back in the early 2000s, and I was running down along the beachfront south of Camp Pendleton, California. They were just getting started and had a free sample stand set up. They called me over, and I took a little swig, and yep, I got pumped up and ran with renewed energy. But it didn’t last forever.

The Kamala Harris Jolt Cola effect will not last long, trust me. Truth always prevails over deception. Are there hard-core, mindless lemmings who will try and gorge themselves on the Kamala Harris Jolt Cola? Sure. And those are the people who will always seek to take the blue pill and stay in the Matrix of leftist progressive socialist Marxism. But I sense that there are going to be many who will be taking the Red pill to open their eyes to the dangers and delusion of the left…which will be on full display this week.

So, let not your hearts be troubled; there is a crash coming for leftism in America. This Jolt Cola euphoria cannot last forever, matter of fact, not for many more weeks.

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