August 22, 2024

‘Hell Week’

There is very little talk at the Democrat convention about policy. That’s partly because they know their policies are not popular.

Here’s what came out of Day 2 of the Democrat National Convention, otherwise known as “hell week” in Chicago: 

  • As of now, 25 Democrat delegates, advisers, or strategists have decided to take advantage of Planned Parenthood’s offer to destroy their preborn child at the cut-rate price of zero. It’s not too surprising, as Kamala Harris is leading the emergency government committee to ensure that the number of abortions remains as high as possible. 
  • The Democrat Party platform makes shoving “transgender rights” into Title IX a top priority. That’s exactly what the Supreme Court just blocked. It’s also overwhelmingly rejected by the American people. Just another example of Democrats doubling down on their extreme agenda, in this case by destroying women’s lives and opportunities by pushing trans insanity into women’s civil rights laws. 
  • While they continue to spout nonsense about “joy,” “happiness,” and “unity,” virtually every speaker engaged in a hate fest, demonizing Donald Trump and anyone who supports him, i.e., half the country. The hate is almost always based on lies or deliberate distortions (see next point). Listening to the Democrats, you would think every problem known to mankind is caused by Trump and his supporters. But Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. And after four years of Biden/Harris, only 25% of Americans believe our country is headed in the right direction. 
  • Donald Trump went to Howell, Michigan, Tuesday to talk about crime and immigration. The Harris campaign attacked him for visiting the “KKK capital of Michigan.” That’s a disgusting smear against Trump and the people of Howell, and it’s also totally idiotic. Joe Biden was just in Chicago. Does that make him responsible for all murders in Chicago? After Trump’s event, a reporter predictably asked why he was campaigning in a town connected to white supremacy. Trump responded by asking the reporter, “Who was here in 2021?” She answered, “Joe Biden.” Trump laughed, said, “Thank you,” and walked away.

More Left-wing Hate
Earlier this week, Andy Beshear, Kentucky’s Democrat governor, posted on X how his Christian faith teaches him to “love our neighbors.” He finished his musing by writing, “Let’s end anger politics and remember we are all Americans.” Sounds nice, right?
Well, the very next day, Beshear went on MSDNC to attack J.D. Vance over his pro-life views. Beshear immediately went for an “emotional appeal” based on the most extreme situations, like cases of rape. (Trump and Vance support exceptions for rape.) Beshear seemed to suggest that he hopes someone in Vance’s family gets raped in order to “Make him go through this.”
Vance blasted Beshear’s remarks as “really gross and really disgusting.”
Meanwhile, outside the Democrat convention, Hamas youth continued to riot in the streets, resulting in more than 70 arrests. They burned U.S. and Israeli flags while chanting calls for genocide.
These are the people who Joe Biden says are making a legitimate point. These are the people Kamala Harris said are “showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza.” Really?
And back at the Democrat convention, Chuck Schumer blamed Donald Trump for the antisemitism in the streets of Chicago. Sorry, Chuck, those aren’t MAGA supporters burning American flags. They’re your voters!
Talk about chutzpah!
The same people saying we need to “end anger politics” are aligned with these terrorist sympathizing radicals.
The same people saying they are “saving democracy” are right now celebrating a coup.
It’s also been noticed that there is very little talk at the Democrat convention about policy. That’s partly because they know their policies are not popular. For example, I wonder how popular the “queering” of our nuclear arsenal is with the American people.
Plus, Harris tried to talk about policies last week, and Democrats have been backtracking ever since. They can’t talk about policies and ideas, so they are intentionally trying to divide us.
“Our First Chinese Vice President”
That’s how Tim Walz was introduced at the Democrat Asian American and Pacific Islanders’ meeting in Chicago this week. And why wouldn’t he be given his disturbing history with communist China?
We know that communist China has been trying for years to influence American young people to accept Marxism and Maoism and to hate capitalism and America. That’s what the Confucius Institutes on our college campuses are all about. That’s what TikTok is all about. (Here and here.)
Now, a former student, Shad, who went on one of Walz’s academic trips to China in 1995, has come forward with a warning. He said the trip was “almost a daily revelation of how much he [Walz] adores the communist regime.” 
Shad went on to describe Walz as a “true believer” and “Maoist to the core.” Pointing to Walz’s leftist policies, he added, “The snitch hotline in Minnesota is straight out of [communist China]. Tim Walz is a very bright guy. None of this is by accident.”
By the way, Walz’s “academic” trips to China were heavily subsidized by Beijing.
Others are sounding the alarm, too. One of them is John Schindler, a former NSA counterintelligence officer. Noting Walz’s service at the time in the National Guard, Schindler wrote:
“It’s certain that Walz was vetted by the Ministry of State Security, the regime’s powerful secret police, because that’s how China works. No American would be allowed to run academic exchanges for a couple of decades, on the CCP’s dime, without MSS approval. It just wouldn’t happen…
"A young American with an affection for China, who was also a part-time member of the U.S. military, would have been a tempting recruiting target for Chinese intelligence.”
And here’s how Walz described Chinese communism to his students:
“It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares. The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing.”
This is the stuff of every totalitarian society. The government gives you everything you have because the government controls everything.
Millions of people were murdered in communist China so everyone could “share” and “make the same” amount of money.
In recent decades, communist China has made certain adjustments in order to grow its economy. But it’s not like Walz is one of Wall Street’s capitalist appeasers who is just interested in making a lot of money. He’s talking about communism!
No wonder Harris picked him to be her running mate. We know her father was a Marxist, and she clearly has embraced Marxist ideas. (Here and here.)
Cooking The Books
Something strange is going on. As we have noted before, every month when the government announces the latest figures on job growth, it’s always accompanied by a downward revision for the previous month. Those downward revisions, however, never make the news.
But they did yesterday because it was too big to ignore. New data from the Bureau of Labor shows that the official reports overstated total job creation over the past year by more than 800,000 jobs!
Multiple surveys have shown that the American people are struggling to make ends meet in the Biden/Harris economy, which they say is terrible. And they were mocked for not appreciating “just how good they have it.”
Well, now we have evidence showing that the American people were right all along.
This shocking number is leading some to question whether left-wing bureaucrats are “cooking the books” on the initial monthly figures, knowing full well that the monthly downward revisions are generally ignored.
As it turns out, this was the biggest yearly downward revision since 2009. Who was in the White House then? That was Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Poll Position
A new poll of voters in Virginia was just released. After a month of cheerleading from the media, this poll found that Kamala Harris was only up by three points over Donald Trump — 47% to 44%.
After Trump beat Biden in the July debate, polling showed Trump up 45% to 43% in Virginia, a state Biden won by 10 points four years ago.
What does this tell us? Well, yes, there has been movement toward Harris. But it has been wildly exaggerated.
The media are telling us that Trump is at risk of losing Georgia and North Carolina now. That’s hard to believe if Virginia is truly competitive.
Meanwhile, several pollsters are calling out their colleagues who are conducting the Big Media polls. Pointing to oversampling of Democrats or a total lack of transparency, they believe that some media polls seem designed to boost support for Harris to create the illusion of momentum.
As a reminder, polling is not an exact science. And the only poll that matters is the one on November 5th.

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