August 28, 2024

Freedom at Risk

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden/Harris White House heavily pressured Facebook to “censor certain COVID-19 content.”

Yesterday, we warned that the freedom of speech is at risk in this election. Leftists like to describe themselves as “progressive,” but when it comes to free and open debate of important issues and values, they are anything but progressive.
They are intolerant. They’re not interested in open debate. They don’t want to hear your opinion. They want to shut down debate. And like all Marxists throughout history, they increasingly embrace censorship.
We just got more proof of this tremendous threat to our freedom from a very unlikely source — Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is no “right-wing, conservative MAGA supporter.”
In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden/Harris White House heavily pressured Facebook to “censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire.” Of course, it was all done in the name of fighting “disinformation.”
Zuckerberg added that White House officials “expressed a lot of frustration” whenever Facebook pushed back. Ultimately, however, the social media giant did censor content and, according to Zuckerberg, “made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”
Mr. Zuckerberg now regrets that “we were not more outspoken” about the government’s pressure to censor content.
Zuckerberg also repeated his admission to Joe Rogan that the FBI preemptively warned Facebook about a Russian disinformation campaign against the Biden family, which led the company to censor truthful news stories about Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell.”
Curiously, when Facebook was called out for shutting down the story, no one from the FBI stepped up to set the record straight by saying, “Hey, that’s not what we meant. The laptop is real. We know because we’ve had it for nearly a year.”
That wasn’t government censorship of “disinformation.” Russia had nothing to do with Hunter’s laptop. This was government censorship of the truth in order to interfere in our elections. And it’s exactly what Donald Trump and conservatives have been warning about.
When the federal government calls with a “strong suggestion,” that is government coercion. They know they can get corporations to “bend the knee.” But it is also the definition of authoritarianism.
That’s why we should be concerned when politicians like Minnesota Governor Tim Walz say, “There is no guarantee to free speech.”
America Last
Some parents in the Boston suburb of Stoughton recently got a disturbing letter. The superintendent of schools informed them that 150 students were being kicked off the school bus routes because they didn’t have enough space for them.
The superintendent went on to explain the various factors that resulted in this decision: more students signed up to ride the bus than last year; the district lost one bus because of budget constraints; there is a shortage of bus drivers. As frustrating as that news may be, at least there are some legitimate explanations.
But there was more. The superintendent noted that there had been an influx of illegal aliens into the community and their children were creating “unprecedented pressures in special education, transportation, and services for English Learners.” Those pressures forced the school district to “make adjustments throughout the budget.”
Did the budget pressures from an influx of illegal aliens lead to the budget constraints that resulted in the loss of one school bus? That’s not entirely clear.
But here’s what is absolutely clear: Massachusetts law does not require school districts to provide bus service. It does, however, require schools to provide bus service to the children of illegal aliens living in hotels and shelters. At least two buses are being dedicated to shuttling those children to school and back, not the children of taxpaying American citizens.
That’s putting America last.
Some commentators are saying that Kamala Harris isn’t talking about issues because she doesn’t want to run on her record. She’d rather run as a “generic Democrat.” Well, this is what “generic Democrats” are doing all over the country.
Honoring Our Heroes
As you know, Monday marked the third anniversary of the horrific terrorist bombing at the Kabul airport’s Abbey Gate. Thirteen American military personnel were brutally murdered because of the negligence of the Biden/Harris White House.
President Trump honored these heroes at a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery Monday morning. Predictably, the fake news media either ignored the anniversary or accused Trump of politicizing the deaths of these brave Americans.
But what they didn’t tell viewers is that Trump was there at the invitation of the Gold Star families.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign released a moving video featuring these Gold Star families telling their stories of grief, pain, and loss. (Click here for another version of the video.)
Remember these videos the next time someone repeats the disgusting lie that Donald Trump disrespected or mocked our veterans.
Your Vote Matters
2024 is a critical decision year for America. So much is at stake and the outcome of the November elections will determine the kind of country our children and grandchildren will inherit. Elections have consequences.
One of the more frustrating things that I have to endure every election year is Christians who otherwise agree with us but, for whatever reason, do not vote. They often say, “My vote doesn’t matter” or “My vote won’t make the difference.”
In the 2023 off-year elections, 26 races ended in ties, and seven races were decided by one vote. Believe it or not, these close elections happen much more often than people realize.
According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, there have been 625 elections that ended in tie votes and 162 elections that were decided by just one vote over the past 22 years.
Yes, your vote matters!
If you or anyone you know is not yet registered to vote, go to now. Believe it or not, early voting begins next month in several states.
Make your voice heard this November. Vote!
And make sure all your friends and family members vote!

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