September 5, 2024

Deadly Negligence

A majority of the agents assigned to Trump’s security detail for the Butler rally were not from the Secret Service.

Kudos to Senator Josh Hawley. Sen. Hawley is a fighter. He has been in regular contact with multiple whistleblowers in the Secret Service, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) because the whistleblowers know he’s a fighter determined to find the truth behind the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
Now these whistleblowers are telling Sen. Hawley that a majority of the agents assigned to Trump’s security detail for the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally were not from the Secret Service, but from the Department of Homeland Security. Some of the DHS agents were pulled off child exploitation cases.
Even worse, none of the agents had any experience on a protective detail. The only “training” they got was a two-hour online video presentation plagued with technical glitches.
Senator Hawley is demanding answers as to why so many agents assigned to Donald Trump’s security detail were so “egregiously under-prepared.”
I believe both Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Donald Trump know that elements of our own government have been involved in the assassinations of duly elected leaders of the United States.
The Deep State’s unacceptable meddling in our democratic process didn’t begin the day Trump came down the escalator. It’s just been more obvious recently because the America First agenda scares the hades out of them.
Confronting Communist China
Tuesday, federal law enforcement officials arrested Linda Sun, a former top aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and former Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Sun was initially hired by Cuomo to serve as director of Asian-American Affairs. Then she was promoted to — wait for it — deputy chief diversity officer. She later served as deputy chief of staff for Gov. Hochul before moving into another state government position.
Sun is charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) because she was acting as an agent of the Chinese Communist Party. Failing to register is not the point. That’s like someone running drugs or guns getting pulled over for a traffic violation and getting charged with driving an unregistered vehicle. She was also charged with visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy.
Most importantly, Sun was operating on behalf of an enemy of the United States!
She is charged with repeatedly using her influence to help Chinese communist officials gain access to New York politicians. She also worked to steer New York’s policies in ways favorable to communist China.
When a delegation of Taiwanese officials wanted to come to New York to discuss closer ties between Taiwan and New York State, Sun prevented the meeting from ever taking place.
Who knows what else she did to serve the interests of communist China over the interests of socialist New York?

I am particularly curious about what, if any, influence she had over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s disastrous COVID policies. Cuomo is scheduled to testify before the House committee investigating the COVID pandemic next week.
American Fascists
Speaking of New York, the campuses of our elite institutions of higher learning erupted in spasms of hatred for Israel Tuesday. Ground zero for these obscene outbursts of antisemitism is Columbia University.
The terrorist sympathizers protesting on Columbia’s campus are angry that Israel is defending itself. But Columbia can’t change Israel’s domestic or foreign policies. Nevertheless, these radicals have a major demand, and it’s exactly the same demand Adolf Hitler had of the German people — no business with Jews.
That’s the same demand of today’s pro-Hamas fascists. They are demanding that Columbia cut all business ties with Israel. Not Iran. Not Russia. Not communist China. Not any other despotic nation in the world. Just Israel, the only democratic country in the Middle East.
One American Jew was brave enough to stand his ground during the ugly outbursts of antisemitism in New York City. He was asked by reporters about the demonstrations by radical Islamists and their leftist allies. His response was perfect. Giving voice to millions, he said:
“Isn’t Kamala [Harris] the one who says she sympathizes with the human emotion of these protesters? What are you sympathizing with, terrorism? … an American just got shot in the head. Where is everyone? Where is the accountability? I don’t get it anymore. And you know what? … If you are Jewish and vote for Democrats, you are crazy. I’m sorry — you’re insane.”
It was reported a few days ago that Kamala Harris, if elected, is likely to order “a full analysis of U.S.-Israel policy.” That analysis would be led by Phil Gordon, one of Harris’s “closest and most trusted advisers.” Gordon is currently under investigation for his alleged involvement in an Iranian influence scheme.
What policies would Harris change? According to the Washington Post, “those familiar with conversations between Harris and Gordon say she could be open to imposing conditions on some aid to Israel.” Translation: Harris would impose conditions on the aid we give Israel to defend itself.
The Jewish man I quoted above understands that the two-state solution Harris is really interested in is the two states of Michigan and Minnesota, where she depends on Muslim votes. And according to the latest poll from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Harris has got big problems.
The CAIR survey found that only 29% of American Muslims currently support Harris, while 29% say they are backing Green Party candidate Jill Stein.
This provides context for a statement Harris regularly makes, “We can see what is possible unburdened by what has been.” I feel like I just lost IQ points.
Here’s a translation: “We can see what is possible (ending American support for Israel) unburdened by what has been (Israel is our closest ally).” Of course, this applies to other things, too. Harris is signaling how radical she will be.
The neo-Marxist left sees what is possible (restricting our constitutional rights) unburdened by what has been (a founding that declared our rights come from God, the most important being freedom of religion, speech, and assembly).


Left-wing Hate
The absurd and false attacks by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz over Donald Trump’s attendance at a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery have unleashed the hounds of hell against the Gold Star families, who have already suffered so much.
These families are being subjected to hate and threats from Harris voters all because they raised their children to be patriots and dared to ask questions about the failed Biden/Harris policies that got their sons and daughters killed.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were invited to attend the ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. They ignored the families’ request, just as they have ignored them for the past three years.
Media Malfeasance
How many times have you heard the leftist media or politicians say that migrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans? It’s a Democrat talking point whenever immigration comes up. When Donald Trump says various countries are emptying their prisons and sending us their criminals, he is accused of racism.
Well, once again, the left is wrong. As I noted yesterday, there are reports that 75% of arrests in Manhattan are of “migrants,” meaning illegal aliens.
But don’t expect to hear about that on the evening news. There is an orchestrated conspiracy by the media to hide anything that could inform the American people about the threats we’re facing.
For example, the left is also insisting that crime is way down and should no longer be a serious issue for voters. That lie is going over as well as “Bidenomics is working!”
Last week, a Dallas police officer was executed while sitting in his patrol car. Tuesday in Houston, a law enforcement officer was shot and killed on his way to work. The murderer left the scene and came back to put more bullets in his victim, just to be sure.
There will be wall-to-wall national coverage of yesterday’s tragic shooting in Georgia. Our prayers are with the victims, their families, and all those impacted. But the brutal murders of these officers will get just a tiny fraction of the media’s attention because it doesn’t serve their agenda.
Meanwhile, literally every day, someone is being raped, robbed, or assaulted by someone illegally in America. Every day. These totally preventable crimes are creating untold needless pain and suffering, all because of failed left-wing policies.

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