September 10, 2024

2024 Voter Guides

An easy way to help inform your friends, family members, and neighbors.

As you know, we’ve been working hand-in-hand with the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) in recent years. In addition to my leadership here in Washington, D.C., at American Values and Campaign for Working Families, I also serve as senior vice president for public policy at JDFI.
Dr. Dobson and Joe Waresak, president of JDFI, are all in on mobilizing Christian citizens in this critical decision year for America. Toward that goal, we have worked with JDFI to develop voter guides in the presidential race and in many of the competitive races for Congress.
You may feel that you don’t need these guides, but it’s an easy way to help inform your friends, family members, and neighbors who are being bombarded with deceptive ads. You can also reproduce them and hand them out at your church.
So, please go to the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute now to get your presidential voter guide, and be certain to share it!
Endorsement Wars
Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have received high-profile endorsements recently. Trump is happy with his endorsements. Harris, maybe not so much.
Trump was endorsed by Elon Musk, probably the most visionary billionaire in America. He was also endorsed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the most prominent member of the iconic Kennedy family. Robert Kennedy says the Republican Party, under Donald Trump, is now the party of the working man.
Harris was endorsed by Russian leader Vladimir Putin, a fellow Marxist. Some say Putin is just trying to hurt Harris. But the endorsement makes sense because her policies are very pro-Putin.
Harris’s war against America’s energy industry benefits Russia. She talks a big game on Ukraine, but that’s hurting us as much as it’s hurting Russia. (Here and here.)
Then, irony of ironies, Harris was just endorsed by Dick Cheney, the architect of our no-win wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
After 9/11, Cheney led the efforts to give federal agencies massive new powers to go after our enemies. He assured us that those powers would never be used against Americans. But that’s exactly what happened. Those powers were used against Donald Trump, members of Congress, and the American people.
Democrats hated Dick Cheney. They called him “Darth Vader.” They said he was a “war criminal.” But they love him now that he’s endorsed Harris.
Poll Position
The latest New York Times/Siena College poll has Donald Trump leading Kamala Harris 48% to 47%. If that’s true, it’s a disaster for Harris. At this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton had a 3-point lead over Trump. At this point in 2020, Joe Biden had an 8-point lead.
The poll identified several weak points in the Harris campaign. For example: 

  • Harris is tethered to an unpopular Joe Biden, whose approval rating is just 40%.
  • 54% of voters said Harris bears responsibility for inflation.
  • 63% said Harris bears responsibility for the chaos at the border.
  • 61% of voters want the next president to be a “major change” from Biden.
  • 55% say Harris is just “more of the same.”
  • 53% say Trump represents “major change.”
  • The top three issues are the economy (22%), abortion (15%), and immigration (12%).
  • Trump leads Harris on the economy by 13 points. Harris leads Trump on abortion by 15 points. Trump leads Harris on immigration by 10 points.
  • Voters see Harris as the more extreme candidate. When asked about the candidates’ views, 47% said Harris was “too liberal,” compared to 32% who said Trump was “too conservative.”

Liz Lies
Liz Cheney should have her mouth washed out with soap! During a Sunday talk show interview, she said that Kamala Harris’s speech at the Democrat National Convention was one “that Ronald Reagan could have given.”
I knew Ronald Reagan. I worked for Ronald Reagan for eight years. And Kamala Harris is the anti-Reagan in every sense!
By the way, George W. Bush won’t say who he is voting for. Very cute, George.
Neither Bush nor Dick Cheney have ever apologized for the massive expansion of government power that they pushed through Congress to fight “terrorism.” Those powers have now been turned against conservatives.
They promised there would be plenty of safeguards to protect us. The “safeguards” were a joke and completely failed to stop the Deep State interference in our elections.
Neither man, as far as I am aware, has ever said one word about how these powers have been abused to go after the American people, as if we are the enemy.
A Revealing Visit
Over the weekend, Kamala Harris visited a spice shop in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for a quick campaign appearance. She briefly spoke to reporters, saying, “It’s time to turn the page on the divisiveness. It’s time to bring our country together… people are exhausted about the division and the attempts to kind of divide us as Americans.”
The problem, however, is that the owner of the venue Harris visited totally undermined her message.
Harris went to Penzeys Spices, which is owned by a radical left-wing activist. CEO Bill Penzey has a long history of attacking Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
In company emails to customers, Penzey has declared GOP voters the “#1 threat to this country.” In 2022, he renamed the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday weekend as “Republicans are racist weekend” and suggested that Republicans were eager to “get their chance to shoot a Black person.”
There is a section on the Penzeys Spices website called “About Republicans” that makes one absurd and insulting statement after another, including this: “Half the time Republicans are intentionally blocking the solution to the problems we face. The other half of the time they are the problem we face.”
The hypocrisy of Harris claiming she is for unity while at such a partisan business is amazing. The fact that her campaign knew they would get away with it is telling.
If Donald Trump visited a store that accused Democrats of killing babies and being the reason why America is in such trouble, that’s all you’d hear about. Every headline and news report would begin, “Donald Trump patronized a far-right extremist who hates women.”
It’s yet another example of the uphill battle any candidate on our side has when it comes to the media’s predictable bias.
Biden Lied & People Died
When Joe Biden announced his plan to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan, he assured the American people that he had a plan for a “secure and orderly” drawdown that prioritized the safety of our troops. Biden lied, and 13 U.S. military personnel and hundreds of Afghans died.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee just released a report on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. A major theme of the report is that the Biden/Harris administration lied for political reasons every step of the way. The report states:
“The evidence proves President Biden’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops was not based on the security situation, the Doha Agreement, or the advice of his senior national security advisors or our allies. Rather, it was premised on his longstanding and unyielding opinion that the United States should no longer be in Afghanistan.”
Even as the situation on the ground in Afghanistan rapidly deteriorated, Biden/Harris administration officials hesitated to order an evacuation because they were concerned with the optics and felt that it looked like a defeat.
As a result of the failure of the Biden/Harris White House to adequately assess the growing danger and plan accordingly, American heroes died and dozens were maimed. Adding insult to injury, both Biden and Harris have disrespected the families of the dead and wounded.
One of the stranger findings noted in the report is that sometime during the evacuation from Kabul, Ross Wilson, the acting U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, got COVID. After the U.S. embassy staff left Afghanistan and flew to Doha, Qatar, Wilson had an employee fake a COVID test so he could return immediately to the United States, while the rest of the staff was stuck in Doha.
Tune In To Family Talk
Please tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show. On today’s broadcast, I talk with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, author and pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, about his latest book, The Eclipse of God. If you care about our nation and standing up for the truth of the Bible, don’t miss this critical discussion!
You can find station listings here. You can also listen online here.

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