September 11, 2024

The Cat’s Out

“I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.”

If anyone was confused by Harris’s flip-flopping on major issues, Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders let the cat out of the bag.
During a Sunday talk show interview, Sanders was reminded that he had described Harris as “progressive” and was asked if she is now “abandoning her progressive ideals.” He said:
“No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.” 
So, according to the Senate’s senior socialist, Harris is lying now just to get elected.
Here’s another example.
In the past, Harris has expressed her support for Australia’s gun confiscation policies, another position she is trying to convince people she no longer supports.
Now, leftists won’t use the word “confiscation.” Instead, they call it a “mandatory gun buyback.” But “mandatory” means confiscation.
Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock was asked if Harris should be supporting a “mandatory buyback program.” He replied, “Listen, we’re not going to be able to get where we need to go without action in Congress. We’ve got to pass some laws to deal with this.” 
In other words, yes, the left is coming for your guns.
And don’t forget that Harris has promised to cancel the Second Amendment on her own, without congressional approval, by executive order.
Leftists Who Didn’t Bark
It’s no secret that some pro-life leaders are upset because Donald Trump is not advocating a national or federal ban on abortion. I want an end to abortion, and Trump ended the national abortion right with his three pro-life Supreme Court appointments.
But pro-life leaders are upset because when Trump says abortion should be handled at the state level, they believe him.
It’s the exact opposite with Harris. What we’re witnessing with her campaign is a case of the dog that doesn’t bark.
Why aren’t the climate fanatics screaming at Harris, who now says she won’t ban fracking?
Why aren’t open border advocates screaming at Harris, who is now promising to build the wall and secure the border?
Because, like Bernie Sanders and Raphael Warnock, they all know it’s just an act or a ruse to get elected. If they thought she was serious, she wouldn’t be able to shut them up.
By the way, J.D. Vance took the time to review Harris’s new policy section that just went up on her campaign website. (Ironically, Harris seems to have plagiarized Joe Biden’s campaign website!) You can read his devastating analysis here.
Nasty Nancy
I still routinely hear from people who seem to believe that the left’s over-the-top hatred is driven by Donald Trump. It’s not, as Nancy Pelosi just demonstrated. She has treated every Republican president with disdain, just as she treats Republicans generally with disdain.
Over the weekend, Pelosi said that 30% of Republicans are racist and homophobic. That’s just who they are. The rest are a bunch of super rich people who don’t want to pay taxes. That’s absurd!
Actually, Democrats are the party of the rich. Nearly two-thirds of households making $500,000 or more are represented by Democrats in Congress, while Republicans represent 64% of the congressional districts with incomes below the national median.
Pelosi’s slanderous remarks are just the latest in a string of leftist displays of intolerance. Hillary Clinton called us “deplorable” and “irredeemable” and suggested we might need “formal deprogramming.”
“Nice Guy” Joe Biden called half the country “semi-fascist.” He said people supporting election integrity laws are like segregationists. He called concerned parents trying to protect their children from gender insanity “cruel” and “sinful.”
And, as we told you yesterday, Kamala Harris chose to stop by a business whose mega-wealthy owner trashes conservatives all the time. Harris wasn’t there to “call out” the owner for his hateful rhetoric. She was there calling for unity!
Springfield Under Siege
Was there a competition that made Springfield, Ohio, the “lucky winner” of 20,000 Haitians?
I have no idea how the Biden/Harris administration decided that thousands of Haitians should be resettled in the middle of Ohio. But it’s clear that Springfield’s residents don’t feel “lucky” or like “winners” at all.
In fact, they’re furious and fed up with the out-of-control crime that has been unleashed on their community. During recent public hearings, multiple residents of all races have voiced their disgust with the current situation and the politicians who are doing nothing about it and may even be profiting from it.
Anthony Harris, who is black, challenged city leaders to get out of their “comfy” seats and deal with the chaos. He said:
“These Haitians are running into trash cans, running into buildings, they’re flipping cars in the middle of the street! I don’t know how y'all can be comfortable with this… They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their necks, and cutting their heads off, and walking off with them and eating them.”
Another elderly resident begged for help, saying:
“I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard, screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard. Look at me, I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn’t defend myself if I had to…
"I don’t understand what you expect of us as citizens. I understand they’re here under temporary protected status, and you’re protecting them. And I understand that our city services are overwhelmed and understaffed. But who’s protecting us?”
That, my friends, is what the Biden/Harris open border, America Last policy looks like.
Congress Honors Our Heroes
Yesterday, members of Congress gathered in the Capitol Rotunda for a ceremony honoring the 13 courageous men and women who were murdered at Abbey Gate three years ago because of Biden/Harris failures. They were each posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest award Congress can bestow on an individual.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ignored these heroes and their families. Donald Trump honored their sacrifice, and it’s good that members of Congress did so as well.
It’s also fitting that the ceremony took place on the same day as the first presidential debate. It’s a good reminder of what is at stake in the selection of our next president and commander-in-chief.
Get Your Voter Guide
Please make sure to get your 2024 presidential voter guide from the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). Our team at American Values worked closely with JDFI to develop this important voter guide, and we want to make sure it gets into as many hands as possible.
We also want to make sure this voter guide is seen by as many eyes as possible. So, please share it on social media!
Tune In To Family Talk
Please tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show. On today’s broadcast, I conclude my inspiring discussion with Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his latest book, The Eclipse of God. Dr. Lutzer makes it absolutely clear that in order for the Church to freely evangelize, Christians must be politically engaged.
Click here to find station listings. You can also listen online here.

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