September 26, 2024

The Warning Lights Are On

We, as a country, are facing cultural warning indicators that we can’t afford to ignore.

What do you do when one of the warning indicators lights up on your dashboard or your car’s computer screen? Ignoring it can be costly. In fact, I saw a survey that revealed 30% of people either overlooked or ignored the indicator altogether. Only about 50% of drivers acknowledged the warning and knew what it meant. Just like failing to heed those signs can lead to a breakdown, we, as a country, are facing cultural warning indicators that we can’t afford to ignore.

In just the past two months, there were two assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump. That alone is alarming, but even more disturbing is a recent poll conducted by Scott Rasmussen for Napolitan News. This survey of 1,000 registered voters should drive us to our knees in prayer.

Here’s what they asked: “While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend?” Shockingly, the results showed that only 47% of Democrats said “no,” while 28% said America would be better off, and 25% were unsure. In other words, 53% of Democrats were either comfortable with Trump being murdered or unsure how to respond to such a serious question.

But there’s more. Forty-nine percent of Democrats think it’s at least somewhat likely that Trump himself or his campaign was involved in these assassination attempts, while 52% of Republicans believe the Democratic Party or the Harris campaign had a role. This kind of political rage is a flashing warning light that many are choosing to ignore.

As Proverbs 28:2 says, “Because of the transgression of a land, many are its princes; but by a man of understanding and knowledge, right will be prolonged.” This truth is unfolding before our very eyes. Instability, violence, and policy swings with each administration have created a fragile nation and an unstable world. Proverbs also tells us that “moral rot” is the root cause of a nation’s downfall. The sin of the people is the real problem, not just politics.

So, how do we stop this moral decay? Proverbs 1:7 reminds us that the beginning of knowledge, or the pathway out, is found in the fear, or reverence, of the Lord. Only a return to God will heal our nation. This fall election is crucial, but it won’t solve our nation’s sin problem. It may even worsen it. The solution is deeper — it’s spiritual. We must restore a healthy reverence for God in our society, which will lead to respect for the lives of others and bring back the security and stability our country once knew.

We need to pray. We need to vote. We need to stand. But beyond that, we must live out our faith, engage with our communities, and be ambassadors of God’s truth. Only then can we start turning the tide and address the deeper issues plaguing our nation.

Tony Perkins is president of Family Research Council and executive editor of The Washington Stand.

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