September 30, 2024

Ending Our Republic

Radical change is exactly what the left wants.

Once again, we see what the left’s real intentions are. The neo-Marxist left isn’t interested in “saving our democracy.” It’s trying to “fundamentally transform” America by ending our Republic.
Just days ago, Kamala Harris said she wanted to end the Senate’s extended debate rules that make it “the world’s most deliberative body.” Those rules make the Senate different from the House of Representatives and act as a safeguard against rash actions and radical change.
But radical change is exactly what the left wants. Harris wants to pass a radical national pro-abortion law that would wipe out every pro-life state law.
Limits on late-term abortions… Gone.
Waiting periods… Gone.
Restrictions on taxpayer funding… Gone.
Parental consent… Gone.
The American people do not support abortion on demand. All of those restrictions on abortion enjoy overwhelming public support. The American people are not radically pro-abortion. But Harris and her neo-Marxist allies are.
And I guarantee they won’t stop there.
Now one of her allies, Sen. Ron Wyden, just introduced legislation to pack the Supreme Court with six more left-wing activists, wiping out the court’s conservative majority.
At the same time they are trying to shut down debate and hijack the Supreme Court, they’re also trying to make it virtually impossible for the court to rein them in. Wyden’s legislation requires a two-thirds vote of the justices to overturn an act of Congress. And it would subject the justices to mandatory annual IRS audits.
How’s that for threatening the independence of the judiciary? I can only imagine how those audits would go for the conservative justices.
And here’s the icing on the cake. In her widely panned MSNBC interview, Harris said she wants “a pathway to citizenship” or a massive amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens she and Biden have allowed into the country, meaning millions of new Democrat voters.
Taken together, these extreme measures are the left’s plan to end our republic. Replace the electorate, handcuff the Supreme Court, and ram the left’s radical agenda down our throats by shutting down debate in the Senate. And they’re doing this at a time when their rhetoric is making the assassination of Donald Trump more likely.
Our Founding Fathers would have looked at all this and said, “Enough! We’re either going to be free men or not.”
Lies Of The Left
Evangelicals for Harris has launched a $1 million anti-Trump ad campaign that exploits the legacy of the late, great evangelist Billy Graham. The ad takes portions of a sermon Graham delivered on the Apostle Paul’s writings about the evil behaviors of men in the End Times and suggests that Donald Trump is one of those men.
This is the second time this Harris front group has exploited Billy Graham’s name. His son, Franklin Graham, is furious. He said his father was a strong supporter of Donald Trump and cast his last vote on this earth for Donald Trump in 2016.
The hypocrisy here is breathtaking.
Evangelicals for Harris?! You may as well call the group Evangelicals for Sodom and Gomorrah.
She and her party will stop at nothing to ensure that innocent unborn children made in the image of God are slaughtered. The pagan god Moloch is delighted to see that the spirit of child sacrifice lives strongly in the hearts of American leftists.
Paul wrote about a lot of things. He warned against sinful desires — women abandoning natural relations for unnatural ones and men committing shameful acts with other men.
Kamala Harris is the administration’s “LGBTQ Czar.” She was the driving force behind the events that brought in men pretending to be women to the White House.
She will do everything she can to force your children to be indoctrinated with LGBTQ propaganda. Her Justice Department has been drafted to use the full power of the federal government to label parents who try to protect their children as “domestic terrorists,” “book burners,” etc.
Her soft on crime policies and open border policies have put women and children in danger all over America. She and Biden have lost more than 300,000 children. They gave them to “sponsors” with little, if any, vetting. They had no idea who they were giving these kids to.
In the End Times, there will be great persecution of Christians. Harris and Biden are devoted to putting judges on the courts who will undermine religious liberty. That’s why they are so furious that we have a majority on the Supreme Court now that is defending religious liberty.
I could go on and on. This ad ought to seriously backfire and blow up in their faces. It ought to outrage men and women of faith and drive evangelical and Catholic support for Trump through the roof!
The Tyrants Of Tolerance
As you know, leftists love to present themselves as paragons of tolerance. That’s just one of many issues where their delusions blind them to reality. Several studies have found that liberals are often the most intolerant people. A new study was just released.
It was conducted by CNN and examined how tolerant the children of Democrats and Republicans were. I guarantee the leftists at CNN were shocked by the results.
The study found that “Democrat-supporting kids drove polarization.” They were nearly “9 times more likely (or 800% more likely) to express negative emotions … about Donald Trump than Republican-leaning kids were likely to express about Kamala Harris.”
The kids, however, aren’t the problem. As the left likes to say, “Hate is learned.” And that brings me to Hillary Clinton.
Hillary has been hailed as a model for young girls and women. But she had no problem condemning half the country as “deplorable and irredeemable.” And she’s not the least bit sorry.
In fact, she writes in her new book that deplorable was “too kind a word” for Trump supporters, especially those who she claims are motivated by…
Racism — Translation: Americans who believe in Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society and reject the racism behind critical race theory and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Sexism — Translation: Americans who believe innocent babies deserve to be welcomed into the world and protected by our laws.
Homophobia — Translation: Americans who don’t believe their children should be exposed to the graphic details of homosexual or even heterosexual behaviors.
Xenophobia — Translation: Americans who want to secure the border.
Islamophobia — Translation: Americans who don’t want to import hate into our country.
But she’s the “tolerant” one. She’s so “tolerant” she wants to “formally deprogram” or reeducate anyone who disagrees with her.
Good News 

  • Twenty state attorneys general and the leaders of the Arizona legislature are demanding that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) explain why it continues to endorse mutilating surgeries for children when there is little, if any, medical or scientific evidence to support such radical measures. 
  • The Georgia State Elections Board approved a rule requiring a hand count of ballots to ensure they match the number scanned by voting machines. 
  • The North Carolina Board of Elections purged nearly 750,000 ineligible voters from its voter rolls in the last 20 months. 
  • A federal judge blocked an “equity” program at the Department of Transportation for unlawfully “classifying people in a manner that violates the principles of equal protection.” 
  • Caterpillar is the latest company to dump woke DEI policies. 
  • Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, an outspoken conservative Catholic, sold more NFL merchandise than Travis Kelce, the boyfriend of pop singer Taylor Swift.

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