The Scandinavian War
You probably haven’t heard about it, but the future of the planet and all of its people will rest on its outcome.
You probably have not heard about the war taking place between Sweden and Denmark because bullets and bombs have not been introduced. At least not yet.
But the future of the planet and all of its people will rest on its outcome.
On one side, we have the now 18-year-old public scold Greta Thunberg, the pride of Sweden; on the other side, we have Bjorn Lomborg, the 56-year-old Danish scientist and author of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” and “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor and Fails to Fix the Climate.”
What is scary about the debate is that roughly half the people on Earth side with the teenager.
The thing that is most bewildering about what I choose to call the climate hoax is that the alarmists, opportunists like Al Gore and Robert Kennedy, Jr., began shrieking about melting icebergs, rising ocean levels and vanishing polar bears more than 25 years ago.
What’s more, they were always telling us that we would reach the point of no return in five or ten years.
But here we are all these years later and pinheads like Joe Biden, Pope Francis and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, all agree that unless we all sacrifice our cars, planes, cows, heaters and air-conditioners, for the greater good, life on earth will cease by 2030.
One more indication that none of the zealots take the menace seriously is that they never challenge China, which is far and away the least environmentally responsible nation on the face of the Earth, to improve its slovenly ways. In fact, when all the suckers, including Barack Obama, signed up for the Paris Accords, exceptions were made for India and China. They were granted the right to carry on as usual until 2030. But by then, we’re being told, it would already be too late to turn things around.
Although it was reported in the Washington Post, on Fox News and even over at MSNBC, I hadn’t heard about the insurrection at the Department of the Interior that led to the arrest of 55 people and the hospitalization of one cop.
The group of rowdies that included several American Indians had gathered at the Stewart Udall office building to demonstrate against fossil fuels. At some point, they stormed the lobby, demanding to have a pow wow with Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, but she was allegedly out of town.
What is the most interesting thing about the skirmish is that less than a week later, when a House committee questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about the event, he claimed he had never heard of it.
I suppose he’d been too busy instructing the FBI to check up on all those domestic terrorists posing as parents concerned about the racist and pornographic materials the school boards are foisting on their kids.
Materials that just happen to be sold to school districts by a company co-owned by Garland’s son-in-law.
As for those angry redskins, aka Indigenous People, I say we hand over Washington, D.C., to them and thus close out our accounts with them, marked paid in full.
I often wonder if the people who speak for the current regime, people like Jen Psaki, ever go home, turn on the TV and blush when they see themselves saying the silliest things in all seriousness.
For instance, when a reporter asked her if Biden wasn’t worried about what his $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” bill would do to our rate of inflation, Psaki parroted Biden’s “The price is zero because it will be paid for.”
In their funny la-la-land world, does that mean that if someone asks Ms. Psaki or Merrick Garland what their new car cost them, the correct answer is “Nothing, because it was paid for”?
I have been busy lately getting prepared for cataract surgery. Part of the routine is getting tested by a doctor and by a cardiologist to see if they’ll green light the procedure set for November 1st.
That is why I have recently been thinking a lot about time travel. I wish it were a reality, but not the way I suspect most people think about it. I don’t want to go rushing backwards or forwards centuries at a time.
I mean, sure I’d like to meet George Washington, shake his hand and thank him personally for playing such a major role in the creation of this nation. But fat chance that would happen. Donald Trump is still alive, and I never expect I’ll ever have the chance to shake his hand and thank him for trying to rescue this nation from the clutches of the left-wing reprobates.
If I somehow got airmailed back to 1776, I’d probably end up in Boston, trip on the dock in the dark and fall into the Harbor surrounded by floating boxes of British tea. I would only use a time travel machine to get me past appointments with doctors and dentists, funerals and tax season.
Someone sent me a list of the items that are tucked away in Biden’s $3.5 billion wish list. I would mention who it was, but I just discovered that my machine didn’t print out the first page of the email.
Tucked away in its thousands of pages are all sorts of bribes to the liberal base, meaning that it pushes the Green New Deal; strengthens unions in negotiations with employers; promotes illegal immigration; raises taxes on energy, small businesses and the middle class; increases welfare; expands Obamacare; violates everyone’s financial privacy; presses for socialized medicine; and, as a bonus to Nancy Pelosi, provides $200 million for the Presidio Trust in her congressional district.
Nancy Thorner shared a meme that asks about the difference between humans and animals. Animals, comes the answer, would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack.
Speaking of which, Joe Biden, referring to the logjam of cargo ships in California mentioned the Port of Los Angeles and then got stuck until the interviewer Anderson Cooper sprang into action and reminded him that the port that had slipped his mind was Long Beach.
But then, how could it be otherwise when the man’s mind must be as slippery as an ice rink? A thought has no more chance of gaining traction inside his brain than a rosebush has of growing at the North Pole.
Or as a meme passed along by Bob Hunt sums up our current situation: “This is what happens when you order a President through the mail.”
You can email Burt directly at
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