March for Life
We want to make abortion unnecessary and unthinkable. We will redouble our efforts to win the hearts and minds of the American people.
Yesterday was one of the highlights of my year. It was the annual March for Life. Hundreds of thousands of people, including many young women, came to Washington, D.C., braving the bitter winter cold, to defend innocent preborn babies.
This annual march is unlike any other demonstration that takes place in Washington. Marches and protests happen here regularly. But most demonstrators are almost always seeking some sort of action or policy that benefits them. And that’s totally fine in a free society.
But the March For Life is different. Yesterday’s marchers were not asking for any monetary or policy benefit for themselves. Their bank accounts won’t get bigger if they are successful. They are marching to give voice to the one group of Americans who literally have no voice — our pre-born babies.
Whether one agrees with the marchers or not, and I strongly agree with them, they should be admired for their selflessness. But unlike many other causes that come to Washington, the media here will vilify and mock them.
Yet every year since 1973, pro-life marchers have come to Washington. And this year, there is great joy in their hearts because our national nightmare of abortion on demand may soon come to an end.
We believe that the current Supreme Court, with three Trump-appointed justices, will finally do away with Roe v. Wade, and return the issue to the states.
When it does, the battle won’t be over. We want to make abortion unnecessary and unthinkable. We will redouble our efforts to win the hearts and minds of the American people, and I am pleased to say that is a battle we are winning! (See below.)
The sanctity of life has inspired and motivated my work for decades.
Every four years I have joined a small group of leaders, including Dr. James Dobson, the late great Phyllis Schlafly, Tony Perkins and Bay Buchanan, to preserve the pro-life plank in the Republican platform. I have worked to ensure that the nominee of the Republican Party was pro-life and committed to appointing pro-life justices to the Supreme Court.
Since 1998, Campaign for Working Families has been electing more pro-life conservatives to the House and the Senate. CWF helped to elect Donald Trump and Mike Pence in 2016. Through their policies and judicial appointments, the Trump/Pence Administration became the most pro-life administration in history.
If the Supreme Court does the right thing this summer, as we fully expect, you should feel a deep sense of accomplishment as your support of CWF made this great pro-life victory possible!
Pro-Life America
Contrary to the fake news media and the current pro-abortion occupant of the Oval Office, the vast majority of Americans do not support abortion on demand. New polling finds that 71% of Americans support commonsense pro-life restrictions. For example:
Only 17% of Americans support abortion on demand at any point in a pregnancy. That’s Joe Biden’s position. That’s the Democrat Party’s position.
71% would ban abortions after the first trimester (after 12 weeks).
54% oppose taxpayer-subsidies for abortion.
73% oppose subsidizing abortions performed in other countries.
61% believe the Supreme Court should either make abortion illegal or return the issue of abortion to the states.
Only 36% believe the Supreme Court should essentially uphold Roe v. Wade, forcing a pro-abortion legal regime on every state in the union.
75% oppose forcing doctors and nurses with religious objections to participate in abortions.
When it comes to the sanctity of life, Joe Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress are radically out of step with the American people. And we will continue to expose their pro-abortion extremism at every opportunity.
Exposing Foreign Collusion
Unlike the infamous Russian dossier, which we now know was a total hoax, Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business deals are not a hoax. Even the left-wing media have grudgingly acknowledged that.
Of course, Big Media still doesn’t care about Hunter’s foreign escapades. Thankfully, Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson are trying hard to learn the truth. Unfortunately, they are running into serious roadblocks from the Deep State.
Grassley and Johnson have been demanding records from the Secret Service regarding Hunter Biden’s activities when he accompanied his father, then-Vice President Biden, on trips to Russia and China during the Obama years.
This is a serious and legitimate area of investigation. Have our enemies compromised immediate family members of the current president of the United States?
But the Secret Service isn’t cooperating. It has provided nothing for 2010, 2011 and 2013, and the documents provided for other years were heavily redacted.
Senators Grassley and Johnson insist that the Secret Service has no authority to hide such information from Congress. Speaking on Fox News yesterday, Sen. Grassley accused the Secret Service of covering for Hunter.
Meanwhile, the Democrats and their left-wing media allies are spending millions of dollars turning a mini-riot on Capitol Hill into a crusade against Donald Trump and half the country.
The Hunter Biden scandal is ongoing. It now involves the First Family, and the Deep State is stonewalling. Democrats aren’t interested, and the media could care less.
The FBI is investigating parents at school board meetings. But senators can’t get answers about why Hunter was on trips with the vice president to Russia and China or where he went and who he talked to when he was there.
This issue alone is reason enough for any American who cares about the security of our country to vote Republican in November.
The Wild West Returns
Did some of the Christmas presents you ordered online fail to show up last month? Chances are they were stolen. Not by porch pirates, but by train robbers. Yes, the Wild West has returned. In Joe Biden’s America, trains are being robbed at a record rate.
The situation is a complete disaster in Los Angeles, where gangs are regularly looting trains. Whatever they don’t carry away with them to keep for themselves or resell, they leave scattered along the tracks.
The Union Pacific Railroad has deployed its own security officers who are arresting dozens and dozens of train robbers. They turn them over to local law enforcement, but the left-wing district attorney is just letting them go, and they go right back to robbing the trains.
But don’t worry. Joe Biden says the supply chain is just fine!
Good News
Two more House Democrats announced their retirements this week.
The Minnesota School Board Association withdrew its membership from the National School Boards Association over its outrageous letter comparing parents to “domestic terrorists.”
Facing the threat of legal action, health departments in Minnesota and Utah agreed to stop using race as a factor in prioritizing COVID treatments.
A Catholic hospital chain that operates in four midwestern states also agreed to stop using race as a factor in prioritizing COVID treatments.
Pennsylvania legislators are drafting legislation to relocate illegal aliens the Biden Administration is flying from the southern border to Pennsylvania. They plan to send them to Delaware.
A Wisconsin judge banned drop boxes and ballot harvesting, declaring that their use under emergency pandemic orders in 2020 violated state law.
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